White wrx in cartersville?

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Kris, May 24, 2008.

  1. Kris

    Kris Member

    Anyone? I saw it at Walmart in Cartersville around 11:30 today, but didnt have the chance to really look at it.
  2. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Might be McKenzietj
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I thought he moved to Alpharetta
  4. Kris

    Kris Member

    Thanks. :) It's nice to see a few other subie drivers around here.
  5. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I am up that way. I don't currently have a Subaru but I am in the market for one. Looking at just about any Subaru out there. Legacies, Foresters, and Imprezas of all kinds(STi and WRX). Which ever one I can get the best deal on is the one I will snatch up. :)

    I have a dark blue Mazda RX8 right now.
  6. Kris

    Kris Member

    Hehe. I love my car, it's just slow as hell. :) Why the hell did you buy a rotary anyway?
  7. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    Cause, its fun. I really like it. Its slow going straight but its a blast in the corners.
  8. Kris

    Kris Member

    Fair enough. :)
  9. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    Kris I'm from cartersville. didn't know we had anyone that lived up that way

    whereaboots do you live?
  10. Kris

    Kris Member

    Right by Cass High. How about you?
  11. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    live in kennesaw now. grew up in cartersville (went to woodland high)

    used to live off iron belt with my dad. my family still lives up there
  12. Kris

    Kris Member

    That's cool. I'm going to be moving to Kennesaw soon myself.
  13. mckenzietj

    mckenzietj Member

    that was me. actually, probably my wife. she's the one who goes to walmart. every day. 5 times a day. even on sunday. was she stripping the gears, cutting off at least twice trying to back out, burning up the clutch? if so, it was definitely her. :rofl::eek:hnoes:
  14. mckenzietj

    mckenzietj Member

    you know the 2 other wrx's in cartersville (silver, blue)? we should have a cartersville subaru meet at the train depot... all 4 of us.
  15. Kris

    Kris Member

    There's a red one here, he lives in my neighborhood. And I dunno about the killing of the poor car.. it was parked when i went in and gone when I came out. I've seen a few older ones like mine running around.. but they're all driven by people who look like they've got corn cobs up their asses.

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