Hey: did anyone go tothe Dave Mathew's Band concert last night? I went with my wife and had a great time. Those guys are so good live it is hard to describe.
My wife and I toyed around with going. Glad the show was rocking. DMB is pretty amazing live...I hear ya.
I went, I thought it was great. 55,000 people, wow. DMB used to be my favorite band back in high school (still one of my favs)but last night was the first time I saw them in concert. I wouldn't be surprised if that show becomes their next cd/dvd.
I was there, it was a zoo....30 minute lines for the toilet and 1.5 hrs for a beer. I never went to the bathroom or bought a beer, needless to say. Awesome show though. Allman Bros were kickass too
I watched from the road bridge on the north side of the park (good view and free!). Sweet show! Then I walked home with my friends and we laughed at 20,000 people trying to get on Marta. (can see it from my balcony)
I saw people hanging back there enjoying a free show! Marta wasn't any worse then going to a Falcon's game or NYC rush hour for that matter.
Wow everyone that I heard went to that concert said it was so amazing. No goods or okays but all amazings . I'm so jealous.
yeah, I've seen some good concerts but this was one of the best. Better then the Rolling Stones, Lallapallooza, The Greatfull Dead, or varrious Jazz concerts I've seen.
DMB puts on a great concert. I saw them a couple times back in their early days down at the Best Buy amphitheater.
Wish i could have made that show. last time I saw DMB was at Jazz fest in new orleans a few years back. rockin show there.
I think it's a slap in the face to ABB that they opened. They deserve the main spot but I guess teenage girls don't know who ABB is.