When is the next AutoX event that would be suited for me ,a newbie, to get my first experience with autox ? I have looked at the Atlanta SCCA site, but I am having trouble telling what would be an event that would be good for this, any help is much appreciated.
hey dude...post up a thread over here http://www.soloatlanta.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=18 Sadly, I think most of our hardcore autox'ers have been run off/left...
registration link for 6/15 event: http://www.dlbracing.com/clubs/regi...x=199&CSN=true&EWL=true&SMI=true&EventID=3502
Thanks for the link, I think my car is considered STU from what I have heard I just wanted to confirm before I completed the registration. Here is what I have, 04 STi with catless turbo back, cobb ap stg 2, cobb front and rear sways, oh and mad driving skills...j/k. Thanks guys.
yeah, for STU, you need to run a map with stock boost, and have a cat on the car. (can be a single high flow cat). Without both of those, you would be in BSP. Hope to see you out there -Brian
I really can't change my car up by then, do think I would still enjoy competing in BSP? I am not looking to win, just to have some fun.
First off, isn't this your first Auto X? If so, you should run in the Novice Class the first time, and the next. After that, you will have to run in class.
AFAIK, novice class is offered at all points events. There are many people there that would be willing to help. You'll have a blast no matter how well you actually drive, trust me! Hopefully we'll see you out there on 6/15
The novice program has been redone this year, and IMO, it is working out really well. Instead of running in class in the morning, you run at the end of the day (~2-3pm). Instead of getting 4 runs in the morning by yourself, you get 6 runs, with an instructor in your car. I would highly recommend it, as you can get some quality instruction, and 6 runs vs 4. You can arrive at 10:30am, vs 7:30am Once you arrive, you will get an introduction, and instruction on how the autocross event works, followed by ride alongs with cars running in the morning classes, so that you can get a good view of the course. Once the morning classes are done, you will get an instructor guided course walk. The only drawback to the Novice program, is that times aren't officially recorded and posted for the 6 runs. You will get a time slip for each of your runs, not including penalties. The reason for this is to focus novice drivers on improving their driving, vs winning Novice class. This also allows for running a reduced set of workers and not recording penalties, focusing on supplying instructors for the students, vs having workers for cone calls. Hope to see you out there. Spots tend to fill up fast for the Novice class, since it is capped, so I would suggest signing up early.
I'm planning to make the next event! Can't wait. After missing two (and the Dragon event) I'm really itching to get out there and drive!
I just registered in the Novice class, so I will see you guys out there. Looking forward to seeing how these events are.
i should make it to the next one. do you "have" to register ? cant you just show up and run? i always just show up and run at AL eents...
We have over 200 people showing up to our events, registeration is required. For more info.... http://www.soloatlanta.com/forum/
... ehh i think i'll just stick to AL events... you know everyone and its just just show and run. i'll just show up and watch.
AL SCCA have started to charge $5 for on site registration.... I seriously think the days of showing up and running with most regions are over. We started doing online only last year and it makes it so much easier for us to get the morning started. It should be a good event though, we have a night event on saturday June 21st at AMS as well.
well my problem is i cant always make it to the pre-registered events... my schedule changes by an hour. yeah its like $40 for 5 runs. and you work 1/2 the day.
What time do I need to show up if I am running Novice? Do I need to bring anything, or is there anything I should be aware of as a newbie?
Check the solo atlanta website for times. You should clean out your car before you get there, because any loose items must be removed; this includes floormats. So you might want to remove them and other stuff like that. Do bring water, and maybe a snack. There are portable toilets there, but no other facilities. Sometimes there is a vendor serving food and drinks, though.
Have you every been to one our events? Please don't make assumptions! Typical heats last 1 to 1.5 hours. Your $40 does include the SCCA national charge for a weekend membership. If you choose to run in the only the morning you are done by 1ish. The last few events we have run about 180 cars in 4 hours or less. And Yes we do offer refunds for regular points events.
Oh, by the way, it looks like its going to rain this weekend, and events do not get canceled just for rain. You should bring a rain jacket just in case.
I had checked the website, it looked like check in was at 7:30am, but for novice it was at 10:30am, I just wanted to confirm that I didn't have to get up that early, if so no problem.
If I can't make it to the 15th, when's the next one? I wanna do it as a novice also, since this'll be my first time :O
Check out this website it will have most of your answers: http://www.soloatlanta.com/ Go to the schedule link
Basically she's saying that ATL solo events have a LOT of people and organizing the event can be a logistical nightmare. Nevertheless, team solo (the people organizing each event, including Mere) has done a great job of making things run smoothly, so they don't take light any criticism of their hard work. Anyway, the events run very smoothly. You get four runs, and that's more than enough to get the feel for the course and have a good time AND still make time for 150+ people to take each of those four runs. And you only work for one of the three heats, so its not too bad, unless its cold, then its sucks and you just HOPE that someone hits a cone so you can run around a bit. I've got a brake upgrade before this event, so I'm excited to try out new pads at the next event!
had to back out of this one due to Father's Day. ATL SCCA was really good about my refund -- thanks! see you guys at the next one hopefully.
i have not criticized anyone. just saying i dont wanna have to register. just show and run. i know they are not gonna change up the rules cuz of meh. if i dont like it i wont show. im not gonna try to change up everything cuz i dont like it... unless i own/operate the event.
Wow, tough course yesterday! But fun! I feel like I left a lot of time on the course and I never did feel smooth out there! Good to see you guys too, Felt like we had a whole lot of time problems as well. Not sure if that was people, equipment, or operator error? Axel, what did you think of your autoX experience?
Ya, long hot day, but I loved it. Nice to meet you Dante, nice car too. I am going to sign up for the AMS one this Saturday. I am looking forward to competing, although now I realize my driving skills aren't what I thought, but I look forward to developing them. All in all, I am hooked for now.
Bastard! can't believe I missed this one! Although hopping off a plane and straight into an autox would have been a bit much. The next one's at night!? Sounds freaking awesome, any more info on how that event goes down?
AMS opens up @ 4:00PM this Saturday and the first car should be off by 6:00PM I've heard. There's going to be 4 run groups with a break in between the second and third groups. I've heard great things about the night events...I expect to see all you WRXs with your rally lights out there. I'm tempted to drop some on the M3 for humor's sake (make it a Scooby in disguise!)
I'll miss the next one Got a crowd of people at the house this weekend and only 3 outta 7 are interested in AutoX Also, anyone know who had the STi with the SWRT WRC Team livery? That was pretty neat! Curious if they're sponsored, or just a huge fan.
^I don't know who he is, I had a ride along with him, great driver and fast car. The livery looks awesome too.
Good to see you guys out there. As for some of the issues, it looks like the new timing equipment was having trouble with the heat. We had not had this problem before, and will take steps to avoid it. With the next 3 events being night events, we should be able to avoid most of the timing issues. I put the pre-preliminary results up last night: http://www.soloatlanta.com/blog/?page_id=12 I had a lot of fun on the course, but had troubles avoiding cones and was dirty on all of my runs. Anyone know where I can buy streetglow for the night events?
Hey, thanks for letting me jump in as your forth passenger. Nice car! The SWRT car comes out once in a while. SOG sold a few that were all stickered up back in the day.
Thanks. Also, the results are up! And they're not pretty! I got stomped really hard in AS with no help from cones. Strangely, my best run was with four people in the car!