A good friend of mine's other car was stoled last night...be on the look out and if you have any information please, let us know!!! Thanks
I was talking to him last night and he said he heard something outside his hotel and opened the blinds and saw them doing it. Being the area he was in, he decided not to go confront them, but instead recorded as much as he could. I'm trying to get him to upload the video. What REALLY sucks is that's his full transportation whilst working on his RSTi22B Hopefully, they find it still looking immaculate as it was in those pictures.
Did he happen to get a copy of the vid? And I hope the car is found in mint condition too!!! Scum bags!!!
lol, yessir! BTW, driving that car to east point of all places is just not a smart idea. If this is his only mode of transportation until he gets his rsti built, then he had no choice, but I would have taken any car other than that one if it were me. Not trying to come done on the guy or anything, but to the clientèle of east point this car was a gold mine from the moment he rolled in. Matt, I'm assuming this guy is local, so why was he staying in a hotel in east point?
He lives in Kennesaw....errr, did. He just got a job as a pilot at ASA and they put him up in a hotel for training. Since East Pernt is the airport, I'm assuming they figured it was safe. He said he's baffled as to how the guy got the car. It has a tendency to drain the battery, so whenever he get's out of the car, he unplugs the battery. After watching the security camera, he noticed the guy never got into the engine bay, nor hooked back up the battery, yet drove off in the car as if he had the key!
Where did this happen at? I know a guy who had his chevy equinox stolen( I know-WTF). That really sucks man hope he gets that rod back.