TopSpeed Time Attack Treck Across the Country*Destination Miller Motorsports*

Discussion in 'General Community' started by CicioSTi, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    Well Ladies and Gentleman (mostly gentleman) The trek across the country from Atlanta, GA to Salt Lake City, UT begins! Me and three others are set out to the Red-Line time attack at Miller Motorsports on Saturday.

    Redline: Time Attack!!

    (The Agenda)

    Cobb Tuning Thursday night by 5pm to retune the race car at 5,000ft. +

    Miller Friday for last minute tests and setup

    Miller Saturday to kick a** :)


    (The Crew)

    1) Doug Wilks
    founder, owner, tuner TopSpeed in Alpheretta, GA

    2) Cicio
    friend, logger, photographer(yeah right), IT, helper, tech, driver(the rig that is)

    3) Justin
    friend, tech, beer drinker

    4) Keith
    friend, general keep awake and good extra hand

    Day #1
    Monday the day started with some dyno time for the race car. Doug threw her on the dyno and started at his magic! After a few pulls she was sounding good and running strong! We then started loading the rig with everything we would need at the race track. fuel/jugs/chairs/canapys/extra parts/....and lets not forget.....the race car!



    Into the rig goes the clothes/cameras/laptops/food/drinks/sleeping bags/blankets/ get the idea. Oh and lets not forget the xbox :) At about 3pm Justin and Keith show up from Jacksonville,FL and we get on the road.

    The drive begins, we are all excited and full of energy and high hopes for a great week. We get about 50 miles and realize that the rig is loosing coolant. (not good) After pulling over and looking around we found that it was coming from the overflow on the coolant reservoir (or what we thought was a coolant reservoir. So we do a pressure test on the coolant system (which came out fine) we decided it must be the cap that wasn't holding pressure. So off to auto zone to get a new cap, topped off the coolant, installed the new cap and back on the road.




    Yep....we wish it was that easy...5 miles down the road here comes the coolant again. Doug decided there was no way we were gonna make it on the rig (we all thought it had a blow head gasket) So we turned around and headed back to TopSpeed.

    Our plan "B" was to get in the dually pickup....hook to the smaller trailer and get back on the road. (none of us were very excited about taking an almost 40 hour drive in a extended cab pickup BUT we were going to do it)

    Doug and I decided to get on google and see if I could find a 24 hour truck service station to at least get the rig diagnosed before starting the LONG trip in the little pickup. We were 3 miles from getting back to TopSpeed when I finally got ahold of a nice mechanic, coolant reservoir he said? Thats not a reservoir, thats an expansion never fill that all the way up!

    We are race car guys we informed him....we fill our coolant to the top :)

    So AROUND we turned again and RE-started the journey. (it was 10pm by this time)

    So after Doug and I taking turns driving through the night, the morning finds us in St Louis, MO! The rig is running great, and the crew is pumped and ready for action.

    I will be updating and responding to this thread when I am not driving, and Doug will be when I am. So ask questions, make comments and wish us luck!

    Subys FTW!

  2. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    Good luck guys! Keep us up to date with everything.
  3. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    Nice first post!!

    Good Luck guys.
  4. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    cool have fun on your trip!
  5. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

    ahahaha "were race car guys.. we fill out coolant to the top" what did he say to that one?
  6. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    He said that makes sense but it just doesn't work that way in trucker were we suppose to know? We all laughed it off even though we wasted 5 hours and about $80 in fuel :)
  7. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    well most of us are ready for action!!

  8. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Good luck guys!

    What other shops/teams are going to be out there this weekend?
  9. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    All the major players will be at this event. It is one of the biggest time attacks of the season. Check out the website too see all the cars and drivers..
  10. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Good luck guys and keep it safe!

    Is Luke not driving Lucy?
  11. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member


    He absolutely is driving her!
  12. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    Good Luck Guys! I am sure things will get a lot more smooth as the trip progresses.
  13. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Is he flying in and meeting you guys there or something?
  14. Tray@topspeed

    Tray@topspeed Member

    Yes. He should be there Thursday night or Friday.
  15. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    Ok guys, sorry I have been absent but I have been driving while Doug slept.

