Fatal Wreck Last Night...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by BelvnAWD, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

  2. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    yeah saw this on the new tonight, so sad!!
  3. AK_Raptor

    AK_Raptor Member

    what the F man thats messed up
  4. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

  5. yerrow

    yerrow Active Member

    i was stuck in the muck.
    turned off the car at 8:59, didn't restart it until 11:45.

    but what can you do, i still was alive
  6. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    4 dead..an 13 month old baby boy, a 14 year old boy, their mother and the driver.

    Life without parole or the death penalty for the driver.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2008
  7. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I don't think he should get life or the death sentence but maybe a few years. He didn't hit the SUV and if they hadn't have overreacted when he swirved in front of them they would probably still be alive.

    Now before people start flaming me....

    I am not saying that he should get off, hell no. Obviously he was a dumbass for speeding and should definately lose his license and serve some time with pictures of everybody and the wreck plastered to his jail cell wall. But I am saying how many times do you see people over react on the road for the simplest thing and almost cause an accident? I see quite a few daily and no I am not barrelling down the highway at 100 mph, I try to drive conservatively because I know most people on the road do not know how to react when put in a sticky situation.

    I just watched this on the news and they said that the driver is cooperating and no arrest have been made. I do feel sorry for the family though seeing how a nice family vacation made a complete 180 and now there is hardly a family left.
  8. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    People are retarded enough at around the speed limit. Many of them have unstable or unsafe vehicles, especially SUV's and they are on cell phones with TV's, gps's, like they are in their living rooms. They are about as prepared for emergency maneuvers as Hillary Clinton is to be president (sorry had to go there). It makes me stay the hell away from most drivers for the sake of my passenger’s safety, my safety and my car. I always have my eyes peeled and in the mirrors. Always watching people’s front tires for that sudden swerve into your lane without the signal which is ever so popular here. I ALWAYS USE MY BLUE TOOTH OR NO PHONE CALLS PERIOD! I constantly have people on two lane roads crossing the median into my lane on their Fu$%ing phones. There is a time and a place to go fast it sure as shit is not in local traffic here and especially in rush hour fogedabout it.

    Weaving through heavy traffic at 100+ is like randomly firing a gun into a crowd and hoping you don't hit anyone. If that guy is guilty he is better off dead, his life is over, end of story. Even if he doesn’t get death he is a walking dead man.
  9. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...


    He DID (allegedly) hit somebody. It wasn't a simple over correction by someone else that caused this...
  10. I stay like 4 mins away from Jimmy Carter and I just heard about this yesterday... Fucked up on the dudes part for running away.

    RIP to the dead ones.
  11. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    But then how come his car was so fucked up?
  12. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    i know he can't talk about it now, but i wonder if blueline was investigating this one...
  13. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    It came up on IA the night it happened. No one seems to know the guy. However, there is a general consensus that he's probably on the site.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  14. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Boo. Keep it on track.
  15. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Prays for the family...
  16. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    (prays for god to make common sense, common)
  17. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    On Ia they mentioned that it was brought up on another forum that the guy that dropped the car off was wearing mechanics clothes and so the assumption that maybe the car was at a shop getting worked on and someone took it out for a joyride.

    If whoever did hit and run from the accident then he certainly does need to get the harshest sentence possible
  18. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    He tried to pass the SUV Limo which was in the HOV lane by passing them on the access/emergency lane where the busses and utility vehicles go.................What a Chooch!
  19. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    If you are driving at 100+ mhp down a public road and somehow "cause an accident" without touching another car you are still responsible IMO. However this jerk had body damage so obivously he knew he had hit something or somebody.... such a sad story!
  20. yardhippie

    yardhippie Member

    Im not defendiing anyone here just looking to see where we would draw the line.
    I am sure that no one has proof that the guy was doing 100+ mph. Situations like this are emotionally charged and with that comes uncertainty. What we can say is that the guy was driving too fast for conditions. No doubt. So what is too fast for conditions? Rush hour in atlanta anything over 55 can be deadly, but 55 is the speed limit. So, if you pass someone doing 25MPH and youre doing 55MPH and they have a wreck is it still your falt just because you passed them? I would think not.

