My b-day party! 3-22-08

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by RoMe, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Ok I found out that Danielle was panning on having a party for me nice try guys :rofl:. So everyones invited I know Ped's having that install day so you guys can come over after that. Actually everyones invited it starts at 7pm

    I think theres beer, appetizers hamburgers and hotdogs and you can bring what ever else you desire :wiggle:

    Heres the address
    3990 Cutler Donahue Way
    Cumming Ga

    Its easy to get here!

    Post up if your interested...
  2. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Yayz party!
  3. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Damn! The cat got out of the bag!

    I should be there bro!
  4. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Yeah I couldn't take it anymore... lol.. He is worse than a 5 year old at christmas time haha... Hope ya'll can come! He is almost 30!!!
  5. jason

    jason Member

    I'm gonna try to make it Rome.
  6. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    hi man, I will try to make it up there.
  7. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    You know I will be there.:)
  8. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Cool, should be able to make it out.
  9. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    what the heck rome, why did you have to find out man? it was supposed to be a suprise.

    i wil be there for sure and with any luck ill be driving my car finally.
  10. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I so want to be there, but I'll be at Road Atlanta.

    happy Birthday!
  11. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    you're lame anyways Matt, we'll have strippers and clowns and your mom there so it'll be good that you're not there. :p

    I'll be there after install day.
  12. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    Matt, what's at RA this weekend??

    It's really not that far from RA either.
  13. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    Thanks to everyone who tried to keep it a secret too!
  14. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    It's an SCCA club racing weekend. There is all sorts of fun stuff to do! I'll be crew chief for my buddy this weekend helping him in his ITA Integra. :banana:
  15. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    why did you repeat yourself saying strippers AND matt's mom...

    tom hoppe is racing his integra at RA that weekend, and matt is the pit scary is that:eek:hnoes:

    Edit: beaten to it:unamused:
  16. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Haha I'll be there.

    Steven I think he saw Danielle's message in your PM box when we were playing on your laptop the other day
  17. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    haha, slacker!!

    Patrick D'auria will be here with us as well!
  18. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    haha he asked me.. So why are you PMing Steven.. I was like umm well I just wanted to let him know I was on the site... But that's Jerome for you! HE HATES SURPRISES!

    Glad you are all coming
  19. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    cmon now did you really think that you could get me
  20. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    I'll be there after work :)
  21. Greg

    Greg Active Member

    In my police stripper uniform. (you think I'm joking)
  22. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Holy big picture batman!! ^^
  23. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    I got my ones ready

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