Does anyone have or know of a good shop for quality A/C repair? I have a car that the compressor is acting up and the one shop (a dealership) that did the work says there's nothing wrong. Well, i disagree when Im sweating my ass off in leather seats. B/c the work was done as part of the purchase, they're not willing to do anymore work to the car without me paying for it. Well if you didnt get it right the first time AND you want more money. I think I'll find someone a bit more trustworthy. I live near 85/285 and work in Duluth. Any ideas before I just have to start calling around? Thanks.
Turn your seat heaters off. :rofl: But seriously, whats the output temp at the vents when its set on cold and recirc? If its between 45~55*F then its 'within spec' and isnt going to get any cooler. *shrug*
The compressor stops running (clutch disengaged). it is holding pressure and is super cold until the compressor stops running. I think we may have a bad pressure switch or the WOT switch is sticking. so the compressor runs until a nother sensor/switch kicks it off for some reason. The fans stay running and engine speed is still slightly elevated as if compensating for an engaged A/C clutch. You can turn seat heaters off?hnoes: :keke:
Expansion valve. 95% of the time. Does it do it like clockwork every time after a certain amount of time running the A/C?
Its actually a little inconsistant. If i run the temperature setting above the coldest (70 ish) it seems to last longer. In the mornings I can make it all the way to work (30 min). In the afternoons I can make it about 2/3 of the way home (20 min.) The other day it just didnt start running. The previous work done was to replace the low side line from the condenser to the firewall. When the clutch engages, it sounds a little harsh also. Not like the clutch is bad and slipping (grinding), but more of a clunk (like a hydraulic hose loading up and hitting something)
+1 if I wasn't going to SOG...these guys were very nice and knowledgeable...when I took my girlfriend's car there...the suby always goes to SOG.
I guess I should have mentioned I have brought past cars there and currently my wife's car. SOG is the only shop I have brought the STi to. TopSpeed is next since both Scott and Will are gone from SOG.
my clutch used to clunk pretty harsh. it sounded NASTY. But, I never had the blowing warm issue, so I don't know what to say. IIRC, we took all the freon out and put new stuff in and it hasn't really done it since then.