posting from the apple store on the new imac

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by whatamess, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. whatamess

    whatamess Supporting Member

    man this thing is badass!
  2. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Nothing about a Mac is badass. They are for frilly hippies who like rainbow colored pinwheels. DOS FTW!!~!
  3. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    :rofl: +1
  4. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    YEA! screw multi-tasking!! DOS FTW!! ....... not.
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    The machine was definately nice :)

    Then I went to look at Sony's version and I liked it even better haha.

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