Knight Rider

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by FTZ, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Who watched it last night? What did you think?

    I watched and will continue watching until something better comes along in the same timeslot. Overall, I thought it was extremely cheesy, as expected. I was disappointed with KITT. They could have done a lot more with the car. It doesn't really change much between normal mode and Pursuit Mode, except for the Spoiler on top of the Spoiler thing. This really disappointed me, since the car morphed. They did not have to keep an identical shape, but they did, and just had another spoiler appear ontop of the stock one. Very ricey.

    I know I have a biased opinion, but I think a Subaru for KITT would have been so much better. Think about something like and ugly 08 WRX hatchback transforming into previous gen WRC STi. Think Milo's car, just all WRC'd up. Now that would make a sweet KITT. Also, the complete body change would better show off KITT's super abilities. And then, when they hit a Dukes of Hazzard style jump at some point, the believability would be more there. I would expect a WRC car to be able to survive and drive away from something like that, more so than a Mustang.
  2. WJM

    WJM Banned

    I stopped watching at the mountain chase near the beginning.

    Seriously, a GT500 has to make the SUV thing crash before it can escape? Retarded.

    I will not be watching it in the future.
  3. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    i watched for about 3-4 minutes..I'm putting in this in the trying to bring back the good stuff can't be done and doesn't look interesting at all pile next to the Sarah Connor chronicles....


    Hey, Sarah Connor Chronicles is actually pretty entertaining, although I could be under the influence of Summer Glau.

  5. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    They will most certainly destroy a classic show of my youth. KITT will always be an old school Pontiac Trans Am...not some sloppy Mustang. I have no intentions of watching it ever. My 2c before coffee in the morning. :wavey:
  6. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    rexrocker..- I totally agree and I'm drinking starbucks right its not pre coffee....haha...
  7. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    At one point I looked over at my wife and asked if we were watching nightrider or a Ford commerical. I only saw one non-Ford vehicle the entire show. Funny when it is that obvious.
    I do enjoy me some Sarah Conner's Chronic though.. Could be Summer though..
  8. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Lol, as if an old school trans am isn't "sloppy" too.

    I kind of watched the show (only enough to enter the sweepstakes). The appearance of the Hoff was pretty much the only redeeming factor in my eyes.
  9. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    Can he (the car/kitt) still jump?
  10. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    Dunno yet.

    The show was alright. We are all mostly biased because we liked the original show. The original was just as cheesy in an 80's kinda way. The new show is cheesy in a 2008 kinda way. I am going to give it a shot. Its better than most sunday night TV.
  11. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    Summer = Yes please.

    In fact I'm watching Firefly right now because of Ms. Glau.
  12. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    It was okay, I hate the double wing that morphs on.

    Although im not against the thought of an sti being Kitt, I think a muscle car suits him well and considering what's on the market now the Mustang is a good choice. A corvette would've been nice though.
  13. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Damn GM and their not wanting to be part of it like they did back in the 80's
  14. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    and where was the "TURBO BUTTON" ??? the show was really cheesy, I mainly watched it for the girl, the car looks like crap, they should have used a non-production car like the new camaro or something like that, but not a mustang, I see so many mustang commercials, that make me never want to buy a mustang....just my 2c.
  15. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Last edited: Feb 18, 2008
  16. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

  17. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    The turbo boost button wasn't on the original KITT until later on. ;)

    Also, did anyone else see the original KITT in the garage with the Mustang at the beginning of the show? It was there when the bad guys were searching the house, you could see the wheels.

    The over used Ford cars is annoying much like KITT revving every time he stops and the door opens......ricer!
  18. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    Yea I agree with everyone here and most likely won't be watching it. I doubt the HOFF wants to do any more shows.
  19. And there was a fuel injected small block chevy motor too.The series was off to a weak start.I too was laughing at the slow high speed chase.I will prob. watch it if I have time.Definitely will watch terminator.prob. mostly because of the girl.
  20. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    TUNED PORT INJECTION...I saw that too. It was just sitting there though, not in a car.

    Did anyone else notice the part where the bad guys were in the helicopter? It showed the copter three times and each time it was a differnt one. lol cheesy.
  21. I have to say that I liked it. I never watched the first one with the Hoff, so I wasn't biased about what I expected the show to be.

    I expected cheese and I got it. I liked how they had the original KITT in the garage though. I thought the engine that they showed was actually in the original KITT that was totally covered up minus the engine bay. Maybe I just missed a second engine not in the original KITT.
  22. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    i was out sunday night and missed, and even though ive heard mixed reviews i want to see it! but havent seen any reruns and can't find it on demand :thumbsdow
  23. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I think it is scheduled for another run Saturday or Sunday. If you miss that, let me know and I can download it for you.
  24. Just go to NBC, they have the whole show there for online viewing.
  25. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    well i watched it on nbc's site....and it wasnt as bad as some people said! And while it wasnt the greatest show's alot better then other crap on tv....and ill be tuning in from now on.
  26. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    I only saw the preview for it. A Mustang? Why?!?

    And seriously, the scene with Kitt stopping the SUV... the physics of it are mind boggling.

  27. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    So I get over the fact its a ford then the comm. wont let me forget it then the sorry attempt at super pursuit mode with super cheezyrice wing. but why would you go on a date without a badass car that could drive itself and have conversation when things get boring. anyways if this is a series I hope it gets better. the story line was a bit better than the last time they tried re doing it.nothing compares with OG kinght rider that being said it could have a spark of hope....
  28. Well, one could argue that the original knight rider car with the super pursuit mode started the ricer craze.

    Now if thats not rice... Well, I don't know. :rofl:

    Plus it had to be a mustang. there is no TA right now. :hs:
  29. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    lol True.
  30. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    i thought it was gonna be a series? When is the next episode?
  31. Yeah, no doubt.
    I DVR'd the next episode, but it was just a re-run of the original pilot... Anyone know whats up with the series?
  32. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    This was about all I could find. I guess it is not set in stone that this is going to be a TV Series.
    This new version of the 80s series will debut with a TV Movie pilot. If that is successful, a weekly series will launch that will follow the TV movie.

    This is from Wikipedia
    Knight Rider is a television movie that serves as a backdoor pilot for a potential new Knight Rider series. This film completely ignores the alternate future and plot changes from the Knight Rider 2000 film and Team Knight Rider television series.
  33. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    this on anyone else's xmas list?!?! or is it just me

    click here

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