Speeding Citation

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by CKings21, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. CKings21

    CKings21 Member

    Aight just wanted to know some suggestions on what to do about a speeding citation. Other than to pay it off of course. I got a speeding citation today on I 75 going 87 on a 55 which I personally don’t understand how he got that since I was behind him and actually doing 70 but I didn’t say anything due to the fact that he’s a cop and if he wanted to he could do a lot worse. Anyways has anyone had a speeding citation going this fast and what was the result of it when you went to court?? And if anyone can give me some need info that would be helpful thanks.

    Also what is the difference between a citation and a ticket I heard it was the same thing so why the need for the two??
  2. welery

    welery Member

    They are the same thing. what county where you in? Cops actually have radar guns mounted in the back window as well...
  3. CKings21

    CKings21 Member

    In cobb Country atleast thats wat the citation says around I285
  4. welery

    welery Member

    I just saw you get pulled over from my office:D They are their often. I would go to court ask them to reduce it. This normally works if you have no speeding tickets or very few... like none:D
  5. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Do you drive a white 06/07? I may have seen you too...

    Yeah I always go to court... they almost always reduce it.
  6. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    yep..always go to court...shows respect..etc..you have time to show them you care...keep us updated and good luck!
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    Going 87, you are probably going to get the super speeder ticket. Depending on the judge, you might be dealt with harshly. I would recommend you get a lawyer. PM me if you would like a contact.
  8. welery

    welery Member

    ^did that law actually pass? the super speeder thing?
  9. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Yep. It went into effect in July.
  10. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    somewhat obvious in the name but exactly is the super speeder ticket consist of?
  11. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    87 in a 55 is 32mph over. Honestly man, you need to get a lawyer. I've been to court with and without a lawyer before. Now, even if I had to go to court for a small or minor offense I would not go without representation. There is an old legal maxim: "He who represents himself has a fool for a client" (Abe Lincoln I believe).

    A few extra bucks spent now can really help you out down the road. I don't care what anyone says, if you think you will be able to talk to the solicitor yourself and work out any sort of plea bargain you are nuts. If by some chance you do get to talk with him/her, they will not want to make any kind of deal with you. (Especially in Cobb)

    Sorry man but I have been there. COBB="Count On Being Busted"
  12. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    ^^I disagree, Cobb is the easiest to get out of. although 32 over is steep, I got out of several last year but they were 17-24 over.

    You sir need a lawyer, or you could use your nolo, or you could attend a drivers safety course and they have to assess no points and reduce the fine by 20% (this is for drivers safety only) nolo you still pay the fine but no points. I do not know if the super speeder applys.
  13. snakecharmer

    snakecharmer Member

    My wife got one for going 50 in a 25 (school zone). The normal speed limit is 45. She is going to court next Wed and stating that we are very aware of school zones because we live in one, but she happened to be driving on Canton Hwy (mainly businesses) where you don't normally think about a school zone being and happened to pass by Blackwell Elementary while the lights were on. Ticket is $200. Any chance of it being lowered? What about points? I think her last ticket was about 7 yrs ago.
  14. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    My brother got a ticket for doing 87 in a 55 on 85S near pleasant hill rd. around the construction. His fine was only 84 dollars. How the hell?! He's younger than me! (18yrs) They were nice enough to drop it to 14 over. He went to court and plead guilty.
  15. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    I agree! I just went to court in cobb for a 78 in 55. If you talk nice to the solicitor you could talk him into lowering the speed and at least reduce the fine. Also if you take defensive driving class it will help.

    Good Luck!!!

    SANDERS Member

    If you do not get a lawyer , you need to find out if pleeding "No lo" (I think that's how it's spelled) is allowed at these speeds. It does not apply points to your record, but you still have to pay the fine. Even if they reduce the charges, it can not be more than 12 miles over the speed limit to not go on your driving record as points. 14 over gets your insurace co. a reason to raise rates and or drop your policy if you have a "record" so to speak. No lo is allowed once in , I believe 7 year span.
  17. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    this should help...

    YOMANDO Member

    get ready to pay a big fine. atleat 400 dollars or suspend your lisence or jail time. or 90 days jail time.

    that what happened to my homeboy.
  19. snakecharmer

    snakecharmer Member

    Thanks. My wife went to court on Wednesday. She pleaded no lo, and pleaded her case to the judge about us having kids and living in a school zone - explaining that we're very aware of school speed limits, but just unfamiliar with the area she was driving in. She got no points and got the fine dropped from $194 to $160.
  20. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Sometimes they deny the no lo plead for certain speeds. Call the lawyer Milo is talking about, tell him what's up and he will tell you your options for real. I wouldn't be surprised if he played on the fact that the cop was going 87 without his lights on and you were going with the flow of traffic. If the cop is in front he has the ability to slow you down and traveling those speeds himself is irresponsible just to award a ticket.

    But yes, call Milo's lawyer he's awesome.
  21. DustySTI

    DustySTI Member


    this is Dusty, Cody's brother. When you get the chance, give me that lawyer's number so i can speak to him. Thanks.
  22. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    always get representation.... a record may hurt you more later.

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