ok here's the deal. I have a txs 4 inch dp, with a 3 inch straightpipe all the way back. Im wanting to quieten it down a little bit. I have a resonator that i can have put in...but im looking for a muffler to hang out back. I was looking at the apexi black, which i found on ebay for about 250. I also see tons of universal N1 style mufflers for about 50 bucks. Now i know you get what you pay for, but what are the ups and downs of the universal muffler? Any other suggestions? example of the universals. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/OBX-...008QQitemZ180196011140QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
i have a glass pack like will mentioned and love it. Cheap too. I got cat back for about $120 at grand muffler + the cost of the glass pack itself (from a V8 mustang). You and the people you pass will love the sound
I'll get some tomorrow. If you are around you can stop by tomorrow and see it as I'm having some people over for a few (LOTS) drinks and some food. You can hear it then too i suppose.
Its been raining outside for most of the day. If it stops tomorrow i'll take a few shots for you if you are still interested.
I was installing a new fuel regulator today and it got dark on me before i got any shots. Soon, i promise My DP goes to a flange which bolts to the rest of the exhaust so i could go back to stock if i had a stock exhaust sitting around. Some folks just cut off the muffler and do it that way but i believe you are looking for a full catback exhaust correct?