Just took my car to SoG to FINALLY get my 60K service done (yea, been tryin since last year). Thanks a f**k ton to Neal for helping me out. Hopefully I can pick it up today after work or maybe even tommorrow. Can't wait to see how much of a difference this makes, cuz it was riding a lil rough. Thanks for all the info you guys posted all over this board to help me and everyone else out. WRX-ATL FTW! *200th Post*
Oil change w/filter air filter spark plugs transflush (auto) change MT fluid (manual trans) rear diff fluid fuel induction service coolant tire rotation and balance PCV valve others that I forget.
mmtasty recommended that I change the MT fluid about every 10,000 miles with fresh extra S when I bought my car. I had it flushed at my last oil change @ SOG and it made a HUGE difference in how my transmission shifted.
Does this help if you have been using good gas with an occasional fuel treatment of Techron? What is involved. I always thought it was mostly for dealer profit.
"my car rides smoother after a full interior/exterior detail. no doubt about it. ha ha?" Although I'm sure you weren't expecting me to dignify this with a response. Lol!: It was fine when I 1st bought it around 52K and about 65K it started shifting a lil wierd and the acceleration wasn't as smooth. Changing fluids would definitely change the rough spots in a car. Maybe not a Camry or something your grandma drives but a machine like a WRX should be noticeable. Even in my Integra when I changed the fluids, hoses, and plugs I got like 50whp! :eek2: NO! :slap: I'm just kidding, I know that doesn't really happen but it was so much smoother. Of course, I'm not an engineer, mechanic, or race car driver so I'm not an "expert" on these things. The "Seat Dyno" is one of the most important degrees to judge anything you do to or for your car by. What good is a +10hp(or whatever it is) uppipe if you can't actually notice any improvement? Jus my .02:coolugh: