Sick of Vick!

Discussion in 'Sports' started by schneid, Aug 23, 2007.

  1. schneid

    schneid Member

    Is anyone else as annoyed as I am? Please allow me to vent:

    This whole Vick media feeding frenzy is spiraling out of control. I'm sick mainly of the fact that race is (big suprise) such a big issue regarding this Vick case. The f'n NAACP is asking the NFL, the Falcons, and Vick's (previous) sponsers to have his previous contracts available for him when he gets out of prison. Why the fuck should they? Why is the NAACP so concerned about multi-millionaires anyways? I thought they were supposed to be fighting for honest, everyday black men/women that are trying to 'make it', not dumbasses that had it all and threw it away.

    I dont think our society will ever be able to look past racial lines. All the media outlets are so concerned what black athletes around the nation think...they dont seem as interested in what white athletes think. You know they are just trying to stir the pot and get attention.

    I have heard a lot of people defending Vick in saying "they are just animals, geez, everyone is reacting more harshly than if he had killed a person". Well, yeah, animals are like babies...innocent. They cant defend themselves and they sure didnt provoke Vick and his crew to torture and kill them.

    And if Vick had killed a person, who do you think it would have been? A schoolteacher? Preacher? Middle class salesman? Most likely some thug at a club or a dogfight, probably. I'd rather see him go then one of these dogs..there's another rationalization.

    Some people are comparing what Vick did to 'deer hunting' in saying that deer hunters are not criminals, so why is Vick...yeah, good comparison there. Deer are wild, dogs are domesticated. Hell, people are animals too, so why cant we just kill each other with out penaltly? Dumbasses. Please acknowledge that there is an established heirarchy of animals. Do these idiots think that organized deer fighting would be legal?

    I love it that all these athletes that stood behind Vick are now turning 180. "Why is everyone prejudging Vick!?! He hasnt been tried and found guilty!!" Well he just plead guilty (another big suprise). How's that crow taste?

    Yeah, I remember the Duke case. But this Vick case has one thing from the start that the Duke case never had: evidence. The NAACP is questioning the credibility of the Vick accusers...apparently they pick and choose which blacks to support now?

    ATTN BLACK PEOPLE: The reason this scandal is getting so much attention is because Vick is a famous athlete, a superstar....not because he is black. The reason people are getting so emotional and hateful towards Vick (think PETA) is because people fucking love dogs, not because everyone is 'out to get black people". It is just coincidence that Vick is black. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt dogfighting an overwhelmingly black 'sport'? People are confusing this massive new 'war on dogfighting' as a 'war on blacks', and I'm fucking sick of it.

    As long as there are people to perpetuate this thinking that I am pissed off about, there will be racism (from both sides).

    /end rant
  2. schneid

    schneid Member

    mods, please move this if I'm in the wrong forum..
  3. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    wow, I totally agree! It's not because he's African American. It's because he's a superstar! 100 million dollars for 10 years of service to the falcons! "PSSTT Whatever" He is supposed to be a roll model, to young children and young teenagers. The falcons are in some big trouble....Think about it. PETA is going to be at every game, fans are going to BOO the team.....aww shit I could go on forever about this!!
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    What so you're saying you dont like black people now?
  5. schneid

    schneid Member

    And just to clarify, when I say (ATTN: BLACK PEOPLE) realize that I am not implying that I think all black people feel the same way about this issue (that would be ignorant (and racist)).
  6. schneid

    schneid Member

    exactly! :rofl:
  7. schneid

    schneid Member

    ^^ to clarify, just to be safe, I was being sarcastic^^
  8. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    I totally agree with you, man.

    Except I don't hate black people :D
  9. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    concurrage. its the same anytime a big star gets in trouble they always get more attention than they deserve. and its the same anytime a black person gets accused of anything, its immediately racist. if you want my honest opinion, i think those high up in the NAACP who always fight these things are the racists in most of the cases.
  10. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    I agree with a lot of what you're saying. However, why is it that if you look at the folks that are yelling and protesting Vick are white people, and the folks that are defending Vick are black? So, I think that is why people think it's a racial, yeah the media blows that shi# up too. Again, I completely agree with you.
  11. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    too much to read but he is entering the plea-bargin with different expectations, so comming Monday should be fun, good luck to him
  12. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Wow thank you Schneid for clearing all that up for us blacks! First off as a Nike employee, dog lover, dog owner (I use to own Pit Bulls now I have a Rottie), and as a African American I want to say that not all black people feel this way. I know you tried to imply this is not how all black people feel but reading your post I kinda feel like its pointed in that direction (my opinion). I am know way racist I mean my GF is most of my friends in Ga are white I love everybody even you! I had a few points to add though for argument sake.

