Drivers License Test

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by FTZ, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I was talking to my sister about this the other day after she nearly killed us at a downed traffic light (Flashing Red in 2 directions, Flashing Yellow in the other 2).

    If you had to retake the written part of the Drivers License Test today, do you think you would pass?

    I have been driving now for 13 years. I think I am a decent driver, but I don't know if what I do is legal sometimes. It is how I think you are supposed to drive, but it has been so long since I read thru the book, I am just not sure.

    They really should make everyone retake the written part of the test every couple (5 to 10 years) to be able to keep your license.
  2. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    I think that I would pass but like you said even now I'm still not sure on all the laws, but honestly I didn't know what was going on when I took the test as a youth either I didn't read the book
  3. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    I think the test should be way harder like Germany. There are way too many people that are clearly not capable of handling the responsibility of driving on the road.

    I don't think I would pass the written test the first time, but if I had 30 mins to study I would be fine...
  4. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    I tend to agree. It should be mandatory as a refresher.
  5. Demo24

    Demo24 Member

    yeah I'd probably pass, I took that 4 years ago and it was only common sense questions. Like "what does this sign mean(holding up a railroad crossing/yield/traffic light/etc)".
  6. Lol, that reminds me of the other day..... I pulled over this older guy for changing lanes back and forth without using his signal..... when I asked him about it, his excuse was, "the car I learned to drive in didn't even have turn signals....." :confused:

    So yeah, I don't think it would be a bad idea to do a refresher every couple of years..... nothing major, just basic stuff..... plus it would help spread the word around about new laws on the books, like the move over law that people love to ignore..... seriously, I can turn one traffic stop into four or five because, invariably, somebody driving HUA will come flying down the right lane as I'm getting back in my car and miss hitting me by an inch or so.....
  7. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    HUA = head up ass?
  8. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    I'm honestly pretty proud of how hard I've tried to embed all the stuff I learned in my brain. I'm sure I don't obey every traffic law, but I know what to do at a malfunctioning stoplight. :) I also know to move over and/or slow down signficantly if you absolutely cannot move over for a police officer on the side of the road. :bigthumb: That's actually a law, am I right blueline?
  9. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    yea that is a law...there are actually signs that were posted up on 85 sometime recently stating its a state law to either slow down or move over..i know I obey that law...and I get really irritated at the peeps that dont!
  10. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    But aren't you like 20.
  11. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

  12. ^^^:rofl:

    And yeah, HUA=Head Up Ass, very common unfortunately..... I can think of more than one occasion where I've been guilty of it as well :eek:

    JEFFSTI Member

    i just retook my motorcycle test again since i let it exspire. i barely passed. one more question and i would have failed. the last time i took it was 8 years ago.
  14. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    Thank GOD people are getting pulled over for that!!!! :bowdown::bowdown: That is my biggest pet peeve
  15. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    God bless you! You have your work cut out for you! Even though Chicago is similar to Atlanta traffic people use their signals for the most part there. I have never had so many poeple swerve infront of me at high speeds in my life. I am actually surprised there are not more injury fatality wrecks.

    As far as the drivers license test, is there one of those here? My brother is taking the test in England and you must take at least six months of class just to be prepared. It is awesome! Disclaimer: I have nothing against any type of immigrant that comes to this country legally; my parents are both legal immigrants. They learned the language, they applied for citizenship etc. I am bi-lingual but I learned English first. I cannot believe my friggin ears when these politicians talk about giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. This sends me into a frenzy of anger. Driving is a privilege not a right that is for legal citizens. If you cannot do it legally with a valid driver’s license you loose that privilege end of story. How the Fu#K can you come to this country illegally and expect to have any rights let alone a right to drive. In no other place on this planet can you enter a county illegally and have full rights of a citizen and possibly a drivers’ license! This is not tolerated in the countries illegal immigrants are coming from. What are we idiots?!!?!

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  16. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    I agree that you should need to retake the test every 5 years or so, its not that big of a pita. Same goes for old people, they need to take driving tests just as frequently as the rest of us.
  17. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I agree that people should have to retake a written test at least when you are scheduled to renew your license (every 10 yrs in SC).

    I had a cop yell at me the other day for not pulling over when he hit the blue lights on me. I turned onto my road at like 20 mph and the cop thought I turned in too fast. By the time he was behind me and lit the lights I was not 100 ft from my driveway. I got off the throttle and coasted into my driveway. First thing cop says to me was "Boy you know what those blue lights mean? It means pull over immediately." I corrected him and told him "No sir it means to slow down and pull over when I feel it's safe. Also sir this is my driveway and I think it's safer for both cars to be off the highway."

    The shoulder on my road isn't wide enough for a car and also there are holes and trash galore there and my front bumper would be toasted if I pulled over. Also the grass was as high as my bumper. I live in the country and there is NO lights anywhere until I get into my yard where my outside night light is on the power pole.

    In SC we are mandated to slow down but we don't HAVE to pull over until we feel we are in a safe area. Safe area being a well lit place with public access and also with people around.

    I didn't get a ticket because he admitted it just 'looked' like I pulled in fast when I actually pulled in sharp to miss a little pile of gravel in the middle of that road/turn that would hit my bumper. He said he would contact Highway Maintenance to clean that up.

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