Unpaid parking tickets = warrant for arrest?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by GTscoob, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Just a little rant here.

    I park in front of my house and although the street is a 2-way street there is only parking on one side. Sometimes I forget to turn my car around and face the proper direction and I'll get a BS parking ticket for being parked the wrong way. What really pisses me off here is that I'm the only car in a 3 block radius that actually has a parking permit, yet I'm the only one who ever gets ticketed. The parking attendant last year used to ticket everyone, parked wrong way or parked without a permit, and I understood that as being fair. I havent paid for the last couple and I'm wondering if someday the man will come looking for his money, or if I have a possible warrant out for me that I'll be surprised with if I ever get pulled over.

    Anybody knowledgeable on the subject of unpaid parking tickets? I hate this whole ordeal and I'm really tempted to leave a note on my car telling the dumbass parking attendant to ticket all of the other cars too since they're just as illegally parked as I am and I actually paid for a permit to park legally in front of my house.
  2. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

    they should have sent your bill to acollecting agency or just slapped it on your bursar bill
  3. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    He is talking about City of Atlanta, not GT.
    I think you could be in for a surprise if you get pulled over, but you never really know with these things. I have heard horror stories of people being pulled over at night and having to sit in jail until the court opens up so you can pay the ticket. I park in front of your house all the time, and I have gotten one or two tickets in the past few years. Its a risk thing here. Do you want to risk sitting in Fulton Co. Jail? I dunno...
  4. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    i don't know about atlanta, but down here in savannah you will get booted if you collect too many unpaid tickets. then you have to pay to get the boot removed and the total of the accumulated ticket fines.
  5. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    not to be an @$$ but I'd just pay it and park the right way from now on...you park the wrong way and your car gets hit you will get screwed..."scoobaru" backed into a benz back in the day backing out of his driveway and because it was parked the wrong way wasn't cited for anything...I'd say just pay it to avoid any future unnecessary headaches...
  6. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    if it's on a 2 way street, what does it matter what way you park?

    I think it's a load of shit and the city is just bumping their revenue. Unfortunately, you may have to pay it. Can you go to court for it and talk to the judge about what to do about that....IF they can drop if it you show them proof of ownership for the house, and etc.....

    I dunno, it seems fucked
  7. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Yeah I wasnt asking for any sympathy with this thread, I just forget to turn my car around sometimes before I go to bed. They make their rounds in the morning and its way before I ever have to get up for class so I just end up waking up with a ticket.

    I'm more just asking if anybody knows the procedure since I've probably got $100-150 or so in unpaid tickets over the last year.
  8. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    andrew's car was finally booted on campus (I realize you are dealing with COA police) for unpaid fines. I am not sure how atlanta's finest handle the problem though. I know they double the fine if you dont pay it by a certain time, but thats about it.
  9. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    Oh you'll get the orange timberland on your car if you don't pay those.

    either that or they'll tow the crap out of it one day, and probly destroy your transmission in the process.

    "whats all wheel drive? is that like 4wd?"

    For the love of god, pay the tickets, and park with the direction of traffic. :hsnono:
  10. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Sweet and then I'll have a lawsuit and a new 6spd in my car paid for by the city of Atlanta.
  11. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    To me the obvious answer is pay up because you don't want to take a chance on your ability to drive which will definitely affect your livlihood.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2007
  12. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    and the costs of hiring a lawyer and filing suit will cost more time and money than just paying the tickets.

    somehow i'm not seeing the logic, :dunno
  13. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Unfortunately, I don't think it would work that way. I don't think you would stand any ground if your car is being towed for unpaided tickets, and something gets messed up because of how they towed it.

    On a side note, this is just me, but I absolutely hate it when people park the wrong the wrong direction on a 2 way street. In my much younger days, I would probably let the air out of all their tires for something like that.
  14. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    With AWD stickers visible on the car they are supposed to tow the car on a flatbed, if they dont its grounds for a lawsuit, regardless on what accounts they tow the car.

    Oh well, I think I'm just going to pay off a ticket a week for the next couple of weeks. If anybody has any legal advice please speak up but if you're going to lecture take it elsewhere.
  15. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    Pick your fights in this life man, it isn't worth getting this upset over.

    You are not entitled to park any which way you want on a street. That is property of the city/county. In most areas the city/county also owns the first so many feet of a driveway.

    Play by the rules everyone else does.
  16. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    :rofl: you been driving in metro atlanta very long?
  17. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member


    thats the way atlanta works.

    If you get too many tickets, they will boot the car and or impound it.

    but you cant be arrested for parking tickets unless you attempt to remove the boot
  18. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    And if you sue, they will just say you shouldnt have parked there in the first place. THe city is tougher than that.

    There is no way to fight it, and itll take up more time than its worth. Most of the time they are required to chalk your wheels and take pictures/

    If you WERE parked the wrong way, its your fault, end of discussion (thats the way a judge will see it)
  19. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    All my life there hoss.

    It just frustrates me when people don't do what they're supposed to do, then get upset when there are repercussions. Reminds me of school age children who get in trouble and cry to their mommies to get the big bad teacher in trouble, at some point you gotta grow up.

    Just do what you're supposed to do, and when you don't, take your medicine if/when it comes.

    Now if it was a TRULY great injustice, like getting beat down by 5 cops for making an illegal U-turn or something silly like that, then by all means fight the powers that be...
  20. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    lol Biggis, you obey every single law? I know that I'm parking illegally but I'm also pissed that I at least have a parking permit that I paid for unlike every other person on the street who has not gotten tickets.
  21. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    but they probly park straight. haha, so the cops don't even give them a second look. your car stands out cuz it is backasswards!
  22. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    The law people will say

    If they jumped off a bridge.............................

    JUst pay it, an park the right way, even if it is retarded
  23. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    I had two unpaid parking meter tickets
    from EIGHT YEARS AGO hit me. They booted me and it took like 2 hours to get them to come remove it.
    My wife was having contractions at that time and needed to go to the hospital. When I told them that
    they said well if it's that urgent call 911! Unbelievable. They unbooted my car and said I had to go to the
    office immediately to pay for it and they usually don't unboot the car until it's paid off. I said no way
    my wife needs to go to the hospital. They guy almost put the boot back on. Well, long story short
    we took off for the hospital had our baby and I went to the DMV and got a "special" tag and thats
    the end of that. Stupid Georgia Tech. I've spent so much money on them and this is how they thank you.
    That and the annual begging from the alumni association. I asked them to take me off their list for years.
    Finally after I writing a letter asking them to stop killing trees did they stop spamming me. I'm going to be
    a millionaire one day and they are not getting one penny and they can thank their stupid parking
    department for that. <rant off>
  24. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    i have a collection of parking tickets but none of them through a city, just a school. I'd hate to get my car booted but i've heard of folks getting em off.
  25. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Warrant for arrest. YES

    ive had this happen to a friend of mine .. cops showed at his dads buiss and arrested the farther ( car was under his name) he had near 32 tickets
  26. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Thanks for the best response in this thread. I had heard horror stories about people getting pulled over for random things and then getting sent to jail because of stupid unpaid parking tickets. I just wanted to know if there was any truth to it.
  27. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    how many tickets did he have?

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