Be there or else Brett! Get some good practice in for the ole' subaru challenge!
Yes.... pre-register and pre-pay.... refunds are available if you do not make the event. Unfortunately with the volume of participants requires Atlanta Region to have pre-everthing.
The car is running perfectly fine on pump gas. The issues were with the methanol tune, which I am still debating whether I intend to continue. I have a friend visiting that weekend and I might end up being busy with that.
Ok so just Will "Master of Mayhem", Matt "the Red Head E-thug", Brian "Cone Carnage", Clay "romperstomper" and I will be there? Weak.... very weak..... edit: BRETT... YOU BETTER SIGN UP OR SUFFER MY EVERLASTING SCORN
It's cause I didn't get my jacket at nationals.... and even though you weren't there it's totally your fault ;p Besides... you should start autoxing....
True.... I will admit that's totally Brian fault for not spending every penny on getting whatever my heart so desires!
They are just as fancy as my old driving shoes.... my old ones just stink to high hell!!! I've been caught in too many summer downpours with them on... I can't get the musty smell out of of them. I think i'm on my third pair currently! So are YOU coming to the autox then?
Randy.... you are acutally gonna be at an autox! Awesome! So Far we got Will "Master of Mayhem" Matt "the Red Head Ethug" Clay "romperstomper" Brian "Cone Carnage" Randy "the disapearing Autoxer" Scuby Snacks "the N00b" Mike "Sweat Pea" and myself Is Ashley "the Mistress of Mayhem" going to make it?
What's the process of the day? If I'm in N1 and running in the morning do I have to stay the whole day? I was planning to bring my girlfriend along and then take her to work after I'm done. I can return afterwards but I want to know how to arrange my day.
Here's what will happen.... Show up around 7:30-7:45 Go up to the registration/Timing Trailer and complete registration Visit the Novice Chief (David Carroll, really nice guy) and he will fill you in on the schedule Go to tech and get your car tech (yes everything needs to be out) Grid your car in either the "blue" cone area or the "yellow" area Walk the course, as many times as possible Then you will either work the course or run (depending what group you are in) If you want somebody to ride along with you tell the guy with the Head set on or ask David the Novice Chief Run and work Done by 12:30 or 1:00pm PS bring a chair for your gf so she can sit down and watch the autox
Thanks alot for the run down, I'm gonna have to tell her it's a 7:30am start, I might be going solo afterall :rofl: Any difference between the blue and yellow areas? And by work the course I assume that means putting cones back in place and stuff right? I'm excited! Any by everything being out does that mean taking the sub out?
That's awesome...alright, so guys, Meredith needs a nickname... You're gonna have a blast man, trust me. The cone color designates class in grid. Since the run order has changed to Yellow, Red, Green, Blue. It looks like you'll run N1 in either Yellow or Red, depending on the number of folks and worker assignments, etc...Mere, correct me if I'm wrong. If you have any questions while you're there or need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me or any of the other folks out there. I'm the bald guy in the '06 SGM STi (#57 STU).
If the sub is bolted down such that a tech inspector can yank at it and it doesn't move, you should be fine. However if it's just lose back there I would suggest leaving it at home. For tech you car must be clean of all debris like water bottles, extra clothes and any other lose object that may fall out. Also make sure your battery is strapped down tight! One area of grid will be marked off with yellow cones; blue cones will be marked off with another. David the novice chief will tell you that you will running yellow or blue group. Simply go park your car near the correctly color cones in grid. Any questions see your grid chief (me) or any grid setup people. We use Novice class to balance out the run groups so you maybe running yellow or blue.
Register in either TO1 or TO2.... 1 is for the morning, 2 is for the afternoon. If you run TO2 show up at around 11:45am. Like novice class, TO is used to balance the run groups so you won't know what run group you are in until you check in with the trailer. Oh and you must have A GIANT wing on your car to run TO..
I want to do the morning novice class, is that N1? thanks nevermind, i read the thread what time are you guys goin to show?
Matt, you should be able to change your registration on the DLB racing site (where you registered). I'll be there by 7:30.
If you can't get it changed on DLB just get your class changed at check in, it shouldn't be a problem for registration.