Speeding Ticket - Dismissed

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Nemesis Digital, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. So I went today for my trial of speeding 75 in a 45, visual estimate ticket. Also failure to use a signal on top of that. Mind you, total BS ticket with no proof, and I was going no where even close or above the speed limit.

    Lets just say I was prepared for my case, and 4 months later I got it DISMISSED.

    I guess knowledge is power. :) Some cops that frequent around message boards posted I shouldnt even fight it. Guess they have to make their money somehow these days.
  2. KA05STi

    KA05STi Member

    This is true!
  3. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    So what all methods did you use to get it dropped? It could be very useful to anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation.
  4. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    yes, details please because it could be useful fore the future
  5. Its nice to see my thread title edited from "Victory against the bacon" to this.

    Get a fucking sense of humor moderator. Lets just say cross examination ripped the officer a new one and made him look like an idiot in front of the judge, his fellow officers, and the people listening. I will be posting a blog of the entire thing along with references and my personal questions I asked him by this weekend.

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2007
  6. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    This isn't fucking IA, and we have very respected members of the community that are police officers

  7. So you're telling me, my thread title was offensive? Yeah, once again get a sense of humor. I could have been a lot worse in my choice of words, but it was meant to be comical. I know where Im posting, and I dont need anyone fucking telling me that either.

    And IF you think my post was a direct attack towards any "officers" on this forum then...you have more problems than needing a sense of humor.

    If anyone that is an officer and is offended by me actually defending myself in COURT AND WINNING, needs to think twice before they write someone a BOGUS TICKET.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2007
  8. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Even though I am not a Police Officer, I take offense to the title of your thread. As Brett said, this is not IA. We have several Police Officers on this forum, and they deserve the same respect as everyone else.
  9. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    ^^ Very much agreed. I don't think it has anything to do with a sense of humor.
  10. I am very apolgetic dear sirs that are offended at me using the word "bacon" to signify pigs. However, i believe that cops that issue tickets like this to me with the belief that I will just go ahead and pay a 600 dollar BOGUS ticket and 7 points on my license FOR NO REASON without fighting, you are a pig.
  11. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    It was requested by a few people change the title of your thread. Instead of dropping F bombs. Next time a polite inquiry via PM or another medium would be appreciated. Also remember this is a family forum and we need to keep it clean.
  12. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member


    So maybe (OP) you have time to tender to those promises you mentioned for me after this problem (solved)


    I think the politically correct term is "Pork products" instead, bacon is such a harsh word. We need to begin the healing here guys.
  14. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    They are just doing there job man...I have had good and bad experiences with officers...just like anywhere there are some jerks we have to deal with...
  15. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    "pork product" isnt PC though, bacon is also made out of turkey :coolugh: much healthier and great for when you want to fall asleep ... lol :naughty:
  16. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    turkey bacon is a misnomer, it's just turkey shaped to look like bacon. bacon has to come from a pig. :) much like vodka martinis aren't really martinis (no gin)
  17. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    good point. never thought of that. and i thought i was being smart ... *goes back to the corner*
  18. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    I remember hearing your story about this a while back when you got the ticket. Its good that you worked it out. Back to your regular scheduled programming everybody.
  19. I understand the doing their job part. However, in this case, his job isnt to pull over someone and issue a bogus ticket with no basis. After I questioned him on his call of my speed, he jumped back into his car, sat me in rush hour traffic, and came back with another ticket for failure to use a signal!!! All the while telling me Im lucky he didnt take me to jail for Wreckless driving, and how he'll let the judge decide when I go to court. Well I didnt know going 46 in a 45 was wreckless.
  20. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Looking forward to reading your blog man! post up asap!
  21. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    A lot of good points.
    And Jorge, show a little restraint next time.

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