Atlanta Doublecross/ProSolo 5/17-18

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by penelope, May 9, 2008.

  1. penelope

    penelope Member

    Who will be there? I'll have my DS-prepped WRX out for it's first National level event, and my co-driver's second event ever in the car.
  2. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    i'm really excited to sign up for this, never done a doublecross before!

    i'll be in my RS, in STS
  3. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Pardon my noobness, but what is a doublecross? Sounds fun
  4. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    Its only the best Atlanta SoloII event of the year. Check out the website. Its a form of Mirakhana? with a drag start.
  5. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Registration is closed.. the event filled up back in April.

    DoubleCross is a form of prosolo; mirrored autox course with a drag start complete with xmas tree lights.

    Karen keep in mind that other than you, clemson scooby, WJM and I nobody on this site participates in national level solo so simply refering to the Prosolo or Doublex isn't going to get many responses other than "what is the doublex".
  6. penelope

    penelope Member

    It's okay. If they at least come out to watch, that's something too, right? Have an impromptu Subie meet at the Pro? That's what a lot of people do up here... and then the next time they come out, they participate, and then they are hooked... ;)

    And registration actually isn't closed. If you haven't looked recently, there are about 10 spots open (175 max entry) because people have dropped out for various reasons.
  7. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    I'm registered for both the DoubleX and the NT. I'm not sure that I'll be able to make both, but I should be there.
  8. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Lol we are popping your doublex/prosolo cherry!
  9. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    I went to the first DoubleX (two years ago) and missed last years, maybe because it was on the 4th of July. I ran the Peachtree instead.
  10. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    that's right i had forgotten...
  11. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    I wish I could go, I'm headed to Pitts, PA tomorrow. I attended a D-X a couple of years ago and wound up against Joel. We have a couple of close calls and had to go again, he beat me by a nose. It was fun!! I like that style vs the normal auto-x.

    I predict Jodi will win. :p
  12. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    i just figured that out :wtc:

    oh well, next event here i come
  13. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    There are still spots available... call up the national office and talk to Nancy Downing....1-800-770-2055
  14. Dante

    Dante Member

    I'd like to get out on Sunday to see this. Is there an event schedule? I couldn't seem to find it on SoloAtlanta :(
  15. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    event will run all day saturday and sunday
  16. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Qualifying is on Saturday, Challenge is on Sunday....

    more info is available at
  17. Dante

    Dante Member

    Thank you! I'm hoping to come out Sunday and catch a portion of it. :eek3:
  18. penelope

    penelope Member

    Stop by and say "hi!" My WRX is silver with ghost flames on the hood. :) I'm running either DS 34 or L1 34. Depends on how I feel when I get down there.
  19. Galimore

    Galimore Member

    There's no entry fee to watch right? I might come hang on Sunday
  20. gt9729b

    gt9729b Member

    I didn't realize it was starting that early this year. That's going to be rough.

    I don't think so, you'll just have to sign a waiver and wear a wristband.
  21. Dante

    Dante Member

    Dropped in for a few hours yesterday to watch! Wow, I'm was super jealous I didn't sign up for this. Looked like a blast, a great turnout, and great competition too.

    Not sure how everyone faired but I saw a couple WRXAtl'rs run. Got to meet a bunch of great folks too.

    I'm definently putting this on the calender for next year!

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