post your speed

Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by KA05STi, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. KA05STi

    KA05STi Member

  2. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    18500 down

    2736 up
  3. 2851 download/360 up. I have el cheapo service.
  4. KA05STi

    KA05STi Member

  5. KA05STi

    KA05STi Member

    I just upgraded today... thats the same speed i had :)
  6. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    Matt Ball, you have Comcast huh? I loved getting those insane speeds. Charter sucks ass.

    I get roughly 9800up/990 up
  7. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

  8. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    i get 4491 down and 2165 up with Comcast, 18000 must be crazy fast...
  9. FRCFED4

    FRCFED4 Member


    i think i win right now...this was just on another board i get on
  10. Hazzard

    Hazzard Member

    yeah, if i go to an atlanta server, i noticed it is much faster than to jacksonville. i guess that there are better lines from savanna to atlanta than there are to jacksonville.
  11. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    10678 Down, 1696 up
  12. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    523 down / 120 up

    yay statesboro. northland cable blows!
  13. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    1608 down
    250 up

    I hate bellsouth DSL. TOO SLOW
  14. STiLLsLow

    STiLLsLow Member

    Fastest Download:29619 kb/s
    Fastest Upload:1523 kb/s

    This was earlier today, Comcast 6meg service
  15. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    comcast will do some things on their end to make these numbers higher than what they usually are. >:|
  16. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    7427 Down
    2695 Up

    I miss my Georgia Tech T3 :(
  17. schneid

    schneid Member

    6049 down
    432 up

    thats with bellsouth top tier DSL

    doesnt seem right
  18. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member


    Heh, Georgia Tech T3, boo yah.
  19. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

  20. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

  21. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    i'm on bellsouth dsl you have the highspeed option or whatever...?
  22. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Fun little test.
  23. WJM

    WJM Banned

    3400 down
    550 up

    Dunno what we've got out here in BFE. says '' and its in LA...I call BS.
  24. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Comcast Power Boost mucks up those readings. lol
  25. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

  26. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

  27. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

  28. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    This is from Comcast @ home. I'll post up work results tomorrow. I used to have (2) OC-48's. :)

  29. illepokok

    illepokok Member

    3900 down / 12517 up from our datacenter

    3100 down / 360 up from my dsl
  30. RydeBye

    RydeBye Member

    :rofl:How bout them apples :bowdown:

    Last edited: Feb 26, 2008
  31. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    I didnt know you were running the prodrive axleback kokopelli?
  32. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    anyone work for Comcast Support and can shed some light at those unusually high numbers? What's the deal? How is it calculated compared to regular service?

    This is my work during sort-of peak time.
    Usually it'll be 10mb up/down (10mb fiber optics FTW!)
  33. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


    this is at home and lately has been kinda slow.....
  34. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

  35. Nitro

    Nitro Active Member


  36. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    i have no clue really. Still live at home so parents are paying for it, but I think they are paying too much for this. $50 dollars a month for this? BLAH I SAY! BLAH! I'm pretty sure there are cheaper internets that are faster.
  37. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

  38. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    what the.......
  39. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Keith's internet provider must be using carrier pidgeons :rofl:
  40. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    Work network

    Test network...seems a bit slow today for some reason:squint:
  41. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

    Upload please.
  42. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    Upload what?

    You would not believe the speeds i get on bit torrent for things like ubuntu linux or WoW updates.
  43. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


    from Frederick, Maryland!!
  44. cannarella

    cannarella Member

  45. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

    Im just saying, ill take some of that upload speed. Haha
  46. awdlaunch132

    awdlaunch132 Member

  47. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Now look at it:


  48. evil_wagon

    evil_wagon Member

  49. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    cable modem:

    25847 Dn
    2322 Up (i'm pretty sure it's limited by ISP, most do limit UP)
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2008
  50. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member


    goddamn you reed elsevier.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2008

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