    1. Our society will never be able to look past racism be cause there is still racist of all colors out there.
    At work 2 weeks ago one of my employees were called ni**er by a few gentlemen in a pick-up truck for absolutely no reason.Also I cant begin to tell you about all the comments and stares the my GF and I get on a weekly basis.

    2.(NAACP) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. No where in that title does it say
    muti- millionaires or the average person its for all African Americans.

    3. What was the reasoning of you pointing out that dog fight is a "dogfighting an overwhelmingly black 'sport'" Im pretty sure that is was started in Rome and continued in England (Also my ex-gf you to work at a shelter and she will tell you that all races participate in dog fighting!

    4. I dont want you to think that I am in any way defending Vick the NAACP or any black persons view on this all I'm saying before you post something so bold as this you might want to think of it from both sides.

    5. As lame as it sounds its so simple "cant we all just get along"!!! :rofl: Its F-ing 2007
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  13. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Honestly I agree with that!!!
  14. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    much love
  15. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Anyone involved in a sport that forces dogs to fight like that is pretty much a heartless thug in my book, and is not entitled to a second chance, and fighting for Mr. Vick to be able to play football professionally again is a pretty damned stupid thing for an organization to do.

    As far as the "black sport" comment goes, if I was black and read the post I'd be really pissed. Even if there were referenced statistics showing that most dogfighting arrests were of black and hispanic people, the comment could be interpreted to mean that most blacks are involved in dogfighting.

    Side note:

    My wife saw a car that had a "Free Vick" bumper sticker on it. We thought that was funny because at the time he hadn't even entered a plea yet.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  16. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    I've lived in GA for a long time all over the state. I went to an all black elementary & high school and the majority of racism that I come across is not white on black. Oh and The players that participate in dogfights are about as diverse as basketball players if you get my drift.
  17. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Exactly, it just so happens that Superstars get more media coverage. You don't here about the middle class black man that the NAACP helps, only the superstars.
  18. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Vick did not read the.....superstar do not do list

    And I think anyone who thinks color make a persons opnion set is...not so smart
  19. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    The entire Vick family has made mistake after mistake!!
    Michael Vick has had this dog fighting charge and that stupid weed water bottle scandal to name a few.
    His little brother Marcus was always getting arrested for drugs and underage sexing. So much so he was not even drafted in 2006!

    I dunno, with Mike Vick being not only the first African-American to be Drafted as a Number 1 pick quarterback AND he was the highest paid NFL quarterback in history with his 2004 $130m 10 year deal with the Falcons makes one think he feel a little bit of responsibility to the people that looked up to him...

    but guess not.
  20. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    I'm sure that you did experienced racism from black people. There are black racist out there, all I'm saying is why putting race into the situation at all? It should be a Vick versus PETA and dog lovers not white versus black! And by you implying that "Oh and The players that participate in dogfights are about as diverse as basketball players if you get my drift" is just stereotyping there no need to even mention that! With statement like that your making into a white versus black issue!
  21. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    ^yeah, that statement was uncalled for. i can't wait until all this bs is over. too bad racism won't be.
  22. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    i agree 100%! couldnt have said it better myself. :bigthumb:
  23. schneid

    schneid Member

    Thanks for the response..let me address your comments one by one:

    1. I hear ya man, I think that is just plain sick/evil that a person would use that word to a complete stranger, and for no reason. Apparently the word has a place, and it is in rap music, when used by blacks (furiously debated).

    2. You're right, that was the point I was trying to make...(?)

    3. You are right, it did not start with black Americans and indeed has roots all over the world. I cant find any hard numbers on race as it relates to dogfighting in America, so I was wrong in assuming that. But acknowledge that currently the media is portraying dogfighting as a predominantly black endeavor and this is the mindset that many people are taking (both white and black) in there defense or attack of Vick. I know the media is often wrong and I think they are reporting dogfighting as being mostly a black practice because it is convenient to their stories and helps stir controversy, interest, and thus attention (their end goal). My point is getting lost in the mix here and I should clarify: race shouldnt even matter as it relates to the topic of dogfighting, but, once again, it is at the forefront of debate.

