Gun shops and shooting range

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by blindfold, Sep 21, 2007.

  1. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    Well I usually go visit my friends in Athens and visit the shooting range up there so I am clueless on the local stuff. Anyways I am looking to purcahse my first firearm, thinking Sig P229 DAK in .40, and thinking buying the pistol at the next weekend's gun show if the price right. However I am totally new at this and needs to find a shooting range that has a 229 DAK, usually they only carry DA/SA which has a werid trigger feel to me but the 229 did fit my hand with a comfortable grip. I also shot some other stuff and didn't like it too much, shot the glock23, like the trigger pull so that's why i'm going with the DAK version. So any input to what shop to visit or what range to hit up, please chime in.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2007
  2. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    there's a place called bullseye in lawrenceville... he's got quite a bit of shit, a range, and really reasonable prices
  3. Where you located?

    +1 for Bullseye


    There is a range on Peachtree Industrial and the corner of Medlock Bridge I have always gone there if I can't make it to my fathers house, or you could try southwest Atlanta its free down there.
  5. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    there is a FREE shooting range??? more detail please!!

    BTW, Bullseye is so far my favorite.
  6. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    + 1 For Bullseye.


    I was making a joke about crime in south Atlanta, sorry for the confusion.
  8. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    +1 For Bullseye. Good prices and you can rent full automatic weapons!!!
  9. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Go shoot lots of guns before you buy one, You probably need to put at least 100 rounds through each gun to tell if you really like it.

    Without sounding too morbid you have to keep in mind what the gun is for....its for killing people. You want it to be easy to find a sight picture and fire quickly. If you are in a situation where you need to fire it, its going to happen very quickly.

    I just bought a H&K 9mm....I really like it when I held it at the shop and of course I didn't follow my own advice and shoot it first.....when I shoot it the next day I found it very hard to get a good sight picture with it.

    I had a Springfield XD-9 that I sold and I'm not really sure why. Well long story short I bought my brother an XD-9 for his 21st Birthday and when I picked it up and shoot was great. Instant sight picture, very little muzzle flip and its super easy to reload and clean.

    I'm probably going to trade in my H&K this week on another XD-9.

    If you want to come to this side of town you are welcome to shoot any of my brothers or mine.

  10. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    thanks Matt, that would be awesome and I might just hit you up on that offer and pick up my center caps too :)

    I am a total noob when it comes to shooting so thank you for the advice
  11. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    then you will definitely want someone very experienced to show you the ropes... guns aren't something someone should just pick up and learn as they go along. it's very easy to make very bad (and permanent) mistakes with guns.

    i know you prob know this, but i felt it should be said (now i can sleep ;) )
  12. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    i have been to the range several times so I know what not to do, how to shoot well is what i'm trying to strive
  13. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Sure just let me know when you want to meet up, next week is kinda busy for me, but the week after I'm pretty free.

  14. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    +1 for bullseye also I like the Glock line myself but the sig line is good I flipped thru a gun mag and its plenty new stuff out my fave is a 50cal sniper rifile:bowdown: omg I could prob never shoot it but would still love to have it. its also a shooting range near the airport but cant think of the name now and its been a while since i been there.
  15. Suby1128

    Suby1128 Member

    Are you talking about Autrey's Firearms? They are up in Fayette county between Union City and Fayetteville. It's a really nice location, friendly employees, and the range is relatively cheap. You pay X amount for the range, and you can have more than one person in the range for the flat rate.

  16. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    I've been to Autrey's and I like it. I've been to the one in Fo' Park near the airport and hate it because of the customer service (or lack there of). I'll be going tomorrow to Ed's which is now Nick's (or is it vice versa? I can never remember) which is somewhere off of Barret Pkwy and I really like it. They had the best price on guns when I was looking, plus I have range credit up there as well. I've been meaning to try out Bullseye once my range credit is used up, and from the sounds of it I'll like it too.
  17. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    I am just north of the 285 perimeter so basically going to look around the north side of the town, but thanks to everyone who pitched in ideas, appreciate it.
  18. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    i too am a total newb at guns, but there is Ed's here in Stockbridge, and they carry a lot. a guy i know works for the Henry Co police, and he let me borrow his glock. we're supposed to hit up some firing range in forest park this Monday. he's gonna bring his 380 too so i can try that out. isn't there a big ass gun show soon that takes place in Forest Park? i hear gun shows it the place to get the best prices.
  19. redman

    redman Member

    I bought both my Glocks from Ed's. We used to go to Henry Co.'s old range in the woods off 155 in Mcdonough to shoot until the trail got really rutted out from the jackasses in pickups on 44s going mudding.
  20. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    gun show is next weekend at North Atlanta Trade Center


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