So yea, for those of you that have been here before have seen the yellow Evo that has been here for like 3 years. He owes us a bunch of money for that car. So we worked a deal where he traded us an '06 STI to finish his car. So Holla! ~Tracy
It's black on black. Dan says he's going to keep it stock....PFFTT! Then I heard him talking about putting a "little GT35R" on it
Congrats Tracy....that is a sweet deal!!. I saw you and Dan last night on Speed channel last night show... Mark
Well put it this way, it's been here almost 3 years. It has $25k worth of parts in it and it is "supposed" to make 800 awhp. We got a pretty good deal on the STI none the less. He owes us for labor and part of the parts (most of the parts were paid for up front).
It's in pieces right now ans has been for a few years. The car actually got here and had $25k in parts purchased before my Evo was even purchased. The guy ran out of money shortly after he purchased the parts. That being said, he also purchased an Escalade and STI in 1 year. Mine made 7?? awhp on race gas and 6?? awhp on pump and methanol. ~Tracy
Absolutely not! This is the last time something like this will ever happen. We should have put a mechanics lien on it 2 years ago. Nothing like this has ever happened to us. We just didn't have the heart to take it from him. ~Tracy
It's not here yet. Should be here in a few hours. It's being driven in from FL. LOL. So you know about then shelf then? LMAO! ~Tracy
If this guy can aford to just give away a sti, I wonder why he just could'nt pay what was owed on the evo. What a douche. On the other hand, congrats on the sti. Black/black is teh sex.
He didn't give it away. We gave him some cash in addition to a credit for labor at our shop. He was getting ready to trade it in at the dealership because he couldn't sell it and the dealership was going to rip him off on we told him we would give him what the dealership was going to give him (which was a pretty good deal for us). I speculate that he had a trust fund from his grandparents or something and he just squandered it away. So anyhow, we got it last night. The exterior is a little beat up. I'm a little disappointed about that. It has scratches all over it, but luckily it will be able to be wet sanded out for cheap. It has a few dings that will probably pop right out and they didn't get into the paint. Other than that it's in pretty good shape. It drives good, has a full system and the interior is almost perfect...Overall it was a good deal for us. We needed a 4 door car. We have 3 trucks for "daily drivers" (a F350, a Chevy 1500 and a Chevy 4500). Those aren't so fun to try to park downtown. ~Tracy