What healthy easy meals do ya'll eat?

Discussion in 'Health & Fitness' started by ShaneSTI, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ your diet is what I would do If I had more cash and wasn't so lazy!!! All that fresh food is hard on the wallet. Plus working 11 hour days, All but 2 of my meals are eaten at work so they all have to be pre-prepared. I do a lot better on the weekends (except for the occasional cocktail or 3 :)) I also concentrate more on protien than carbs... I try to get 1 gram of protien per pound of lean bodyweight. I'm also a huge puss when it comes to cardio, I usually do the bike for 45-60 minutes with varying intensity. I'm in really bad shape heart wise so I'm working my way back. I plan to go to the eliptical here soon... Shane listen to this dude!
  2. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    Thanks rexrocker! I met my parents earlier tonight, and they noticed how my face wasn't as round, and that I was thinner. Heck I've only been at it for 2 weeks now. 3 months, and I'll be on a good path! I definately work out at least 5 times a week. I've absorbed all the advice on here for sure.;)
  3. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I am going to start following the plan that Clay was talking about also. I have always heard that it is a great idea to have a lot of small meals in a day, plus don't forget to drink tons of water. I think that cutting back on carbonated beverages or stopping totally will help. A friend of my mom's totally stopped drinking soda and lost like 30 pounds. Good Luck Shane, this gets me motivated also, because I need to lose about 70 pounds.....LOL...

  4. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    No thanks necessary man, good luck with it!

    :bigthumb: The best advice I can give is make small changes at first. The results will continue to motivate you and you'll be able to continue adjusting it fit your lifestyle. The big changes too soon are the ones that will fail which is part of the reason those fad diets are pointless, IMHO.
  5. here's another meal idea for you that is easy to make and easy on the wallet. It also keeps for about a week in the fridge.

    Pasta salad.

    Get a box of rotini pasta and cook the whole box. after its done, make sure you shock it with cold water to stop the cooking process (prevents overcooking - mushy pasta salad = yuck).
    slice up about half of a red onion.
    get a chunk of feta cheese and crumble it up.
    top it all off with about 1.5 cups of your favorite salad dressing (my faovrite is newmans own, balsamic vinegrette) and mix well.
    You might want to add a little salt and pepper, but I weened myself off of salt.
    Cover and let it sit overnight (or 2 hours minimum) in the fridge for the flavors to meld. mix it up again before you eat it for the first time.

    So your ingredient list is only 4 things. pasta, feta cheese, red onion, salad dressing (preferably a vinegrette of some sort works best).

    This keeps my family going for a long time and its an easy dish to just pull out of the fridge and eat when you only have 10 minutes to spare.

    Also, get creative if you want. Add small pieces of brocoli, tomatoes, or cucumbers. anything goes.
  6. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I am just thinking if I could lose the weight, I could get my 6 years and 10 months in the Air Guard and retire from the military...LOL...I love pasta salad too....

  7. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    So I decided to make this tonight. It definitely turned out good! I used your basic 4 ingredients (with Kens Oil olive vinaigrette), and then I added a little garlic and some cayenne pepper (I like it spicy :)). Yummmmm

  8. Good to hear!
    I try to stay away from garlic in cold foods cause I love it so much I cannot help but add a lot, and that makes it not last as long cause garlic just gets stronger and stronger in the fridge (I had a bad experience once) - :rofl: cayenne sounds interesting... hmmm. :D
  9. Dacula Dean

    Dacula Dean Member

    Wow. I'm bummed I haven't seen this thread yet. I love food, and I can't believe what people eat.

    I have a theory that will work wonders, but you have to pay attention and do a little addition. If anyone cares, let me know.

    If you don't want to be reading labels, just start working yourself away from industrial foods.

    Artificial sweeteners and fats are deceiving. Water is beautiful.

    At one point, you will have to face the facts of conservation of mass. Hunger is good.

    Preparing your own food is the most rewarding way to eat well. Corporations are more interested in your return business than in your health.

    Be militant. CARE for yourself.

  10. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    But..but...that takes EFFORT. :(
  11. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    no sarcasm there, chef :p

    reading labels really is one of the best ways to understand what exactly you're eating. which is important, because you're putting that stuff into your body. and once you start to understand what those words on the labels mean, you'll start cringing or just smacking your forehead asking OMGWHY did they have to put that completely unnecessary lab project in there?

    clay, i think i speak for most italians when i say: whole wheat pasta... is evil.
    but it is good for you.
  12. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    I've found that starving yourself is a very effective method. Since I dropped the schools meal plan (thank god!) I've lost weight, built up muscle mass and been able to cook my own food! When the food isn't always ready and made for you it's amazing how much more hunger you can tolerate. The effort required to cook your own food combined with being tired or lazy equals increased weight loss! Not the healthiest of methods though, it's just a bitch when you forget to take the meat out in the morning to start defrosting.

    I might make that pasta salad tomorrow night. Curry's are fun to make also, not sure how healthy they are though.
  13. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    sausage and beer!


    works for the germans
  14. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    hmm... one word: bulgogi

    buy a jar of bulgogi sauce available at most Asian supermarkets (there is Buford highway super market for people just north of 285 perimeter, Super H mart on pleasant hill for you gwinnett people etc.), then buy the correct sliced sirloin frozen from a supermarket, marinate and saute

    it is lean, high protein and delicious, you can make everything under 30 minutes

  15. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    dang, i love that shit
  16. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Been dieting/exercising for 4 months, lost 37 lbs and counting... GO ME!!

