cops! ha

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by JEFFSTI, Apr 17, 2008.


    JEFFSTI Member

    so a while back when i had my honda crx i went through a big road block! keep in mind that i had somone coming the next day from alabama to buy it. (thanks God) well i pull up and im like SH$T cause i dont have any seatbelts in the car. so i hand over all my stuff to the gsp officer and he quickly looks it over and starts to hand it back to me when i hear another cop tell him to pull me over to the side.:squint: i had about 20g's in it. fully molded body kit,shaved everything built gsr motor. 350z bronze gunmetal wheels carbon fiber everywhere!it looked pretty good (my first car). anyways,so i pull over and another cop comes up to me and ask me for my insurance and stuff(the 1st cop still had it) before he leaves to go get it i ask him why they pulled me over? he then ask me what KIND of car is this? i told him a honda crx. he then says my suspension is to low. (oooook. good reason....i guess?) when he returns i ask him how does he know its to low if he doesnt even know what kind of car it is? then he says that it was a random selectment. every 10th car is pulld over,and every car that is pulld over has the drug dog run on the car. i said ok cause i dont do drugs and never had. well that damn dog is all over my car. i can just see him scratchn my paint all up! so i gave the cop a look and throw my hands in the air. he walks over and ask what is wrong. i told him im try to sell the car and i didnt want that stupid dog scratchn it. they can search it cause i dont have nothing to hide. he tells me that the dog tracked down something and that i needed to get out. so i did. they searchd so hard trying to find something. they were even pulling back the carpet! they didnt find anything of course and let me go. they looked so hard for drugs that they didnt even noticed there were NO seatbelts in the car!:keke:
  2. yardhippie

    yardhippie Member


    Profiling at its best.
    You're lucky. If the dog really hit on something. They'll stop at nothing to be sure that there is nothing in there. Ive seen a car that got pulled to an impound lot an then tossed b/c a dog hit on it. there was some residue under the back seat along with all the other loose change, trash, and dirt. it was pretty bad and the interior never went back together correctly and the owner got hosed.

    Police: can I search your car?
    Me: No.

    You want to search my car? Get a warrant.
    I got nothing to hide, but you're not messing with my stuff either.
  3. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

    g00d story.

    JEFFSTI Member

    i know. but i told them to cause the damn dog was going to scratch it all up! other wise i would have not let them.
  5. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    you're lucky they didn't plant something

    JEFFSTI Member

    too small of a town to do that kind of stuff. everyone knows everyone. i would have had alot of poeple that know me to testify in court
  7. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Damn cops. Always trying to do thier job and shit. It's too bad the handler didn't know what he was doing though because that gives other canine teams a bad name. If the dog really had alerted they would have found something.
  8. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    My mate had his car searched recently, it's a Volvo 850 in Maroon... I told him he should have refused the cop the ability to search his car, he said he let him because he didn't want him to call the drug dogs out and waste even more time. Now, I'm not an expert on the law but would he have been able to call out the drug dogs?

    This all happened at 11:30pm on a Sunday night driving back from his gf's in Lawrenceville to Athens. He also got asked if he had any handguns, grenades or rocket launchers in the car. I'm not shitting you about that. He wasn't speeding either, his taglight was out and the cop just started spouting out all this shit.
  9. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    Before anything can happen a cop needs probable cause. If you don't give them probable cause they can't stop you, or in the thread starters case they can't perform such a thorough search at a checkpoint. If a department has a canine asset then sure they can call them out if the officer deems it necessary.

    The bottom line is don't break the law too much and you'll be straight. Everybody speeds a little, rolls through stops now and then or has something illegal on thier vehicle. The laws are so strict on vehicle modifications that I'd say just about everyone on the site COULD be fined for something, but probably wont be because there's bigger fish to fry. You just have to be smart enough to know when you can and can't get away with something.

    Not all cops are the good guys, I wont deny it, some are crooked just like your average criminal. But for the most part they're on your side if you're not a known asshole, or criminal. If you lie to a cop, obstruct justice in any way or have any kind of prior felony charges, especially violent types, don't get stopped because it's almost certain that you'll have a bad day.

    If a cop asks you if you have rocket launchers or hand grenades it's probably dry or dorky humor and not a serious question. If he really thought you had those weapons he'd probably be pointing his sidearm at you. It's ABSOLUTELY standard operating procedure for them to ask if you have any weapons, usually just a check in the block for every stop he makes. Imagine if you had to ask everyone you encountered the same questions 10, 20 times a day... you might tend to change it up a bit just to break the monotony. You'll notice cops go through a mental checklist when they stop you because it's just procedure. You have about as good a chance of a cop singling you out as you do meeting the president at the ATM.

    Edit: This article is specific to profiling but it covers probable cause very well, if you actually want to know your rights.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I mean Ive seen supertroopers. Isnt every highway patrol officer like that? I think blueline will agree :p
  11. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ "Allright meow, license and registration.. right meow..."

    JEFFSTI Member

    did you just say meow?

    JEFFSTI Member

    like corey smith said " for every cop that thinks his badge is a crown...this song is for you and ill never bow down!"
  14. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Even if you said No the drug dog alerting is enough to warrant a search anyway even though there was nothing there.

    JEFFSTI Member

    the drug dog was alerting because it was a idiot cause there was nothing there and never was
  16. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    No he probably smelt something on the ground or smelt something 'similar'.
  17. cleanmachine

    cleanmachine Member

    I'm in no way an asshole to a cop but I tend to mess with them a bit when ever I get pulled over for some BS. One time, typical profiling( I don't think they like modified Hondas) I was pulled over for window tint at night when my windows were rolled down. So on this particular stop the cop comes to my window and gets my license and insurance and then goes back to his car. While he was at his car two more cops came up. I new I had nothing to hide so I decided I would have a little fun. While they were behind my car talking I moved my power mirrors arround so I could almost make eye contact with them; as they moved about the car I followed them w/ my mirrors. Eventually they came back w/ my info and a ticket for window tint. Of course they asked to search my car and I agreed. Because there was more than One officer they asked me to stand at the back of my car w/ 1 officer as the other searched my car. While I was at the back of the car I asked the officer if my understanding of being allowed to ask them to stop the search at any time was correct and they agreed. So I waited a second then yelled out "Stop!" The officer searching the car stopped the search and Asked what was up? I said I was just joshing them and that they could continue if they wanted. Next thing I know they popped my trunk. I told them it was my understanding that they had to ask me a second time to search the trunk because that and the glove box are treated similar to a safe. The officer standing next to me said I was right and closed the trunk. (Some cops will try to get away w/ whatever they can, it is up to us to know our rights). During the search they were asking me about switches that were in my car and I replied "Its not for nitrous". It wasn't it was for fog lights; I was just having so much fun I could not help it. At that time they concluded the search. After it was all over the 3 of us just stood arround and BSed for a while. I asked them about what was legal and what wasn't since they had pulled me over for window tint I decided to keep it related to the stop. They had a book of rules and we all flipped through it for a bit.

    That is just 1 of my stories of the many times I've been pulled over. I have interesting encounters w/ the Cops.
  18. 5spdfrk

    5spdfrk Active Member

    How'd you put 350z wheels on a crx? Pics if you got 'em.

    Edit: Read it again, and see that you were talking about the paint, and the wheels were gunmetal, lol.

    JEFFSTI Member

    yeah, i should still have some pics. ill try to find them and post em

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