If the weatheer holds out, does anyone want to head to the strip. Commerce test and tune run. Should be a pretty cool night to run considering it only suppose to get up to 85 and go down to 67 degrees!
Working... again... Sucks, I really want to run my Stg. 2 before I get pro-tuned to check the difference...
That's what they say anyways. SO much is going on this weekend I give up trying to make plans, I'm just along for the ride. :wiggle:
http://www.weather.com/weather/wxdetail/USGA0135?dayNum=1&from=36hr_topnav_undeclared High of 84 and a low of 66 dgrees, at time of racing, in the mid 70's. If it doesn't rain! Last night it was saying a 30% chance now it's 60% chance of rain. So, maybe if I pray hard enough it will blow thru way enough in time for the track to dry off.:sx:
You have ALL weekend to do that stuff. When are you ever just going to get a chance to come out and get your rearend hand to you by the RS! Just messing with you, come on man, you can do it! Besides I want to see Nitro's ride in person and see how fast Milo's black night is!