I'm just going to quote from Brian's last post, but I'm so freaking excited about #3 I've got to get the post up and running... DATE = 3/30 The new format should work well. Here is the schedule: The new concept is that if you run your normal class in the morning (4 runs), you can sign up for DDP (Driver Development Program) runs in the afternoon, which are 6 additional runs, with an instructor in the car with you. Pricing: So, if you are an SCCA member it would cost you $55 for 4 normal runs in the morning, and 6 additional runs in the afternoon, with an instructor. It is a good way to get a lot of seat time, and instruction. If you enjoyed the Subaru Challenge last year, I would highly recommend coming to the first event and trying out the new format. I did this in event #2 and TOTALLy wish I would have done it on Points Event #1. Look forward to seeing all you JDM punks next weekend
Correction to your post, DDP = $40 for 6 runs with an instructor in the afternoon. TNT = $25 for 4 runs without an instructor in the afternoon. This is assuming that you already signed up for running in the morning.
I'm down... and i'm going to swap over to the 225s to level the playing field a bit. Not that freggin Joey needs it... lousy kid drives like a crazy man!!!
my clutch was delivered today...I just gotta get it in and make sure nothing else breaks along the way! :banana:
I'll be there. If I can raise my sick 2.1 gpa. ssh: Oh, and maybe I'll actually be able to beat you mike.
Mike won't be on illegal tires this time ssh: so you might have a better chance.. See you guys out there. If any of you want a ride along or two, with optional instruction, in the morning, find me, and I try my best to help you out. I am not running until the afternoon, and should be hanging around around grid. My wife should have a radio to contact me also, so you can tell her to find me.
:naughty: just trying to get the 225ers (you and captain slow) riled up. :moon: guess we won't know unless you get your homework done! So stop screwing around online and get back to work!
So, have you thought about what you're going to blame it on when I out PAX you this time??? oooooooh... :fawk: hahaa...
hmmmm... if you're doing a DDP you're probably looking to get into this as a new hobby (which I highly recommend!!!). If that's the case, I'd sign up to be a SCCA member. you'll get a free entry for points #3 and a discounted rate for the DDP. then, for the next 365 days you'll get discounted entry fees. It's only a bad deal if you're never going to do it again. It saves a lot of $$$. I believe that you register as usual and then pay the difference at the window??? Isn't that how it works? Or do you just show up unregistered... hmmm... I'm useless.
Guys.... seriously I don't work registration... I don't make any registration policies! If you have registration/membership questions don't pm me or post them here! All questions should be email to soloatlanta@gmail.com or post on www.soloatlanta.com forum.
I did that and requested the refund and got denied..... :squint::squint::squint: those squints are not directed at you Mere!
i'll be at a wedding so i'll miss it. I'm sad about that Good luck getting to the race what with them closing the downtown connector for repaving and the marathon that starts at 6:20am on sunday. Missing those shenanigans i am not sad about
ah, ok....cool. Thanks patrick! I was looking everywhere and couldn't find it. It's not on the registration page or this thread...until now.
hey, what's that restaurant you love some much? Mere/anyone that can answer, what time should i tell people, that want to come watch/ride-a-long, to arrive?