A friend of mine warned me that Wetbar is one of the biggest gay bars in town. Just FYI, I didn't know and it would have been a shock to find out the night of.
Might be true, but honestly I don't care. As long as the music is good, I am having fun with my friends, and nobody is bothering me, that's all that matters.
I've never had an issue when visiting some of my friends at places like Burkhart's in Ansley or Backstreets, that cater to the alternative lifestyle crowd. If it's a really good show go see it, unless it's at a place with an openly frisky crowd. I worry more about stupid gangsta types and rednecks when I go to events.
The only time i went to Wet Bar, it made me uncomfortable enough to not return due to unwelcome rubbing and others removing of shirts and tossing them asunder. I have no problem with alternate lifestyles, i have a problem when a man, regardless of preference, removes his shirt, to wave it above his head, scream woooooo and then toss his shirt into my face. :eek3: