Concealed Carry

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Greg, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I'm just curious due to some recent events, but what is your take on the Concealed Carry laws? What do you think that you are allowed to do WITHOUT a CCW permit?
    Can you have gun in the car?
    Can it be loaded?
    Can it be hidden?
    Is your trunk/glove box considered an extension of your home, so its legal to have it there?
  2. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    I have a CCW so I guess none of those questions matter!

    I believe the law is that the gun must be visable in the car, and it must not be loaded. The ammo may even have to be locked up seperate?
  3. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    ok, whats everyone else's take on it? I'm just curious to see what the general concensus is on the laws.
  4. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    You tell us. You are the police officer :)
  5. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    not yet :)

    I'm just curious to see what everyone believes to be the law (without looking it up). I've come across a few people, including officers, who are unclear, and have completely different understandings.
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i thought it was: you can carry it in public places. which rules out 99% of any type of building, business or event. because those are all owned by someone, hence private property. and in the car it can either be in the glovebox or center console and it can be loaded. if you don't have a Conceled weapons permit but have a permit for the gun then i think you can still have it in the car, it just can't be loaded and has to be in plain site.
  7. WJM

    WJM Banned

    ^^something like that wold be my guess.
  8. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    BC2003UGA is right except for that last sentence. I think it can be loaded without a CCW. If you bring your gun to a gun range you can carry it openly and unloaded.

    Beware when traveling across state lines though because Florida is *very* different. There it has to have 3 "barriers" and be unloaded.
  9. My understanding is that you can carry it anywhere as long as it is in plain site. businesses might have a problem with that, but that is up to the individual business owner. I think most businesses get the same ideas that I do when seeing a person with a gun on their hip - undercover cop, P.I., bounty hunter, etc...

    The last cop I spoke to about having a gun in the car said "anything goes" in GA. The car is considered an extension of your home and you can carry it anywhere as long as you aren't threatening someone with it. He did say that when you get pulled over or are dealing with an officer in any way, you NEED to let them know about it and where it is. most importantly DON'T REACH FOR IT to show them where it is. just point and describe the location and the state its in - loaded, loaded and chambered, bullets in a ziplock bag, whatever.
  10. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Without a CCW, you can carry the gun loaded in the car if it is in plain view or if it is in a Glove Box, Trunk, or Center Console. You can not hide it or put it under a seat.

    With a CCW you can have it where ever you would like. You can carry the gun in public, you can not carry it to a public gathering, (football game, political rally etc) or anywhere that sells or serves alcohol.

    I generally keep mine in the car in the Glove box, Loaded with one in the chamber. Criminals don't give you time to chamber a round.

  11. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    I don't understand how those are any different.
  12. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'm not sure but I know that they will tear you limb from limb for having it under a seat.

    I personally have never had a cop hassle me about a gun. Most cops seem to be gun guys and they can appreciate you carrying to protect yourself.
  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    At the risk of going far off topic, what happens if you use it to protect yourself? How do you prove it was self defense? From what I understand, simply flashing it can get you charged for assault.
  14. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I've always been taught not to reveal you're weapon unless you are going to use, If you feel you're life is in danger. If the cops show up on scene and some thug is laying on the ground dead with a gun in his hand then there isn't much of a question as to what happened. However if there is a reasonable way to avoid the confrontation and you don't take it then you could be charged. I mean really you could be charged either way, its just a matter of if a jury will convict you.

    The bottom line is don't shoot anyone unless you truly feel like you re life is in danger.
  15. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    without a CCW you are allowed to carry it:
    loaded, in your car as long as it is in "proper" vehicle containment (i.e. glove box, console box, etc)
    you may NOT have it in plain sight, unsecured, or in-between/under a seat, your thigh, etc. this is as much a traffic saftey issue as it is a carry issue, imagine if you got in a bad accident (roll or something) and you've go an unsecured, loaded firearm getting tossed around with you in the car... bad things.

    you are NOT compelled by law to tell the officer that you have a firearm in the car (but it is a really good idea)

    IIRC: you may "brandish" a weapon, only upon having your life threatened or you perceive to have your life threatened by someone(or animal). at this point it's not to "scare" them, it's to let them know that you are prepared to end their life. if they turn to run, or drop their weapon (take a passive stance) the "scare" is secondary, and at this point you may NOT fire without being challenged in court.

    i didn't look this up, but i brush up on GA Const law regarding traffic and firearms from time to time ;)
  16. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    brandishing a weapon can be considered assault. ANY attempt to scare,threaten, or endanger another person is considered assault. you don't have to have a weapon, your words could even be assault. carrying out the said actions of that assault is called battery. hence, assault and battery
  17. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    I do know that if you shoot someone in the back you're probably in trouble. Even if it's in your own
    house. That indicates that the guy was running away. If he was shot from the front that typically
    indicates that he was charging at you. :rofl:
  18. This is true. When I got told that I NEED to tell a officer that I have a firearm, it was more from a "If the officer sees it and isn't warned about it ahead of time, there could be a confrontation." point of view.

    Good clarification. :wavey:
  19. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Also, a word of advice. If you keep your insurance/registration in the glove box, please don't keep your gun there... Same as the console, its common sense. If you get pulled over, and he sees you reach into the glove box, and sees a gun at the same time, things will get bad, very quickly.

    And it is considered assault if you brandish the gun jsut to scare someone. But on the other hand, if someone is coming at you in a threatening manner, and you pull it ready to use, thats different. I usually have a gun on me anywhere I go, but you'll never see it unless I'm ready to use it.
  20. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    "Say hello to my little friend" -- Pacino

    So, who's ready for a gun range g2g? Mine hasn't been fired in a few years. Need to make sure it still works...
  21. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    ^^ Agreed, and somewhere that allows assault rifles would be awesome...
  22. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Oakwood has a nice 100yrd indoor range... I've been spending about 2 hours a day there for the past 3 weeks...
  23. Thats a lot of range time. Something happening soon? viva la revolucion? ;)

    I actually need to visit Ed's guns range in marietta soon to test out my 9mm with the new safety "mod" I've done.
  24. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Yeah, I have to stay on top of my game ;) I've been doing the "tape" test on the targets, so its a different drill everyday
  25. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    there's the right answer..........remember always make sure that they are aware of it....a simple btw officer just want to let you know i have a firearm in the vehicle would be ok. it needs to be in plain site some wouldnt even run it as long as you don't look suspicious too. lol
  26. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Would the net on the back of the passanger seet be a suitable (legal) storage place?
  27. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I would guess no^^ thats pretty comparable to under your seat which is a no-no...
  28. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I think I'm going up to bartow county next week to apply for my concealed permit.

    was thinking about getting a glock 30. anyone have any experience? i might go down to ed's and see what they have. my sidearm I carried on the submarine was a beretta 92F (9mm). gun felt like a piece of crap but I was accurate to 40 yards with it - turns out it shoots great
  29. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    ^^ I would never own a glock because of the trigger safety. A manual safety is the best option. And yes, I do know someone who was accidently shot & killed because of glock's "safety". Cop's seem to like glocks, but they are better than most for firearm safety, knowledge and having a *holster*. If you must get a glock, then get a holster for it too.
  30. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    The new H&K I bought is double action so thats kind of nice, I don't have to carry it with the safety on.
  31. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    Anyone who depends on a manual safety doesn't need to handle a gun anyway.

    Check out this cop who AD his glock in some elementary classroom
  32. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Almost looks like he shoot himself...limp limp
  33. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    I think he did. The point is if he silly enough no to know it chambered - the same thing could have happened with a manual safety.
  34. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member

    i have a 27......luv it:)
  35. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    If you're looking at the 30, also look at the springfield xd 45. Shoot any gun before you buy it.
  36. Sharpe

    Sharpe Member

    i love my glock 22 (40 cal) shoots like a dream, the wife likes her little airlite snub nose 38 also
  37. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I also highly recommend the XD series of guns. Its the only gun I've ever sold that I regret. I actually bought my brother one for his 21st Birthday. He and I put almost 2000 rounds through it at the range without cleaning it, it never jammed.

    I'll be buying another one.

  38. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah my first gun will more than likely be an XD 40 S&W bi-tone. i have yet to find/shoot a safer, better looking, more reliable gun.
  39. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Yeah, safety isn't a single line item. Where it's pointed, finger off trigger, chambered, cocked, etc are all important. Still don't like glocks.

    heh heh, not all cops are the same obviously.:eek:hnoes:
  40. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    yeah that's lee paige, he's a DEA officer. real bright guy
  41. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    as stupid as that mistake was, you gotta admire that he was trying to just carry on with the lecture with a round in him... that's pretty ballsy.
  42. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    I love his use of a glock FOTAY, which doesn't exist
  43. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I just use Glock because its standard issue and theres no choice in the matter... So for a backup, I opt for the Glock 27 since its easy to conceal, has the same grip, safety features, and you can interchange the clips from the Glock 35 to the 27.
  44. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    Brian, if you want the size, but with the manual safety, look at the Beretta 9000s
  45. I also have a 27. Shoots great. Very accurate at 25 feet (my usual target practice distance).

    I currently carry a Walther P99 in .40 - which I just recently noticed that the pistol in Halo is modeled after the p99.
  46. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    I think he meant 40 as in caliber, not model. But who knows...
  47. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    yes that's what he meant, because he's a tard.
  48. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I thought a FOTAY was a large bottle of malt liquor?
  49. my wife carries the 9000s and loves it. light,small and easy to shoot.looks good too(the gun) my wife looks good but that is not the topic at hand
  50. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    You could be right, but I'm still gonna say caliber...

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