lunchtime encounter

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Mad Mallard, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    told in prose (hopefully)for your entertainment...

    So I'm munching on my Chick-fil-a in their parking lot in a space directly next to the drive thru. Nice enough day in recently incorporated Sandy Springs, so I kept the window cracked and enjoyed tunes on my 4pm lunch hour. All the while, this one car from the cantina next door had the most ridiculously sensitive alarm that chirped when just about anything went down Roswell that had some tamas.

    As I'm eating, I heard a buzzy buzz that couldn'tve been any louder than my idle come up from behind, sure enough that car alarm chirped and complained. But when the buzzy buzz pulled around to where I could see, it was a relatively clean white Accord with flat black wheel covers on black steelies, backwards ballcap with two kids and child seats in the back. I've heard worse, but there was no doubt when you heard it that it was Honda.

    He orders, disappears around the building, didn't think much about it. Finished my sandwich, got ready to go back to work. Turned the key, annoying car chirped again, and of course, like the be DO NOT PRESS button you gotta press, I'm thinking "I'll give you something to chirp about..."

    So I back up, intent on giving a nice 5~6k rev, but before I do, I notice the buzzy buzz had parked a little further ahead of me, and ballcap was out of his car motioning me over. "oh great," I thought. He didn't seem dangerous, so I abandoned my (rare) public nuisance plan, and pulled up a bit with my passenger window down. "You need something?"

    "Yeah, I love these things," he said, motioning to my ride.

    "Thanks," I answered, taking a quick look. "Cute kids."

    And behold, the first excited question out of his mouth:

    "What kind of Blow Off Valve you got?"

    I blinked a moment in disbelief. I mean, I had heard the the tales on the forums, but never ran into one myself. "uhh, stock recirculation valve."

    "Really?" he asked, incredulous. "how much turbo boost?"

    He had seen my car move all of 15 feet around the parking lot; not like he saw me tearing up the strip or something, or revving like crazy(yet) to hear a BOV anyways. "Uh, peaks around 14lbs, I guess."

    "And that's stock? That's something. I just a turbo put in mine."

    "ORLY?" I say outloud. "which engine did you go with?" His exhaust was pretty quiet, maybe he was a sleeper tuner or something.

    He was slack jawed like a fish for a moment. "uh, I don't know. My friend put it on while I was out of town."

    Nice friend, I thought. "Well, thats cool."

    "You live around here?" Well, now we're getting into iffy territory.

    "Nah, I'm up in Woodstock," I answered, thinking most people from the perimeter would have no idea where Woodstock was, my response would assure confusion.

    "Thats where I'm at. 92 and Trickum." Which is essentially yelling distance from my house. "With these wheels, man, people never expect me to beat em." Understandable. Who paints wheel covers flat black, then puts them on semi-gloss steelies? "I'll come find you and we'll line em up, man."

    "Sure, whatever, man. I'm on lunch hour, tho. I gotta go," I said, which was true nuff, but I was also no longer interested in talking with this person in as little time as could be measured. "Take care, man."

    He was nice guy for the most part, but I was left scratching my head the whole drive back to work...:eek4:
  2. bjtyson3

    bjtyson3 Member

    ever seen the gtr mustang prank on teckademics 3000?haha..have stuff like this happen in dublin all the time
  3. WJM

    WJM Banned

    .......................i hate those types...........................

    like, alot.
  4. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Funny....same thing happened yesterday. Me and the two other WRX owners went to lunch in my car. On the way back to work there is a stretch of road where the 4 lane turns into a 2 lane and then my work is like .5 mile down the road. I was steady driving and was going about 5 mph faster than the car in the inside lane. I needed to be in the inside lane and there was an 18 wheeler beside me. I paced on by and was getting ready to merge inside and the stupid Cavalier that I just passed hammered it. The 4 lane to 2 lane merge was very close so I thought WTF and downshifted to 3rd and hammered the throttle. Got in (obviously I pulled him like he was in reverse) the inside lane and now he's all up on my bumper and flashing his lights. I pull into work and he follows.

    At this point I'm thinking okay I've done pissed someone off and me and my buddies sorta get into fight It was a stupid redneck kid that simply said i have a 98 GT at the house...wanna run em? I looked at him like the stupid idiot he was and said dude I'm at work. Then I told him I don't waste my time and if he wants to run it'll be for $$$$. His response uhhhhh the Gt is down the road for sale for $6000 with a new tranny, etc....know anyone that may want it.

    I left and was stratching my head the entire way in.........idiots.
  5. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    yarr. I liked your story better. ;p

    The one thing in common, tho? Isn't it crazy how short the attention span they seemed to have?

    "I wanna race you.... no wait, I wanna sell you a car."
  6. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Was it the 5 series craigslist accord wagon?

  7. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    It's always the same crap. I get so uncomfortable when people come up with that attitude. Most of the time I'll ignore them and keep going.
  8. sti-mike

    sti-mike Member

    I had a dude in a SRT4 tell me he didn't need boost because his car was front wheel drive. I drove off thinking he was kidding but I didn't hear any kind of sarcasm in his voice.
  9. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    okay, all this has jogged my memory a bit, and i do remember a conversation with a chick (in a 1.8T vw slightly modded) who, after asking about my car, told me her car was so quick she never had to turn the turbo booster on. i laughed and nearly pissed my self, right there. and probably would have just for effect, if i didn't have to get back to work.


    Well I don't want to toot our horn, but Subaru owners seem to be a little more intelligent than average.
  11. awdlaunch132

    awdlaunch132 Member

    honda guys still take the cake. dude at the gas station was bragging about his gsr motor in his hatchback. pops the hood and to my suprise, under oil from a leaking valve cover gasket, a stock sohc engine with a ebay inake, stock headers and all. then I say whoever sold you this motor screwed you over pretty bad man. his response was naw its fully built. I gave up and walked away after that....
  12. awdlaunch132

    awdlaunch132 Member

    Were not smart, everyone else is just really really dumb
  13. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    I dunno. I've heard some interesting conversations take place back in 04 around SOG's service center... ;p

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