    We are now in Lincoln, NE. Tom Tom (GPS) Led us a CRAP way and got us stuck in the middle of downtown! Doug and I had to do a mid role driver switch because he is way better than me with the rig in traffic!

    Here is what we think of tom tom.......................

  16. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned


    Garmin is way better than Tom Tom.
  17. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

  18. WJM

    WJM Banned

    Custom route via paper maps beats all.
  19. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    awesome! good luck guys, have a safe trip.
  20. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    hell yeah it does and I drive a rig! althought you still have to look out for height/weight situations.
  21. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Funny same problem I had with my truck a few months back. I just came thru Ia,NE,UT,Vegas to La, few days ago. on the way back now.

    Good luck, Be safe, WIN!!!

    p.s. Ya ever need a driver when I'm in town...YES
  22. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    Hey Doug, when the competition begins, remember....KILL MAP FTW!!!
    Kill a fly with a sledgehammer. That's my way of thinking LOL. Good luck guys and be safe!
  23. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    cool trip so far keep us updated its a good read
  24. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    Ok guys. Sorry its been a little while, but here is the update..WE HAVE ARRIVED!

    We pulled into Miller Motorsports this morning at about 8am. The reason I haven't been on here updating is because I took the wheel of the rig at about 5pm lastnight and drove through the night while Doug slept so he could be fresh today for meeting/greating/tuning!

    I drove all night long through the mountains of Wyoming and Utah. (that was fun)

    We got here thismorning and I was just too tired to post. I caught a couple hours of zzzzz's and then went and took a shower in the Miller shower facilities. (very nice by the way)

    There is a group of guys here (mostly WRX and STi guys) that rented the track for the day, so after watching and meeting a few of them we decided to unloade the trailer and set up the pit area.

    Well that got the attention of every Subaru guy on the track in about 3.6 minutes. So we answered some questions and talked to a few of the guys while they took pictures and drewled over the car.

    After doing some posting and playing some xbox me, Justin and Doug have a pretty heavy $5 bet on who is going to take who in go-cart racing :)

    Later tonight we are dynoing the race car and then I think headed to Cobb for a bbq tonight. If there is anyone in the area that is going please let me know. I would love to meet some of the community up there. (plus we kinda need a ride since all we have is a 75ft rig and a race car :))

    Well I am out for now.

    I will get some more pictures of the guys out today, and the track loaded for you guys, for now here is the pit area and the race car.







  25. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Looks like you are the only people there...Have fun!
  26. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I swear I love every angle on that Brighton.
  27. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    How often do you hear this?:rofl:
    Good Luck and show those punks what's up TS style!
  28. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    unhook the trlr and ride out! big pimpin style lol.

    -I drove all night long through the mountains of Wyoming and Utah. (that was fun)
    you was rollin the hills huh.:ddirty:
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2008
  29. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    Ok, Just wanted to give you guys a little fun update!!

    We just got off of Cobb's heartbreaker MUSTANG dyno

    Christian and Tim Bailey from Cobb Tuning were nice enough to allow us to utilize there dyno here at Miller Motorsports to make a few pulls to see if any changes were nessessary due to the elevation change.

    We only made 3 pulls, each pull slightly adding boost to reach our target boost, and adjusting AFR's as needed.

    Car made 528whp 501tq running a 26psi peak falling to 23psi at redline. (mostly due to elevation)

    Here are some pictures of the dyno session, video to come soon.

    Hitting Full Boost On The Dyno Pull #3 (Last Pull!)


    Pull #1 22psi


    Dyno Graph FTW


    Look At The Power Curve MONEY!

  30. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    that looks like a pretty fun torque curve

    what RPMs are you running up to...only 7200?
  31. WJM

    WJM Banned

    thats freaking sweet.
  32. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Dude gotta LOVE that flat shelf.

