Another 400 sighting :eek3:! 06 WRB STI with the 04 Taillights and a WRXAtlanta sticker! I passed you while you were getting off exit 11 going North I waved but I'm not sure you saw me. I saw you around 4:30 ish?
Yup.. that was me... I saw you, but it was too late to wave.. Did you see all the cops out there?? I saw 2 between my house and 400 and then 3 speed traps on 400n from exit 6 to 11.. crazy!! Did everyone notice the speed limit on 400 is back to 65mph? Awesome!!!
There was alot of cops out there today! After exit 11 there was one sitting close to exit 14. Your car looks good!
^^ Thanks! It'll look better after Friday night when I get my RCE's installed and wash her... she's filthy....
Hilarious! I guess you can go that fast... I did once when I was playing with Porsche Turbo. :naughty:
Maybe not 80+, but at least I can keep up with the flow of traffic without doing 18 over... I bet you Alpharetta's finest are upset that their 2 year long fund raiser is over with....