So at 6 AM on Sunday Morning, when it was still pitch black outside, I turn onto Shallowford Road from Wesley Chapel to go to work. At a red light I notice two cars behind me which seemed to be driving in tandem. I thought to myself, "hmm...that's weird." And didn't think much else of it. A minute or so later, one of the cars is RIGHT UP MY ASS. He was tailgating me, to say the least. In a few cases I could not even see his tail lights he was so close. He flashed his brights a few times, but the main thing was that he kept accelerating. It only occurred to me once to change lanes, during which time another car zipped by and cut me off, then drove right next to me - I was boxed the fuck in. So I just kept accelerating. After about a mile, the car on my right floored it and took off. However at this point I was so fucking scared that I just kept going, which I think is pretty reasonable. So my car hits 70, and you know what this motherfucker did? Turns on his siren and pulls me over and gives me a speeding ticket. He tries to hit me with reckless driving because I was following the other car (which turned out to be another police car) too closely. Has anything like this ever happened to anybody before?
Man, this sounds illegal as hell. I don't know if you can get a lawyer to subpoena the cops video camera record for that time but I'd dang sure try. Also did you get his badge number? What city/county police force was he in? I'd call local news stations and get them involved if push came to shove and you couldn't get the ticket rectified. This could make a good "more at 11" story.
I'm pretty sure thats illegal for them to bait you like that. We have a cop on the board, right? Maybe he can put in some advise here...
to be the devils advocate here, you should have just maintained your speed, or slowed down. the cop behind you would not have hit you, and if he did, then he would be at fault, but since you sped up I think you are at fault. waits for bluelinescooby
i am trying to find a friend of mine who is a cobb county police officer to ask her about it, but wrxin8or is right.
I think thats when you turn on the map light and kindly suggest where the guy tailgating you should go.
I don't have map lights ;_; and I was thinking about it, but when I found out he was a cop I was glad I didn't.
i had a firetruck tailgating me down a two lane mountain type road ... he definately got the bird. i brake checked him the whole way back to the house. little SVX + really big fire truck = not pretty if hit
Call a lawyer. I have a good one. He will give you good advice and then you have the option whether to hire him or not. PM me if you want his contact.
I like to just downshift and not give them any brake lights...and just forget to press the gas again:fawk::asshole: Good luck with the ticket man!
I've had that happen to me, but I didn't take the bait. I had it happen to a couple friends also and 1 one them got a ticket. They had "strategically" repositioned the rear view mirror to reflect their high beams back at them. Cop didn't like it.
dang i would try to get a lawyer if you can. i sure hope that dont happen to me because i would take the bait hnoes:
Even though you shouldn't have taken the bait (not saying I would have done any differently), he originally was driving wrecklessly by tailgating you. Get a lawyer. Hell you might even be able plead that you thought your life was in danger. And yes, that's shady as hell.
dude that is complete bs...hope you can get out of it....always gota be pickin on us folks cuz we are riding nice messed up!!
Nah, you guys have the nice rides. I've got the moose muuver. NS, I've got my own lawyers (my parents), but I appreciate the advice from you and Milo
Get a lawyer man. I hate cops, and they will do damn near anything, including breaking the law, to bust you for anything. Check this out. I'm still waiting to go to court after being arrested for DUI/Drugs the day after Thanksgiving last year. I got pulled over at three in the morning with my girl riding passenger. The cop said I was swerving and hit the curb twice, which definately did not happen even once. He asked had I been drinking and yes, I had one beer at about 9:30 right after getting off from a twelve hour shift at work and later picked up a couple of her friends from the bar and drove them home. So, I have to take a field sobriety test because I'm tired and slow to answer questions. I take the field sobriety test, and much to the cops dismay, I PASS. I did everything perfectly and blew in the breathalyzer not once, twice, or three times, but four times. They never got a "satisfactory" reading. The cop kept saying, "I know you're f'ed up, I know you are. We saw you leave the bar." Yes I was at the bar, but I didn't even get out of the Fing car. Then the other cop decides to run up to the car and yell, I smell pot I smell pot. Well, yea I do burn. But, the day before I had completely detailed the car and had not burned in there, and only had 2 grams well wrapped up with the only smell coming from the car being the shampoo the day before. So I realize it's my word against a cop now, and even with no criminal or bad behavior record, I know I'll lose so I fess up to having some. Now they arrest me, and take me to the hospital to take blood. Oh yea, there is plenty of pot in my system because I burn several times damn near every day. But, I'm used to it and can function just as good as anybody else who doesn't smoke. So I get a Dui/drugs tacked witha couple other offenses like 40 in a 25 zone that lasts a hole 100 yards. But, they also arrest her because she knew the stuff was in there, not just me even though none was on her and all was in my car. To top it off, this is the most crooked cop in all of Coweta, non of the other cops like him, and he has several cases against him most being assault on younger girls he pulls over. I was a straight A student all through school,a member of the National Honor Society in high school, have 2 years at West GA under my belt, and have worked steadily since 15. But I am a menace to society because I smoke pot. Not trying to steal your thread, just giving you a heads up on how F'ed up most cops are. Get a lawyer.
