Ganaches vs. Truffles

Discussion in 'Kitchen & Cellar' started by blindfold, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    I finished some Godiva Gold Ballotin from Valentines and bascially I ate them like the biggest glutton on Earth:icon_cool, they were tasty. I think the stuff I like is ganaches, not too sure, but I am here to find out.

    Now I plan to buy some more and it seems turffles are more popular, can anyone tell me what is the actual difference between the two? Espeically what's inside, I love the texture of ganaches after you bite into them... or maybe they are truffles. I remembered the taste but now what they looked like lol.

    I was going to try them both, but I am only willing to spend the money on one box since Godiva isn't cheap. They do have a combo box but it includes some of the stuff I do not like since it includes everything from carmales, to ganahces to truffles and much more. My plan is to find out what I like and buy a box with those things only. Maybe I'm a bit addicted now...

    so what type of chocolate do you guys like?

    I think this is what I had, seems both truffles and ganaches

    if you haven't had these, you must give them a try.
  2. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    the ganache is the texture(filling), a truffle is the vehicle/shape/size.

    best thing you can do is go to godiva and pick out stuff from their counter alacarte. i know there's a godiva in the lenox/phipps area and there is one mall of ga.

    and yes, they are outfuckingrageous (in taste and cost) but i can't help myself either ;)
  3. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    and there is another one Perimeter Mall, :drool:
  4. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

  5. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

  6. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I prefer nachos
  7. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    I prefer roasted almond truffles. Mmmmm. Mmmmmm. OoooOoooo.
  8. baddriver

    baddriver Active Member

    Here's a a favorite of mine:

    A California company that makes homestyle chocolates, and, they have recently set up holiday kiosks in some of the bigger Atlanta malls during Christmas and Valentines day.
  9. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Not so sure I believe you Brian...

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