    4. I have to admit I am slightly insulted here, because in my argument I tried to speak from an objective perspective (not white, black, or white AND black). I admit as a white male I cannot distance myself from bias of some type and I recognize that there will be fundamental differences in white vs. black viewpoints on the topic. But this is exactly the heart of my frustration! Why does there have to be a black side and a white side? Why do I have to think of how a black person will feel reading my thoughts? Unless I'm being blatantly racist (which I'm not), cant I just speak on the facts?

    Thats the whole idea behind my rant! Cant society talk about Vicks situation without race being a factor? The answer, sadly, is that we cannot.
  24. schneid

    schneid Member

    totally agree...

    I'm trying to be as objective as I can so let me restate again that I was wrong in assuming that dogfighting (in America) is done mostly by blacks. You know, I very well could be right...but I can't say that because I don't know, I don't have facts, I havent done research myself on it. Trying not to be ignorant here...
  25. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Great discussion!!
    I agree with you on the use on the N word in rap music daily language by black and white people Ive even heard a white kid calling another white kid ni**er :rofl:. Its a word that offends everybody and should not be use in anyway. With a subject like race its always hard to speak objectively because we don't know how its feels to be another race. As far as African Americans go I can tell you that a strong majority of us has experienced racism directly including myself. So when a predominately white media implicates race played a role in Vick's case as a black person you cant help not to at least look at it that way. No need to feel insulted all I'm saying is try to think about from the other side before you begin to rant. I don't want you to think that I am call you out or anything I just feel that sometimes as white and black people we all need to think about each others views and feelings when it comes to race. I totally agree that race should not come into place with Vick.

    WRXAtlanta is a great community where I have meet a ton great people that made me feel welcome with no bias!

    I still love ya like a fat kid loves cake Schneid! :rofl:
  26. schneid

    schneid Member

    yeah yeah Im getting hammered on that one! :hsugh:

    But if someone interpreted it that way, they would be using some f'd up logic. Its like me saying that most all drifters on the D1 circuit are Japanese, so I must be saying that all japanese are drifters?
  27. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    True but that point should have not been mentioned at all! Because like I said before (replying to someone else post) that makes you just as guilty as the media for making this a race issue. Its just like (Statement: Sally likes milk, Black people like milk) there for you might assume that Sally is black right?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  28. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    I'm gonna chime in here:

    My gf and I were discussing this Vick stuff and she wanted to make a counterpoint to it, in other words to point out a different example. Sports stars and musicians tend to get a similar amount of media attention, especially if they are black.

    She told me that 50 cent had recently made something like 500 mil from his investment in Vitamin Water and has managed to stay out of public scrutiny. I don't know if this is true, but it makes an interesting contrast to someone like Vick who made millions and pissed it all away.
  29. schneid

    schneid Member

    it is a good discussion!

    Dude I totally agree with you. I am speaking in sort of a utopian context, like when I say "race shoudnt even matter!" I'd have to be kididing myself if I really thought thats how the world works.

    I can only guess how blacks feel when they hear whites talking about racism, ignorance, discrimination, we REALLY know what its like, right?

    Also, no insult taken....I should have chosen my words more carefully. We are having a civil internet debate and I (as we all tend to) tend to take criticism personally and get my feelings hurt:pssh: lol
  30. schneid

    schneid Member

    true. Athletes, rock stars, movie stars....all under the umbrella of 'celebrities'.

    however I dont see how the media could twist 50 cent's endorsement of vitamin water into some race-infused organized crime scandal...
  31. schneid

    schneid Member

    can you tell im bored in the office?
  32. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    After the weed bottle thing I decided I never wanted to see him in a Falcons jersey again. Now I am glad he did something bad enough that it will become reality. I want a winning football team and I am glad he is gone. He should have been a RB cause he sucked as a QB.

    I am sad for the animals he abused though. Wish he had picked something less cruel to get kicked out for.
  33. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    just heard the plea agreement on the radio, wow up to 5 years in jail!! agreed to the killings of 6-8 dogs by drowning or hanging!! thats f'd up!!
  34. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    so what happened to the racketeering charge did that get dropped with the plea agreement?
  35. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    I agree! Has anyone seen the episode of Southpark that addresses this?

    I thought it was pretty good episode (but I heart SP).
    If you got some time and want to check it out:

    It is the first episode of Season 11. "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson"

    DISCLAIMER: it is southpark. It is lewd and it says the n-word like 50 times. You are warned.
  36. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Exactly my point, this is one celebrity that has managed to stay out of trouble.
  37. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Personally, I had a bad feeling about Vick as soon as I heard how much the Falcons were paying him. I don't care how good he is, its takes more than one person to make a winning team.

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