    But what if you passed someone doing 60MPH and they were doing 55MPH (in a 55MPH zone) they then had a wreck. Do you then become liable b/c you were breaking the law when you passed them?
    At what point do we pass the baton of responsibility from the idiot who cant maintian a lane when they get passed or a car in front of them to the idiot who is driving like a choad and scaring the hell out of the genral population?

    Notice I left out the part about his car being damaged. There's just not excuse once you factor in that part.

    I wonder b/c I live in atlanta where the posted speed limit on the freeways is 55 and on a fast day the left lanes are running around 70 - 80 and the right lanes 45 - 55. I see the goobers that slam on their brakes when someone merges in front of them for no reason. I see the idiots that nearly force people off the road trying to merge where no car will fit. In fact, Ive even seen a bulldozer on 285. No really! It fell off a trailer and there it sat!
  21. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    100 is reckless. 55 isnt.
  22. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    At my old job there was a whole department that investigated accidents... there plenty of ways to determine how fast you are going..... it's call physics
  23. yardhippie

    yardhippie Member

    not always. 100 on a closed course or track may or may not be reckless. 100 on a freeway at any hour is reckless. 55 in a school zone at 7:45 is also reckless. 25 mph on an atlanta freeway when its moving is also wreckless, if not fatal.

    I was asking more where/when/how we assign responsibility (lord knows the US is doing such a bang-up job with that already :sad: ) Mainly b/c I had a guy try to blame me for a wreck by claiming I was speeding. the judge looked at the photographs and drawing and said that either way the other guy was in the wrong, that made him at fault. This recent event made me remember that and i was wondering what others thought.

    Looking at the facts currently presented this guy is going away for a long time and justly so.
  24. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    thats what i meant, 100 in a 55.

    If your breaking the law to that extent and you somehow cause an accident .. weather it be by hitting someone or a small car getting blown away by ur incoming pressure wave.. or somebody freaking out by how fast you are going ( you shouldn't be going that fast) its your fault
  25. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    See my statement....

    I don't think anybody is discussing in the context of going up to Road Atlanta for a track day and doing 100 mph on a straight-away
  26. heathbar

    heathbar Member

    Interesting how the news caption calls the RSX an intengra... ;)
  27. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Maybe they wrote the caption in Japan where the RSX is an Integra... :squint:
  28. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    since he is an IA'er, he probably did the same thing that all of the ricers do, and rebadged his RSX with the japanese badging...
  29. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Hey thats not rice, that is JDM!! :pssh:
  30. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    That is so messed up. I really feel for the families of the victims...Another tragedy due to stupidity...

  31. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    My thoughts... are he should do a few years in jail. Then get out and have absolutely no chance in hell of ever getting a drivers license. Once out he should be forced for the rest of his life to do community service for accident victims or MADD. Our Jails are already crowded, and I would much rather see a child abuser or rapist/murderer in jail than some idiot driver. With no license he can't do any harm, plus why waste our tax paying money on him.

    For his deffense, you could be driving 80mph down 285 and some Joe Blow driving an SUV would think your driving 100mph. What makes them so qualified to judge his speed?

    Other than that, haul ass or speed.. sure. But don't do it in such a manor to endanger other peoples lives. I have many times hauled ass down the freeway, but I don't turn it into a passing competition to see how close I can get to other cars.
  32. Dude, this happened the day after I left for my honeymoon..... otherwise it would've been all mine..... I just got back into town and I won't be back to the office till Wednesday, so I won't know any juicy details till then..... of course, I won't be able to share any juicy details, but anything groundbreaking will be in the news before long anyhow..... just from reading the media releases though, I'm not convinced that the kid's story holds much weight..... we shall see.....
  33. Prelim is set for Friday, very interested to see how it's gonna play out.....
  34. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    well, you can talk about about hearings now can't you? ;)
  35. Lol, not quite yet..... the lead investigator has everything put together very well though, I don't expect any surprises.....
  36. KA05STi

    KA05STi Member

    good!! he deserves to be denied bail..
  37. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    What a chooch
  38. And the 112mph average speed was a very conservative estimate.....
  39. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    Jesus. I've hauled ass down an empty freeway (at speeds not even close to that!) before and it scared the shit out of me. That man must've been absolutely wasted.

    Good for the judge for denying him bail. The guy is a murderer.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  40. Caffeinated

    Caffeinated Member

    I hope they nail this bastard to the wall!
  41. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

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