I'll be swapping a motor, tranny and full interior today and could use a hand or two. I will be back at it this Saturday (7/12) if anyone is interested. 4238 Loch Highland Pkwy Roswell Ga 30075
dang that sounds like fun. I love doing stuff like that. Sorry I'm not near by. good luck with the whole dealio.
Sorry Mike, Lex took the day off with her friends so I'm watching the baby. Give us more heads up next time bro!
Will give you a call when we get done at deb's dad's place, if you still are working we can stop by on the way back.
Hay Mike I'm sorry today is not a good short notice day otherwise I would love to lend a novice hand! GodSpeed! Did you invest in outdoor lighting yet :rofl:
Done for the day. oneiguy and yungdz made it out and helped get a lot done. The engine and 5mt are out and the 6mt is in. The carpet and seats are swapped out and the STi steering column and wheel are in. The big things left are the rear diff and to put the motor back in. Hopefully I'll have this car finished by next weekend and can retire from working on cars for a long time.
Wow, we'll have to have one of these get-togethers to put the wrx interior and motor into my RST Siegel
I am going to be back at it this weekend if anyone wants to come by and help or just hang out. I am going to start working around 9ish and drinking around noonish.
Need any help tonight? I will actually be up at Andretti's till about 7 then have no family or plans afterwards. PM or call me if you do.
^^ What are you looking for Trey? I've got my hands busy here at my house, otherwise I'd come down and help you Mike.
About to head that way. Hoping you will still be working I'll bring some beer for everyone of legal age.
If you do this Scott and if you will provide me a place to crash I'll make the trip down to help you do your car!