Possible the worst car week ever?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by RoMe, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    For me at least. Normally I wouldn't post this kinda thing but Im stressed so I need to vent.

    So on Saturday on my way back from my lunch at work it was cold and snowing, making the parking lot a little slippery. So I go to park the STI in my normal spot right up front under a tree I turn in start to slow down and then all of a sudden whoa Im sliding I hit the brake thinking its a little bit of ice but nothing. I slide right under the tree in to some "decorative bolder" rocks. On first thought I was like damn my BBS's I back up to inspect the damage and its the front bumper :eek4::wtc::mad:

    Day off today Im thinking yes I get to sleep in! Not so much the GF leaves for work while I continue dreaming then my phone starts to ring I answer I hear her panicking "OMG someone just hit me" I jump out of bed throw some cloths on grab my keys and such and take off. I call her back on my way out the neighborhood and ask her where she is, luckily she close to the house and there is a gas station there. So I pull into the gas station and wait... a white Camaro that looks like ass already pulls in and then she does. She told me that she got hit in the back I inspect the damage nothing but a few scratches STI axleback looks a little bent on the tip and scratched. I asked the kid that hit her for his insurance info and she tells me that he told her that he only has a permit Im thinking :mad:! He comes back and get this says "do you have a key that I can barrow to open the glove box?" wtf. I give him my store keys (from my work pants that I threw on" and he gives me his card and start to right down his info, I notice that the card is expired :mad::mad:! So I ask him do you have a non expired card he replies it "at my house" then I ask do you have you license and he "says only my permit" :mad::mad::mad: I turn to the GF and say call the police he says "can I call my cousin and we say that he was driving" :squint:

    Heres the part that really pisses me off he gets on the phone talking to his cousin I guess and smiling, Im like I know hes not smiling. Minutes go by and right before the cops show up his cousin walks up from no where and hes like "so can we say he was driving" Im like hell no! The cops take our info and question him I over hear them ask him "Do you have our dl or a permit?" he replies "no" Im like wtf you just said that you had a permit. So the kid gets arrested and his cousin gets a ticket for letting him drive with out a license, I felt kinda bad at the time but A.He has no license B.He hit my car and C.He apparently doesn't care (never asked the gf if she was alright) So to add to the confusion and weirdness of the situation I look at his info that we wrote down and he lives right down the street from me :coolugh:!

    I looked at the 92x and everything seems ok other than the scratches hopefully....

    1. The STI is scratched cause of ice on the road
    2. The gf gets in a accident with the 92x with a kid and he has no dl and kid gets arrested

    P.S. Thanks for the info this morning Greg!
    End ventilation!
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2008
  2. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    uhhh, that sucks man. Glad everyone is okay though.
  3. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Damn buddy. That sucks.
    Things are bound to get better!
  4. AK_Raptor

    AK_Raptor Member

  5. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    let it go by man, at least there is no major damage and both you and your girlfriend is okay, feel better

    the weather is going to get warmer and I can't wait to go out and cruise with windows down
  6. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    yea not a good set of events to have happen but glad all is well and everything will be ok! Hopefully there wont be any on going BS between you and permit kid..
  7. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    Dude, that sucks. I am glad you guys are alright.

    +1 for calling the cops though. I been screwed once for not calling for a minor incident but the guy tried to screw me over through insurance so I will always call from now on.
  8. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    wow man.. talk about a bad week!

    at least no one was hurt.. thats all that really matters
  9. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    Sorry your weeks' been lame, but dont sweat them getting crap for breaking the law.
  10. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    indeed, hope the next week is better!
  11. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    yeah things will pick up
  12. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Glad everyone is all right! Definately made a good point on calling the police, after I had my first fenderbender in high school years ago I didn't call the cops. Turns out I needed the report from the police to finish the paperwork for my dad's insurance which means I had to go by the local police station. I got a stern talking to from an officer saying how lucky I was not to get screwed over by the guy that hit etc etc. From now then on I always call the police. Infact the only other accident I've been in involved some woman in her jetta backing into my old buick at Perimeter mall, after we did the "oh my gosh" I told her I need to call the police.... she got irritated and said "my damage isn't bad" and left teh scene.... definately can't trust anybody much less some kid trying to talk you into telling a lie to your insurance co and police. end long story....

    I'm sure things will get better....
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2008
  13. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    glad you guys are ok! we just had a similiar incidicent last week, the guy didnt have insurance. But the police were called cause the wreck was so bad. they impounded the car, the WRX is ok just minor damage to the back bumper.
  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    When will you be coming by? :)
  15. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Thanks for the love guys and girls! I should be getting the STI fixed soon.
  16. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Sending you a pm :naughty:

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