Stopped me on Chamblee Tucker and asked a few questions about my car. Cute girl and sorry if I was a retard....You really caught me off guard and I was lost for words. I hope you are on here.
Haha wow, now I have somewhere to post for all the girls I see around and pussy out from speaking the first time.
There's some seriously weird shit on that craigslist link. Chick in a subie FTW, however. Did it have an Agnes scott college sticker on it by any chance? There's a green outback like the one you descirbe that I see around decatur all the time.
thats y i like business cars with my cell number on them .... and when u hand them out going down i20 it works...
No, it was a Legacy Outback with a Bicycle rack on top. I actually figured out that she works one light over from me and gets off my exit everyday. I ahve seen her a few times now.