Moving back to Fla

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by RoMe, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    With VERY mixed emotions I'm writing this. I have been pursuing a promotion for about 2 weeks now going though interviews and such. I got the call asking if I would be interested in the position tonight while I was at work. With out hesitation I said yes as my current work situation isn't the best. So Danielle and I will be moving back to Florida not to my hometown as I originally hoped but to the Sanibel/Ft.Myers area on the west coast. My last day at work will be the 18th of April and if we get everything done earlier like the housing situation,moving it might be earlier.

    So heres the good part Sanibel is a real touristy area of Florida and Ill be close to the beach again. The new store that I'm going to is alot smaller and slower so I will have way more time to pursue my ultimate next step of becoming a rep with Nike. Plus Ill be close to home like 2 hours away with is a big positive cause my Mom is battling ongoing health issues and yes I'm still a mamma's boy so what! And I wouldn't have to deal with my asshat of a landlord.

    Negative side is hands down and ALL of the people that I have meet on here. Seriously you guys have made the move to GA oh so much easier. Ive built a great relationship with a few of you guys especially the my boys whole WRBATL crew KingWrex (Best Subaru tech ever!) ,Face (biggest undercover pimp that I know),YungDZ (funniest person ever! :rofl:) and OneIguy (one of nicest guys on the boards) remember we stick together like we did @ the Dragon! I never forget seeing Dana getting powned by King :rofl:.You guys are truly awesome and I'm sure you guys are gonna come down and visit :naughty: Also Ped you've saved me a shit ton of money and headaches with all the installs that you've done on Both of my cars, also the amount of info that you've giving me your always one pm away not to mention that Julie and Danielle have bonded you really are the man I cant thank you and Julie enough! Also Deputy Greg James Bitch :rofl:,Keegan,Jason,Chin,Bomjoon, my mtn run guys schooling me in the art of mtn runs. I may have forgot some people sorry but to all of WRXATL thanks!

    Of course I'm still gonna post maybe not as much as ill be missing all of those G2G's and such:wtc:, Ive been looking on and it seems that there is alot of STI's in the the FtMyers area so at least I can get my Subaru G2G fix somewhere. But no more mtn runs regardless of what anyone says they were fun! I guess I could get into Autox or drag racing as Florida is flat as hell. I still plan on visiting GA as we have so many WRXATL friends here, and you guys are always welcome if you don't mind hang out at the beach :rofl:.
  2. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    It's going to be sad to see you go.:wtc: Well you know what this means. ROAD TRIP!! Congrats dude on the job. I know you will enjoy being closer to the family, and getting a chance to further your career. We need to get a good-bye run in before you go. If you need help moving or packing just hit me up.
  3. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Good luck man, and best of health for your mom's (i'm a mamas boy too)! Nice meeting you and enjoy the weather (jealous)
  4. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    My Rents live down that way (Punta Gorda) make sure you stay on the boards! Where is home? Sounds like the East Coast of Florida, if so, google Alligator Alley as that stretch of road is about to become your new best friend/worst enemy....
  5. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    I only got to hang with you a couple times dude, but it was dam funny tho... Well congrats on the new job. Hopefully we'll get to hang out before you leave...
  6. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


    Good luck my friend. You and Danielle will be missed here in the ATL. I actually thought of you yesterday as I was driving home. Passed some dude with about 50 NIKE boxes in the back seat of his Nissan Sentra. :rofl: It reminded me of the room of shoes you said you had!

    Anyway, best of luck and keep in touch. I wanna come visit! :banana:
  7. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    :wtc: i actually got a little teary eyed reading this:wtc:

    this really sucks bro, you and daniel are two of the best people that i know on this planet. you guys will be greatly missed and i will defenately have to come and visit. you should aslo know that anytime you are up in the Atl. that you have a place to stay. i am really lost for words and want to say so much more but i really cant stand to think that you and daniel are actually leaving to go back to florida. :eek3:
  8. Danielle

    Danielle New Member

    :wtc: First of all I am sad reading this. :wtc:

