Hell yeah! Looks like its bout time to invest in a PS3. I bought a PS2 just to play San Andreas. The GTA genre sells systems.
What? I thought it didn't come out until next week. I can't wait, I might take the day off work. I am getting it for Xbox though, multiplayer and downloadable content.
nice. did you take a sick day to enjoy it I still cant get over how ugly the ps3 is. Whoever designed the appearance needs an uppercut to the testicles.
I didn't like San Andreas very much. But Vice City was the shiznit! Still too cheap to buy a new system though...
I don't think he is using his PS3. I know there is a leaked version available for the 360...we just have to wait and find out . Nicad, is this what you did?
It will be... I think So... where's the hookup? I can't wait to get my mits on this game. It's really bad that it's officially released the week of finals :rofl:
really? I am not trying to be a smart ass, but looking at the photo, the red "stand-by" light is glowing on the PS3...plus, when did the PS3 get the ability to read back-ups...Linux maybe? Now if he already has the disc, thats another story.
well then...there's some stuff I overlooked...:rofl: I've got nothing then. I was under the impression he downloaded it directly off a torrent onto the HDD
?Multiplayer? ?Downloadable content? Let me know how that works out. I may just get an Xbox 360. And Deke if it is not already obvious to ya, I don't have an Xbox 360 either.
I hope his online is not connected! I bet he's smarter than that. http://kotaku.com/383534/microsoft-looking-into-early-gta-iv-players
I know for sure that it will have up to 16 player multiplayer, and 4 player online co-op, and some episodes or something that are xbox exclusive.
ahem. xbox 360 version. sucks cause I'm working nights and won't really have time to play until Sunday. the cutscenes are really nice though
haha oh my god. I spent 30 minutes watching the in game TV in the starting apartment there was bas rutten on there talking about kicking someone's ass, a show called "vinewood cunts", some insurance commercials, TV poker, etc "cause if you lose in TV poker, you should just kill yourself!" there's a billion radio stations. 15 minutes in and I'm dating some chick already
pwnt. we went bowling as a first date (I wanted to choose rape and strangle, but the game didn't present me with any choices) and I whooped her ass. there's some standup on the in game TV also
am I the only one sitting outside of circuit city right now? had I known game stop opened at midnight I'd have reserved a copy then...oh well...reserved my copy @ circuit city..cant wait!
man I feel like a kid again...just had some disgustingly amazing mcdonalds breakfast....at dr office for quick check up and I just got a new game! haha gta4 s.e. ftw!!!!! $100 later....lol
Congrats, man! I got mine at midnight, played a couple of hours...Its great. Now, if could just skip ahead today 6 hours...
Work is going by so slow today, then I have to go to school before I can finally play GTA4, my roommate took the day off work to play, asshole.
Damn you all!!! Haha, I want to buy this game really bad. But due to finals and the fact that I'm going to be without a 360 from the end of May through the beginning of August, I'm probably not going to get around to buying until fall
$100 for special edition...havent even opened yet..still @ dr office. but its got some neat goodies from what I hear...lol...
If I got that game at midnight, I would have played all night long, and called in sick to work the next day and continued to play all day. I love GTA. Now I just need to buy a 360 or PS3 so I can play it, since it is not available for PC yet.
I would have called in sick, but my car goes down to Batlground at lunch...basically I need all time at this desk I can get. Time = $ = mods! Sleep is overrated.
awesome...gotta black lock box....duffel bag....and a rockstar key chain..and a awesome book about the game..oh and the game...lol
I was on my way home last night and my cousin is in line at gamestop @ MoG and calls me to wait with him. So I do and end up buying the game also. I played about 3-4 hours and it's so much fun! I also like the new way to run from the cops.
yea the new fleeing system is nice. I screwed that whore of a girlfriend the other day. she's pretty easy. two dates and WHAM right in the shitter
Me too, I was 1.5 hours late for work this morning, and trying to figure out an excuse to leave early.