Another Nigerian Scam Letter

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by WRXCoupe, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Got this today:

    Greetinngs To You,
    Note that this letter is not an internet scam or joke
    but I was made to use this medium to contact you
    of my position in government . I am Mr John Ibori, by

    I write to request your co-operation or in alternative
    find a foreign partner who will assist me in the
    of the sum of $30,000,000 (Thirty Million United
    States Dollars),
    which is present and available in my possession. I and
    my brother
    deposited this money in a security company when my
    brother was the
    executive governor of my state(DeltaState).
    I wouldn't have needed any help in this regard, but
    because of the problem we are facing right now,
    neither my brother
    nor any of the family members can travel out of the
    country because
    he is accused of money laundry and other charges, they
    believe that we
    the family members knows where about of all his
    properties and other
    assets and they seized all our travelling documents
    and asked us not to move
    an inch out of the country untill their investigtions
    are over. For you
    to be sure, i want you to view this website

    ( )

    We wish to invest this money in capital market or
    other valauable businesses in your country but before
    that, you must have to
    travel or arrange with the security company on the
    claim of the funds on our
    behalf. If you accept to work with me, I want you to
    state how you wish us to share
    the funds in percentage, so that both parties will be
    satisfied. Contact me as
    soon as you receive this message if you feel we can
    work together, so we can go
    over the details. Thanking you in advance and may God
    bless you. Please,
    treat with utmost confidentiality. I wait your urgent
    response. The
    entire plan and documents of this transaction will be
    forwarded to you as soon
    as I receive your positive response indicating your
    interest. I also want to
    assure you that there is no risk involved in this
    business. After the fund gets to you
    sucessfully,surely i will meet you up in your country
    for the investment.

    You can reply me thru my private email:
    I await your urgent response.

    Remain Bless,
    Mr. John Ibori
  2. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    I replied and told them to clarify the letter I received from a Mr. John Ibori: Please Read Below (very confusing)?!?!?!?!?!

    "Greetings to You,
    Note that this letter is an internet scam
    I was made to use this medium to scam you
    of my rectal position in government . I am Mr John Ibori, by
    "Name but not in person.

    I write to request your co-operation or in alternative
    "find a foreign schmuck" who will ass me in the
    in the bum of $30,000,000
    which is present and available in my posterior. I and
    my brother
    deposited this money in my bum when my
    brother was the
    executive governor of my buttock state.
    I wouldn't have needed any help in this regard, butt
    because of the problem with me bum right now,
    neither my brother
    nor any of the family members can travel out of
    4 square feet of our ass because
    he is accused of money laundry, dry cleaning, ironing and other charges. They
    believe that we:
    the family members knows, where’s, about's of all his
    ass-sitting and they seized all his scrotal dickuments
    and asked us not to move
    an inch out off the toilet until their ass investigations
    are all over you,
    to be sure, I want you to view this website

    ( does a pretty

    I ass you that there is much risk involved in this
    business. After the funds, gets to you
    metaphorically, I surely will meet you up in your pantaloons
    to make a deposit.

    You can reply me through my privates: (i.e. cocksukulooo-majoris)
    I await your urgent urination.

    Remain Blessed in da pooperai!,
    Mr. John Ibori"
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2008
  3. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    John, I understand your situation and I am willing to help. However currently I do not have a mode of transportation to get to the bank. If you would kindly send me a cashiers check for $100,000.00 dollars I willl purchase an automobile so that I may meet you at a later date.

    Signed Jimmy Q Spinmister
  4. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member


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