    Thank you to everyone who has been part of our wonderful ATL move. Steven I will not forget the first time we hung out, it was too funny. All you wanted was moe's, which was closed and we had mexican. For me that was my first encounter with WRXATL. I used to make fun of Jerome all the time being on the website. But the more I hang out and talk with everyone, we are like a HUGE family.
    I will truly miss you guys. And yes I am going to say this, I am going to miss the mountain runs:keke: As much as I hated them during it. They were fun.
    You guys are ALWAYS welcome to our home just like you guys welcomed us here. Plus it is is a good excuse to check out some hot babes lol :rofl::rofl:
    Lilo and I will miss you guys and thanks for everything! :fawk:
  9. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    Jerome, well it's definitely good news you are moving to a higher position and on with your career. I hope things work out well down in FL and hopefully some of us ATL people can make a caravan roadtrip down there and crash at your place. :p Hope your mom's health improves and you get to spend more time with her. Take care man and definitely keep in touch.
  10. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    Hey RoMe, you will like the area. I used to live down there back in the early 90's in high school. One thing that I can tell you is that traffic is everywhere. I go down there every year for a banquet and each time there are more and more snowbirds (old people) clogging the roads. Winter is worse and in the summer you get a lot of foreigners form Europe. I worked at a bike shop near the beach and we rented like crazy. Sanibel is beautiful, Ft. Myers is nice also. Cape Coral is a maze of canals and roads that dead end when you think they should keep going. The weather is great. In the summer you get the pop up storms off the gulf that roll in from 3-4 and are gone by 5-6. The biggest down side is the cost of living. My buddy pays about $6000 a year for homeowners ins and he lives inland some. Let us know where you settle and I will look you up in the fall when I am down there. Let me know if you have any questions about the area.

    Best of luck to the both of you and enjoy the weather!!!
    Andy - fellow 9-2Xer
  11. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    who is Daniel?

    ;) :p
  12. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    best of luck down there yall, and dont stop posting!
  13. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

  14. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i never got to meet you, but heard lots of good things about you guys. what sucks worse, is i'm moving back into my place down the street from steven.

    best of luck in ALL of your future endeavors!
  15. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    oh man, hope you come back to visit sometimes
  16. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Damn dude! When I saw this post I was hoping there was a big JUST KIDDING when I clicked on it. I must say I am quite dissappointed but it seems it is for the best, and I for one am for moving forward.
    I wish the best for You and Danielle, and Harry and Sally (lol) you are a good road dawg and I always enjoyed running with you and that sweet ass WRX wannabe, STI.

    We definately need to hit the Dragon up again before you move. And if you need the help moving, you know there's plenty of room in the Wagon.

    On the bright side, atleast I can come down to the beach!
  17. FACE

    FACE Active Member


    Damn! I am at a loss for words...

    I am truly happy that your are getting closer to being a rep for Nike and that you will be closer to home!
    I hope that your Ma does well and that your new position treats you well! It has been a pleasure getting to know you and Danielle in this short time. Best of luck and you two will be greatly missed!

    This just means WrbAtl will have to take a road trip to the Beach to check out these Hot Babes :naughty: know we are planning to take a trip around the end of May...Right?!?! And I agree we should make a going away run date prior to you two leaving!!!

    Godspeed my Friends

    AKA the undercover pimp :rofl:
  18. WJM

    WJM Banned

    I may be joing ya'll.
  19. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    man you guys are awesome thanks for the kind words I wont stop posting for sure. Like I said anyone is welcome to come on down May would be perfect! cannarella thanks for the info Ive been on the Gulf Coast a few time it is beautiful over there! On a side note one of my friends that i grew up with is tuning with Japtrix racing now they specialize in Subaru's sweet :naughty:

    Anyone looking to move to the beach let me know :rofl:

    Will there is a Subaru dealership close to where I will be working of course I already looked it up.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2008
  20. WJM

    WJM Banned

    It wont be the one I'll be working at.
  21. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    Yep it is almost like a different world on the gulf coast. Is the store you are going to be working at on Sanibel? Don't let my info scare you. It is an awesome place. I would move back in an instant if the wife could stand the heat, whick I don't think is that bad.
  22. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sanibel is beautiful. The wife and I spent our honeymoon there last year and we WILL be returning soon. Best of luck with your future endeavours.
  23. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Best of luck moving on :) I am confident you will do well.

    You're welcome :hug:
  24. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    ok guys we made it safely we haven't got to the new house yet, instead we detoured to Jupiter Florida to surprise my parents at 1:30 in the am.

    The car felt great it, I tried to keep it under boost for the whole trip. Its crazy comparing the na 92x and sti with mpg's. Gas around here is $4 a gallon for premium I should have loaded up before we left. :eek3:

    Ill post pics when I get my pc up and running I'm on the lap top right now.

    Also I haven't spotted a WRX or anything on this whole trip other than seeing Strayen on 400 as we were leaving and a riced out rs on the turnpike.
  25. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Gkad to hear you two made it safe! See you in about a month!!!

  26. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Yea, glad you made it, I went back to Steven's to say goodbye but ya'll had already bounced, so sorry
  27. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    sorry I couldn't make it to Steven's either, hope you'll be back to visit
  28. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    Good to hear that you made it safely. Good luck.

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