Winter Gear Design Contest :D

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Alex, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I thought this might be a fun way to roll out the winter gear and really tie everyone into the process at the same time. If you have any questions please feel free to send me a PM.


    1. The ideal image format is 2300 pixels wide by 1800 pixels tall (landscape, not portrait)
    2. I will attempt to work with smaller size/lower res images but I'm not making any promises
    3. Active WRXatlanta forum member - others need not apply, this is for us, not wayward transients


    1. I am looking for a design, not a photograph
    2. Can be vector art, etc.
    3. Image format needs to be jpg, png, ai, eps, pdf or psd
    4. Designs must be tasteful (family friendly)
    5. One submission per person

    If your design is chosen...

    1. You will receive, free of charge, whichever item your design is applied to
    2. If your design is chosen for multiple formats then you will have your choice of one (1) item
    3. Community recognition that you spend entirely too much time on your computer ;)

    Submit your design to "alex (at) wrxatlanta (dot) com" with the subject line "2008 Winter Gear Design". PLEASE don't submit a design if you have not read this entire message.

    SUBMISSION END DATE = Monday December 3, 2007

    Looking forward to your submissions ;)
  2. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    paging keeganxt
  3. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

    there are rules now? laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
  4. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah keegan made some awesome designs for the batlground/driftempire crew
  5. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    does the 2300x1800 rule still apply for the beenie?
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    It is more of a rough estimation, in order to maintain quality (dpi) and remove chance for distortion (assuming it is not a vector) then a larger image is required.
  7. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Received some cool designs thus far, keep up the good work!
  8. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    SHIT deadlines.
  9. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Something with this on the front or back.

    Attached Files:

    • wrx.PNG
      File size:
      4.9 KB
  10. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    I have no computer graphic skills but having one of all the year subys would be cool...
  11. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

  12. ridinobryan

    ridinobryan Member

    How much longer you gonna take designs? This was one of my ideas that I started, but I've got to find a couple of more models (06 and 07). Include the 08's?
  13. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Until whenever to be honest. The clothing I wanted to order is backorderd for a little bit longer....but, we just got an embroidery machine so. With that said, I can embroider whatever now :)

    If you want to submit another design, send it to the email I gave you earlier :)

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