Brembo issues on my 04 STi

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by RUTSPEED, May 23, 2008.


    RUTSPEED Member

    So I'm in the waiting room of a Subaru dealership in Charlotte since I'm up here for work this weekend, and I asked them to install my new Hawk pads for the front and rear.

    My car has 41K miles on it, and I put some EBC Green stuff pads on it before I did a track day with Trey and some friends last august.

    So, I guess the mechanic wanted to see if he could turn my slotted rotors, which of course you can't, but he gets the service manager to come get me to show me that the big bolt that runs in each end of the caliper are frozen and if he breaks it, I'll need a new caliper, which of course won't help me much right now.

    I'm not doubting him, and I'm not totally sure how the hell that happens, or why I'm going to have to buy a new brembo down the line. They make awesome stuff, and this seems wierd, so I might have to ask the Brembo guy that's at the NASCAR races a lot, and perhaps they have some advice.

    Has anyone had any experience with this or know what the deal is ?

    Thanks a lot,
  2. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    I would take your car and leave...

    RUTSPEED Member

    For real... I told them not to touch them. pull the pins, replace my pads, and let me leave.

    I'm glad you felt like that was crazy too
  4. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    They are trying to sell you a job. Leave and let someone else that is 'honest' do the job.
  5. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    You can turn slotted rotors but I am not sure I would let those guys do it. If they cant figure out how to get a bolt off without destroying a caliper they are either lying or incompetent. Neither trait is a good one for a mechanic.
  6. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member
  7. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    EDIT: nope I am retarded...and apparently cant read.


    RUTSPEED Member

    .. you guys...

    I was trying to wait until Dan and Tracy put my downpipe on and tune it up, but I had the pads just staring me in the face, so I went to them on a reccomendation from a friend, but they sucked.

    Oh well. Didn't know if anyone had ever heard of the caliper being a problem at all.

    Thanks again
  9. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Come by the house if you want, I can help ya. These guys sound like 'tards. No need to remove the big bolt unless the are removing the caliper, which is not needed with the Brembos. (you already knew that).

    I'll be under my car all weekend if you are bored. :)

    RUTSPEED Member

    Trey, I'd love to. There's just this one problem. The baby is due on friday, so I don't think I'm going to make it, even though I did take this week and next week off.

    Thanks for the offer though.

    I didn't mean to sound like an idiot. I know I could have changed them myself, but I was going crazy trying to make sure i'd be home for the baby, so I wanted to change my pads just in case.

    I just thought the bolt issue was wierd...that's the real reason I was asking. That's all.

    I'm no stranger to idiots trying to screw you on your car, I just had never heard of anyone having trouble with those big ass bolts.
  11. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Just bring it by the shop when you get a chance, Ill take care of it.

  12. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Baby? Congrats dood!
  13. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    what dealer was it up there? Folger?

    RUTSPEED Member

    Thanks Trey ! We're so excited. I can't wait.

    And Matt...thanks for all your help on the phone today :) I'll see you in a couple weeks once it's calmed down a bit.

    And yeah, it was Folger. I was just bummed because a friend of mine recommended them cause he bought his 07 STi from them, and then they were douche bags to me.

    What can you do though. Oh well.
  15. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    from what I understand, the sales dept is top notch, but the service dept sometimes leaves things to be desired. the parts manager there is pretty cool and they are very much involved in the community (NASIOC), so I'm not sure what happened.

    sorry :(

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