    PS... I want pizza...
  17. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Congrats! Keep it up.

    Splurging once a week is OK, just get back on track ASAP. :cool:
  18. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Thanks ^^^ there's allready a Johnnys pizza with chicken, pepperoni and extra cheese on the docket for Friday night :)
  19. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Moved this to our new health & fitness section :)

    Now you all can talk health all day long!
  20. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    But it tastes so good... Especially those giant heart attack potatoes they have at Jason's Deli with chicken and cheese on top!!!

    Damn, this thread is making me hungry. The fish sounds good. I enjoy cooking but I hate the clean up. (I need to find a girl that'll clean dishes if I do the cooking, hehe) Maybe I'll just get some Boneheads... :naughty:

    Healthy? I like snacking on fruit. Green grapes, granny smith apples, and bananas in particular. :)
  21. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    I remember reading some advice...

    It's fine to splurge occasionally, but every time you splurge make a conscious effort to offset it with an additional workout or longer cardio.
  22. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    After being sick for a little over a week, I have a new view on food. Not being able to really eat or drink forced me on LOTS of water. Now I cannot look at fast food without getting the queezy stomach. I am a rabbit, meat makes me feel sick.
  23. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Although at first that seems like the logical thing to do, I've believe and have read the opposite. Simply, that it's better to accept the fact that you splurged and get back on track with your training. Increasing workloads to compensate for negative food or alcohol intake can hurt you as your body is not properly fueled, most likely dehydrated, and you'll recover slower - putting undue stress on the body, risking injury, etc. This may be an extreme view, sure and you may only be talking about 10 extra minutes on the treadmill...so, anyway, I digress. :)
  24. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Fastfood is nasty, save for the occasional Chik-Fil-A run in.
  25. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    trying this whole healthy eating thing again....stopped eating out...except for hooters off 120 on Fridays...Stopped eating out for two reasons, freaking unhealthy..for the most part and 2nd.financially it has a huge negative impact on the wallet!! So now I do the steamed veggies in the microwave and the tuna w/ crackers light mayo etc....my hardest thing is cutting out the diet coke.....if its gonna happen that will take lots of time..lol...but hey..baby steps!!
  26. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    i've stopped eating out as well, but i'm making ramen at home. No not the cheap US kind. It's the cheap Korean spicy kind. :p

    I also like Tofu and tuna and my gf's japanese curry (which she made to last me few days while she's out of town). Woohoo!!
  27. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    When i'm on bulk cycle, i go 40% protein, 40% monounsaturated fat, 20% carbs.
    Cutting, i switch the fat and carbs and drop from 3500+ calories to around 2500 and drink an ass ton more water to satisfy cravings.
    Went up from 6'3" 150 lbs when i came to college to 6'3" 200 lbs at <15% body fat.

    Mostly chicken breasts and protein shake and milk and half dozen eggs at a time etc for protein.
    Cashews for fat.
    Brown rice for carbs.

    Seems to work alright if you lift alot.
  28. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    don't forget your sweet potatoes =)
  29. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    [QUOTEmy hardest thing is cutting out the diet coke[/QUOTE]

    i thought diet coke wasn't bad for you? i know its 0 calories, carbs. the only reason i ask this is because i went from drinking regular soda to diet.
  30. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    I'll bring some bulgogi to the next party :)
  31. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    i thought diet coke wasn't bad for you? i know its 0 calories, carbs. the only reason i ask this is because i went from drinking regular soda to diet.[/QUOTE]

    It may not be as bad as regular coke but its def still not good for you..sugar and the rest of the crap that Water doesnt have..lol....yea i quit drinking regular coke probably over a year ago and can't even stand the taste of it now...but yea...not as bad as regular coke but still isn't "good" for u

    JEFFSTI Member

    protien shakes. they are a meal replacement
  33. the less artificial stuff the better.
  34. WyleyStubz

    WyleyStubz New Member

    Paella! It has everything you need for a balanced meal. All the good cholesterol and proteins. I dont know how much time you got on your hands though, and I prefer cooking since I get bored of eating the same carp all the time.
  35. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

  36. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    started eating out a lot less often...eat egg whites, dan activa yogurt..man that stuff works..lol..also fiber one bars are good..Umm bananas, lean pockets, wheat bread w/ turkey, lite mayo...etc...Not on a diet or anything but I've lost 5lbs in a month or so just from eating at home but still enjoying what I eat when I go out. Again, not trying to diet just watching what I eat, ya know?
  37. Bug-Rex

    Bug-Rex Active Member

    unsweet tea ftw! Tough to get used to though. I love it.
  38. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    I started putting red pepper flakes in nearly everything and drinking lots of tea, beats caffeine for a metabolism boost.

    As far as quick meals, i'm all about a 40/40/20 protein/fat/carb diet, so i roll up lunchmeat & cheese in little roulettes, they're addictive though so watch out. Dinner usually throw 2 chicken breasts on the George w/ pepper, takes about 8 minutes after defrost.

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