Kart Drifting at Andretti's

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Batlground, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Here is the great news.

    The date is set. Monday April 7th 7:30 to 10:00 pm. We will be driving between 8:00pm and 10:00pm. 20 people must pre-register by paying $30 plus the paypal fee which is $1. THATS A TOTAL OF $31 to batlground@gmail.com. Once you register your payment is not refundable unless we do not get 20 people registered by Sunday April 6th. We will have a waiting list after the 20 spots are filled up.

    How it works.

    I am just collecting money because someone had to step up and do it. Andretti did not want to pre-collect money and they wont rent the track unless there are 20 people so I took the risk and did it so we could all have fun. I am not trying to make a business out of this and I still have to pay. I like to go to Andretti on Mondays and blow off some steam and this is a way for everyone to have more fun.

    Now for the nitty gritty.

    If we do get 20 people then we will meet at 7:30 at Andretti and get racing by 8:00 pm. We will have the track for 2 hours and will do as many runs as we can. We think that we can get everyone 3 runs a piece but we have to be off the track by 10:00pm. It will be 4 at a time drifting on the circle track with the fast league carts. If you have not driven on a league day then you have never driven these carts. They are way faster than the regular carts. Basically they are turned up for more power and more rpm.

    Now for the not so bad news.

    In the event that we do not get 20 people Pre-registered by Sunday April 6th then we will have to move the event to the next Monday. That will be Monday April 21st. You will have the decision to get a refund on Monday April 7th if you cant make the postponed date. If you do not request a refund on Monday April 7th by email then your money will be forwarded to the April 21st event. You must request a refund by email to batlground@gmail.com, private messages will not be accepted, this is because of strict paypal rules You can only request a refund if the April 7th event is postponed.

    Basically if we don't get 20 people pre registered and paying we cant do it. There is no other way to get in on this event unless you pre-register. We will only be letting 20 people in so register now.

    Extra information for everyone.
    Also, if you are not 21 then you have to leave at 10:00pm because Andretti does a private 21 and up night on Mondays. All the games are free on Monday night after 10:00pm and they have some great drink specials so its a good night to be there. They also have great deals on regular races as well. They are $10 a piece.

    Registered People so far:
    Daniel Willie
    Tracy Shayhorn
    Brandon Bachtel
    Matt Ball
    Jack Pitt
    Jeremy Ball
    Kevin Keegan
    Mark Atchison
    Ken Wilson

    (only 11 people to go, I am posting this on other forums tomorrow so that Import Atlanta members have priority)

    paypal to batlground@gmail.com or pay cash at Batlground to avoid the paypal fees


  2. rotary_drift_dreams

    rotary_drift_dreams New Member

    Come on out guys it will be fun.I actually work at andretti I host the drift days I haven't had one in a while.and to add to the info it just won't be an oval course I made it more technial with the room I had. I add cones for clipping points and put tires on the outer groove as a guideline to stay on track and doing tandem the way I set it up is a blast
  3. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Sounds really fun. Unfortunately I can't be in Atlanta for it. Slightly off topic but someone on here is called Kevin Keegan??? That's fucking awesome! The same name as one of my gods in football!

    Also, what's this about free games for over 21's after 10pm on Mondays???
  4. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Its called "Bombshell" Mondays and it starts at 9-9:30 until about 2. Games are free and Karts (track not drift) are half price at $10 a race. I've been I think every Monday this month, it's a great time to get some races in :naughty:
  5. rotary_drift_dreams

    rotary_drift_dreams New Member

    I love working modays I find it entertaining watching everybody get wasted and try to drive a kart. The best night was when this girl was a lil drunk she cam in the pits instead of hitting the brake she stomps the gas and runs into the fence and gets stuck I took 5 of us to get her out lmao classic.of course there been mondays that were way out of control hell I almost got in a fight with a drunk guy jus cause I pulled him over and warned him about bumping.but I'm to old to be fighting that's why I got security
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  6. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    man i'd love to come! always wanted to come to andretti! But i dont get off til 8, and i work in snellville :(
  7. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    dude that's me...i bought your seat!!! lol
  8. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    just come for bombshell monday nights then...i'm sure we'll stay for drinks and some regular track karting after we get done drifting.
  9. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    since matt won't post it

  10. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    I just downloaded it from my email so I could post it.
  11. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

  12. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Damn it I should have put two and two together, called kevin in person and keegan online..... Well either, way, fucking awesome name!
  13. rotary_drift_dreams

    rotary_drift_dreams New Member

    For everybody who wants to race after the event I'm gonna reserve 2 time slots 11&11:10 cause we are booked by 10.so I need a head count by monday cause we run 8 max so so if we need more slots I can put it in when I get to work
  14. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    UPDATE: drifting is now booked up

    put me down for 2 time slots for the normal track
  15. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I may or may not show up...I definitely won't be racing though....:)
  16. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    that was awesome, definitely worth it and looking forward to it again in 2 weeks. I loved the 2nd and 3rd course variations.
  17. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    I like hitting stuff
  18. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I totally forgot about it last night until I drove by Andretti's and saw Keegan's car. Wish I could have made it, I guess I'll try again in 2 weeks
  19. rotary_drift_dreams

    rotary_drift_dreams New Member

    Thanx again guys for coming out it was fun seeing everybody get sideways of course when we were done I was tired as hell.look for new date coming soon
  20. Tracy

    Tracy Member

    I think we are doing it again next weekend. Not the 19th but maybe the next. Someone will make a new thread when it's set. I had a freaking blast. It's def worth the $30. The league karts are the cooooolest dude!
  21. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    No drifting tonight the 28th, we are working on rescheduling it.

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