Changed my oil today and it was a tad bit sparkley. I also found a few flakes when I cut open the filter. If it turns out to be bearings I am going back to stock. :wtc:
Ouch. I feel your pain. Maybe something minute happened when you overrevved the engine a few months back.
I was thinking it maybe from the heads. There was some machine work done on one of the cam caps where the cam seal goes and it still had a very small lip. It may just be the cam wearing down that edge. I didn't pay any attention to the last oil change so I don't know if it was there then too. This is only my second change since the head swap. The car isn't making any more noise than it ever has so we shall see.
wow, dude i hope everything will work out for you, that would suck is there was a major problem...I also feel your of luck.....
Yikes! The last time I saw shiney particles was when my brother swapped a 6 speed into his accord. Turns out the speed sensor for the 5 speed was too long and the 6 speed needed a shorter one. oops. The sensor pretty much was pulverized by the gears. When the tranny fluid came out it was like someone poured party glitter into it and it was perfectly suspended in the fluid.
I rule the arcade! What the hell is a warranty? I seriously doubt it had anything to do with the heads. I am just grasping at straws trying to avoid the inevitable. It was probably all the accidental bouncing off the rev limiter because first and second gear are so damn short.
Every oil change ther are going to be some sparkles in your oil, but if there is chunks of metal in your oil pan... then you have problems.
Huh?? It's nothing like GTScoob's or Scoobaru's when I had them apart. Its just that after working on two cars with destroyed bearings I decided to pay more attention to the oil this time. I never even looked at the oil when I changed it before. I am going to drive it until it's obvious and in the meantime start rebuilding a back up just in case.
Good luck, talk to David at Ball Engines about the oiling mod that we are doing to my blocks. I don't know how much he is going to charge for it but I belive it will fix the oiling problems. What oil pump are you using, and how high was the over rev?
The over rev was 3 months ago and I hit 7700 but the load was almost nil. I also hit 7900 once on a missed shift but that was over a year ago. I examined the filter more closely and there may be 15 or so small silver slivers. Nothing brass colored or bigger than a grain of sand. There was also no bearing sediment when I felt around the bottom of the pan by the drain hole. The pump is an ej22t. Thanks for the heads up on the oiling improvements. If I end up doing anything other than stock I want it to have an 8500 redline but run the rev-limiter at 7800 or so. That should make the JDM 6 speed somewhat useful at the strip and on a road course.
No way that over rev hurt that motor...not a chance. Silver slivers usually don't mean bearing problems, bearing usually have the bronze tint to them you were talking about. Silver could be a lot of things, if I had to guess I would say something just "clearanced" itself. I wouldn't worry about it to much just drive it and keep an eye on it. Matt
Silver slivers would be aluminum and very possible that the cams were clearanceing themselves to the journals like Matt said. I'd change the oil again at 1000 miles and then make a decision based on what you find then.
The good news is that LiquidForce was able to save hundreds of dollars by switching his insurance to Geico!!! Thought I might try and lighten the mood up for you. Hope the best for you man. What if you flush the motor out and hopefully it will get any remaining debre from the head and maybe, just maybe it's not your bearings.
Well I just got back from a trip to Ohio. I put over 1000 miles at 4000+ rpms during the trip. Also while I was there I went out for a few sprited drives on the wide open country roads. I would imagine if a bearing was bad that this would pretty much have done it in. When I get home from work today I'll change the oil and see what it looks like. Anyone here have an extra Blackstone oil test kit? I remember talking to someone at the last install day who said they had an extra sample kit. If I could borrow one that would save me some time on the turn around of the test.
A brave man and a foolish man are sometimes hard to tell apart. Had I really thought it was the bearings I wouldn't have taken it. I am 99% sure it was something as Matt put it "clearancing" itself.