Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe thanksgiving today! What's everyone doing on this fine day?
Happy T-Day everyone!! I'm trying to figure out if it's worth getting in line at the crack of dawn for junk I REALLY don't need.
Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm working(again)... can't pass up that triple time... Everyone eat well and party it up for me, ok???
Happy Turkey Day to you as well. I plan to lay on the couch all day until it is time to eat. Maybe play some Halo 3 after dinner...
Happy Turkey-day everyone! I will be counting down the hours before I have to go to work @ 12am I hate black Friday!
happy thanks giving to all! heading to Eatonton GA if anyone knows where that is..lol...heading out now..have a good one folks!
mmm about to head home to my parents house to kick it with grandpa and them. No turkey this year but instead we're having some killer pot roast since the rest of the family couldnt make it home.
Happy Thanksgiving.... I'm in frikin Iraq. Lol, not to be a downer though. It's actually not all that bad. At least it could always be worse. Have fun guys.
MMmmm I think I'll take my mom's slow roasted prime rib over turkey any day. On that note I'm about to take my requisite thanksgiving day nap.
so left the legacy at piedmont / sidney marcus best buy target to ride w/ bro to grandmas....came back about 4pm...yaaaa....peeeps already standing outside of best buy....Anyone else planning on waiting outside? If so...best of luck to you! Time for me to sleep..thanks turkey..
when is Sears going to open tomorrow? I might go to check out few things, there could never be enough tools I wonder what people are lining up to buy at BestBuy and Target
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm having 3 Thanksgiving feasts this year! One yesterday at work, one today at my uncle's house, and one tomorrow at my parent's house.
i am not going anywhere near a shopping establishment! no freaking way its gonna be crazy and i dont have enough pepper spray.
ahhh....that was a good day. My brother and I fried a turkey, and my mom and my brother's fiance cooked the rest of the meal...than i drank all day with some old friends. cant beat that
Yesterday was good. I hate today though. So many people out shopping, it's going to be a busy day at work. So did you get a letter bluetwo?
I hope that everyone had a nice thanksgiving. I flew down to Orlando to go visit a friend. We had the dinner in Zephyrhills which is close to Tampa. Mark