Calling all Atlanta/Georgia Tech/Midtown/Anyone who wants to come to the Georgia Tech Auto Show: We will be meeting up for breakfast at the Silver Skillet on 14th Street on. For those of you that has never been to the Skillet, it is a great diner that has been around since the 50s and they have never remodeled (I think they still have some of the original waitresses too...) It was even in the movie "Remember the Titans"! For more info on the Skillet check this link: If you are participating in the show, Car Placement starts at 10 a.m. with judging starting at 11 a.m. and ending at 1 p.m. To make things easier for those who want to participate I think we should meet at The Skillet at 9 a.m. Anyone want to join me for some pancakes? :ddirty: Listo! 2pt5RS Alex Berzerklo blindfold Deke GTScoob
I would be there, but will be installing my new clutch on Saturday! I would suggest getting to the restaurant at 8:30, just in case they are busy! oh yeah, today is the 27th, so you might wanna change the title unless you are going back in time
Huh, you are right... I was looking at an April Calender for some reason. :hsnono: So it is on 3/29 not 3/26. Can I change the title, or does a Mod have to do it? 8:30 Then?
Even though I'm actually going out of town later that morning and will not be going to the show, I'm going to try and make it for breakfast. I've been wanting to eat there for some time now. However, this of course all depends on the outcome of my Friday night.
I might come out for Breakfast, but I will be putting a new clutch in my car in the maybe a bit of time at the show...