    1) Stomp the throttle
    2) WHAM boooooosssssst!!!!!
    3) Torrrrqqquuuueeee!!!!!!
    4) Approaching redline and thinking *jeez this thing is still pulling HARD*
    5) Fight the G's and shift and repeat

  33. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    ^^^ That is the same thing I was thanking. :bowdown:
  34. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    Yeah at 2400lbs the car is insane to drive! Lets remember guys..thats on a mustang dyno at 4300ft elevation! Christain swore it would never break 500 or he would be amazed :)
  35. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    If it was a drag car we would definately run it to 8500ish, but its not, there is no real need to run any higher than 7500 for us.

    Thanks for the comments keep them comming!
  36. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    So I take it he was more than
  37. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    that car is sooo badass!
  38. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    you guys are awesome! nice work! have fun and be safe
  39. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Nice good luck guys, I assume luke is driving.

  40. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Yeah Luke is driving.
  41. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    Ok guys, one day of racing down!! This has been a crazy crazy day. When I got out of the motor home this morning it was mass craziness. People and cars everywhere!

    Last night and this morning Cobb set up there booth and brought all of there new stuff down to the track. I have some pictures I will show you guys!

    I have to say that i'm sorry I forgot my fire wire cord to transfer video's so I can't post any of them tell I get home :(

    The racing started this morning pretty early. We were having problems trying to get the car to turn in, it was pushing a little, so the first session was pretty much dedicated to doing that.

    Second session came around and the car was working better we got one lap in (a 1.37.7 I think) and at the end of the second session we lost a brake caliper! Not good! NO brakes coming into the last corner. So we limped her back to the garage and found brake fluid dripping out of the inside of the caliper.

    We quickly took to taking them off while Doug when to try to find new brakes. Nick from Rally Sport Direct came to the rescue with a nice pair of 6 piston Stop-Tech!

    Unfortunately he just didn't have time to go to the shop, pick them up, and get them back before the last session! So we were out for the day. GST took the AWD Unlimited class with a 1-37.4

    We have tomorrow left and plan on going out guns blazing!!! We have fresh brakes and have dialed the car in considerably since the first session. We are confident that we can be competitive tomorrow and hopefully lay down some fast times!

    So our brakes screwed us over today, but tomorrow its on!

    I just want to say thanks to Nick and the guys from because they were very helpful and have been willing to lend any type of hand we need! STAND UP GUYS!!

    Also Cobb Tuning, any tools or extra hands we need they have been there for us! Also an A+ bunch of guys! THANKS, we are away from home out here, but we feel like we are welcome with open arms!

    Here are a few pictures from the day...little surprise that I have for you guys is that Cobb is running there RIGHT HAND DRIVE 2009 Skyline GTR here this weekend. So I got some pictures on and off track. Let me just tell you guys...that thing is BAD!!!

    Here are some pictures from the day for you guys.

    Here is Cobb's GTR





    Changing the DUMB brakes



    Here is a small look around the paddock and some racing




  42. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Very nice tell Luke I said good job saving the car, that could have been ugly with the brakes. A lot of people seem to be having problems with the racing brake setups.

    Put that puppy on kill

  43. WJM

    WJM Banned

    ROFLz @ Racing Brake. Nothing but trouble when you really need them the most it seems.
  44. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    KILL map FTMFW!!!!!
  45. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    The KILL map was loaded this evening!
  46. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    if you dont mind me asking, where did crawford end up?

    do you know what time they ran?
  47. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    Now we'll show'em what's up! ;)
  48. CicioSTi

    CicioSTi New Member

    JUST RAN A 1.37 FLAT!!! .7 Seconds faster than GST!

    Puts us in FIRST for the AWD class and second overall!

    TopSpeed laying it down!

    I can't remember because they were so far behind! :)

    I kid, like a 1.39.8 almost 3 seconds slower than us!

    Dyno comp is like in the 1.38's someplace!
  49. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Thats what I wanted to hear;)

    Congrats guys, sounds like youre kicking some ass!
  50. JDM-STI

    JDM-STI Member

    1.37 FLAT...I thought Lucy was fast. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Sub 1.37 FTW to give them something to remember.:naughty:

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