AR SCCA SOLO II Schedule for 2008 02/17/08 - Points Event 1 Six Flags East Lot 03/15/08 - Test n Tune Six Flags West Lot 03/16/08 - Points Event 2 Six Flags West Lot 03/30/08 - Points Event 3 Turner Field Green Lot 04/26/08 - Novice School Turner Field Green Lot 04/27/08 - Points Event 4 Turner Field Green Lot 05/16/08 - Double Cross Challenge Atlanta Motor Speedway 05/17/08 - Double Cross Challenge Atlanta Motor Speedway 05/18/08 - Double Cross Challenge Atlanta Motor Speedway 05/23/08 - Atlanta National Tour Atlanta Motor Speedway 05/24/08 - Atlanta National Tour Atlanta Motor Speedway 05/25/08 - Atlanta National Tour Atlanta Motor Speedway 06/15/08 - Points Event 5 Turner Field Green Lot 06/21/08 - Points Event 6 Night Event Atlanta Motor Speedway 08/12/08 - Points Event 7 Night Event Atlanta Motor Speedway 08/09/08 - Points Event 8 Night Event Atlanta Motor Speedway 08/30/08 - Test n Tune Atlanta Motor Speedway 08/31/08 - Points Event 9 Atlanta Motor Speedway 09/2008 - Solo National Championship Heartland Park Topeka Kansas 10/11/08 - Points Event 10 Turner Field Green Lot 11/09/08 - Champion of Champions Turner Field Green Lot 11/08/08 - SEDivisional Six Flags East Lot 11/09/08 - SEDivisional Six Flags East Lot Also season passes and annual tech will be available this year again, more details to come on that as well. Big thank you to Joel Fehrman to getting our region this great schedule! Meredith - Atlanta Region Operations Steward
Who? :wavey: For those of you on the fence on whether or not to jump into the 2008 season, come on out to the first event on the 17th and get a ride along. You'll have an absolute blast!!!
Q: What's the double cross? Sounds like a National's style deal with two courses run over two days? Best combined time wins? Are they still short .45 second courses?
This year it's a ProSolo event, which means that it's similar to other auto-x events except there's a "drag start". If you're considering signing up, I'd do it quickly. If it's not full already, I'd be suprised. There's more information here:
ProSolos are national level events with alot more contingency money riding on it. However these events are designed for two day competition, so please make sure that you are available both days!