I also second this, he got me out of a mess. I feel like this almost happened to me while i was on 2-85 west, i was on the far left lane at night going about 70 and a car behind me was tailing the f*ck out of me, i didnt go anything and as the car in my other lane got farther away, the car flew passed me, it just so happened to be a dodge charger state patrol car and another patrol car right on his bumper speeding along 2-85. I thought that was very odd.
:rofl: did you get a lawyer yet? I know, I read that your parnets are lawyers....good luck with it. I've heard of it many times before. it's bullshit, but from what I THINK I've read, legal. good luck though
Somewhere above I read "can you subpoena the cop cam" YES you can and you should. I did have a similar situation happen well, a detective (undercover) in broad daylight was on my tail after I blew by him (yes I was speeding and was in the wrong but did not know it was a cop) anyways he gets right up on my ass and I gave him the 3 brake pump to say get off my ass...He did not so I locked them up. He nearly rearended me then on came the blues then nearly a fight broke out as I told him he was endangering my life by driving on my ass. Needless to say he left and I got nothing cause he was not traffic cop. Sorry to hear that happened and I have heard of them doing that. I would get a lawyer for sure just to make them show you the dash cam. If they did what you say they will never show it and you will get off. GOOD LUCK!
That's absolutely disgusting. I would have done the exact same thing, especially considering that they were using the exact same method people do for insurance scams and stealing cars (the boxing in and forcing you to crash). I don't give a shit what sort of "legal" ground they can come up with to justify themselves with. This is wrong. Make a point of that and hammer this shit home. Slightly different note, if I see a cop speeding without his lights on can I report him?
Good luck with resolving this. This is the shady stuff that the Peachtree City cops used to do whenever they'd see high school kids driving around late at night.
FYI, the old PTC judge was worse than the PTC cops. Course it's hard being a... rebel kid? in a small straight laced town.
I dunno, I got pulled over in PTC shortly after buying my car and had yet to have a plate on it. The guy was actually nice and said he liked the car and was asking me about it and laughing and smiling. One of the couple cops that have actually been nice. Other than that though I haven't had any problems with PTC cops, but everyone else does.
yes. they aren't allowed to arbitrarily break the "law" (moving violations aren't crimes per se, more like a breach of contract with local municipalities and the DOT) unless they have emergency signals (siren/lights) officer have gotten in trouble because of their cameras recording them doing no-nos without the lights on
Yea man how did it turn out for you? Good news for me though, my charges were dismissed and I didn't have to go to court or even get a lawyer.
man that sucks. the cops here love my sti. i took 2 of them down the four lane. they all want to see how fast it is.
Oh, man. Okay. I've had a few requests for updates. The evidence was reviewed and it was determined that the officer was harassing me. I had to pay $55, the fine for going 10 over. The end.
Congrats!!!! I just saw this thread and thought I should mention something. Dekalb police are always driving fast on 285 and will pull right up to your bumper before taking off. I have seen them cut off other cars at high speed. You cannot tell that they are police cars until they are next to you. Most have very low light bars (and others have no light bars). That being said, any person that is driving so fast that they are right on your tail is dumb. I normally just move over and let them pass. However, I would be very pissed at the other driver's wrecklessness. This has happened a few times to me... and it was normally a city police (opposed to a state trooper). I was so happy that I did not try to race it or slam on the brakes (which is also wreckless). I heard if you put on your hazzard lights (and slow down, not slam on the brakes) and the car behind remains on your bumper, they are wreckless driving and can be ticketed. If you do this, you should move over to the shoulder so the cars can pass. Now, if they catch that on their video, the police officer's will probably be fired for following that close.
Number 1 I try not to street race. It is perilous here. Number 2 if someone is tail gaiting me I will hit the blinker and immediately cut right or left depending on the free lane. If there is no traffic behind me I hit the brakes enough so I can pull up behind them. I check the plates to make sure they are not fed or state plates you can usually see into the dash area to make sure there are no radios hard wired laptops. If it's a cop I will stay behind him/her at three or four car lengths. If it is not I am all up in their rear. We will have a nice little sign language conversation. If they want to get stupid I am ready for that too in every form and fashion.