Freaking out!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by SonicBoom, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Ok, I'll try to give the short version of this story.. Don't know if you guys saw on the news about the guy(ex-lawyer) in Alpharetta that got busted for breaking into multiple cars.. and the cops found like 20 laptops, ipods, id's etc. when they raided his house. Well... thats my girlfriends ex-boyfriend from about 4 years ago. So, they had a bad breakup and it turns out this guy is crazy. Right after they broke up she caught him in the act of messing up her car, and then had sugar poured in her tank another time close to that. She got a restraining order against him and all that.. and things calmed down for a while. Then over the last 3 years since I've been dating her, on seperate occasions, Her tires have been slashed, one of her rear taillight assemblys was ripped out/broken, her back window has been smashed, and her tag sticker has been stolen about 4 times... All of which happened in about 6 month increments.. the tag stickers being the most recent about 4 months ago..

    Fast forward to last night, her tire got flattened at her work(wild wings cafe). She got someone to put the spare on for her and came home at around 1:30am. Between then and when I left for work at 8am, another tire had been flattened, her tag sticker is gone(again), some strange liquid is all over her pass. seat and her perfume bottle was smashed outside the door...

    Now, we don't have any proof that its him, other than the fact that she's caught him doing it before, and now he got busted majorly for car break-ins.. He's obviously crazy and a POS, but he is smart.. I mean he passed the bar and was a lawyer for a little bit.. He's also tech savvy from what she tells me, which is prolly how he found out where she lives/works... We've called the cops 2 times, and they never do anything about it. She's calling again now, with a cop that is friends with her Wild Wings manager, so hopefully they'll do something. I'm just really concerned for her safety now, last night was bad... getting her car at her work, then at the house in the same few hours.. For all we now he couldv'e been waiting in the parking lot when she got home...

    Anyways... just had to vent.. and if anyone has advice, I'm all ears.. especially bluelinescooby if he's around...
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    damn dude...that sucks!

    sounds like it's time to move or something....change her name somehow?

    if not, we'll go have a chat with him. ;)
  3. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    get someone to watch the car or set up a video camera and record on it... catch him or whoever it is and have the evidence to put him away...
  4. yardhippie

    yardhippie Member

    two words:
    Survelance cameras.

    They're cheap and it's proof.
    = legal and jail time for him.

    Good luck.
  5. If he is crazy, then it would be better to be judged by 12 then carried out by 6.

    For him:


    for her:


  6. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Don't you still have the AR?

    Loan it to me and I'll get him taken care of....
  7. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    now why end his misery when better to catch him in the act and make him suffer in jail for a while... seems like death is the easy way out, could just shoot him in the leg though!lol
  8. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Lol.. the AR is sold, but I still have a 12 gauge with a pistol grip and callapsable stock that'll do the trick.. As far as surveilance camera's, I don't see how thats possible in an apartment setting.. pretty sure the neighbors/complex wouldn't take kindly to me hookin shit up on the building.. I'd LOVE to go see him myself, but don't want to risk going to jail myself.. This issue will solve itself when he goes to jail for his multiple felonies last month.. I'm just worried about safety until then, and changing her damn tires and getting her tag sticker all the time... I'm so pissed right now! To top it off, we're both going out of town for the weekend and our cars are staying here. Dana, I might come park by you for the weekend if you don't mind.. I'll feel better if someone can keep an eye on her...
  9. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

  10. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    Linksys wireless or similiar camera might work. If you don't live on the side of the building where your cars are parked maybe you an talk a neighbor on that side to put it in a window for you.
  11. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^hmm... problem is he does this shit randomly... It could be tonight he hits again.. or 6 months from now... A camera seems like a real long shot...
  12. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    i read the story, looks like he would be a serious flight risk... did they even give him bail?
  13. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    That would probably be a good idea. My side of the hood is gated and I'm usually home. Just let me know when.
  14. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    If you file a police report after an incident they will assign a detective to you. I had a similar situation with a neighbor recently who vandalized my porch. Even though there were no witnesses and a minimal amount of property damage if I was going to file a case and press charges if there was an arrest they would have assigned it a case number and a detective would have contacted me. I have not gone down this road yet, since it was an isolated incident but I may have to. If you go this route, if there is another incident report it and request a detective be assigned to the case. Once he learns of the history your girlfriend had with this individual and the ensuing harassment he may be very interested in her story and network with the detective who is handling the dozens of other felonies. Either that or find out the detective in charge of the current investigation and call him. I am sure they’re trying to compile as much evidence and witnesses as possible.

    Other than that if you and your GF are very close I would suggest she move in with you or another family member for a while unless her lease is ending soon. This guy is definitely pathological. If he is looking at hard time and his time on the outside is diminishing he might bump it up. He obviously holds some serious resentment and feels allot of power and control when he lashes out at your GF. That is the only reason he is still active with this after so many years.

    Best of luck to you guys!
  15. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    He posted bail immediately.. it was in one of the articles I read...

    Dana, I am seriously considering parking both my car and my girls POS by you if I can get one of the flat tires to take air.... pm me ur # and I'll let you know tonight..
  16. Whoa now, I wasn't suggesting that someone take care of him (knowwhatImeanvern?). :D

    I was just suggesting carrying a firearm in case he does step it up and things turn violent.

    Think about what he might do if you or your GF happen to catch him in the act when he does something else to the car. Would he flee or fight at this point? If he flees from you or her, then thats good. If he fights, then that is when you'll be wanting to protect yourselves.

    I'm sure someone on here that you know personally and trust would sell you a handgun for $1 until this is over, then you can sell it back. personal sales require no background checks, and then they wouldn't be liable for any accidents like they would if they loaned it to you.
  17. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    My gf is calling the police from her work shortly and I told her everything you guys said.. I had allready suggested finding the prosecuter for his case and telling our story, and maybe even sending them out to try to lift his fingerprints off of her car.. they have to be all over the door and inside... It just sucks cuz its all circumstantial.. we don't have proof of anything, but we're a 100% its him... Yeah, him taking it further is def. on my mind.. She allready lives with me, so I can protect her for now.. but I'm going to nights in 3 weeks and won't be able to do anything...
  18. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    If I catch him in the act, he's getting beaten... unless he's a runner and gets away.. If he steps it up and comes in my house, he gets the 12 gauge.. Both situations seem unlikely going by his past actions.. He just does stuff to her car, then stays quiet for a while.. But you guys are right, him facing serious jail time could make him do more.
  19. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    This guy is probably smart enough not to fight since he would have already appraoched you if he was going to fight. If anything he would probably try to coerce you into a fight so he could press charges. This guy knows the law that why he is still
    walking the streets.

    If the situation escalates the cops should assign you servelliance. If you live in North Atlanta maybe the board here could get some people together to do drive by's or something. I would be willing to do it if I'm in your hood. I friggin' hate peple like this. I have had to put up with individuals like this more than once. They are always the biggest, most insecure, candy ass cowards. They always get what they deserve but it takes a toll on the victims until they get caught.

    You are doing the right thing working with the cops(detectives) this may put him away quicker where he belongs. Then he can let the inmates to fight over him.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  20. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    There are several uber cheap options for video taping now a days. Ditto for a car alarm, which would at least let you know someone was touching the vehicle....
  21. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    lol... a car alarm would be worth more than the car (95' Ford aspire)... And as far as me shooting him, that would only be in the break in/he's armed scenario.. I'm not sure what the law states regarding beating someone who is damaging your car, but I'm willing to roll the dice. I'd bet money he doesn't have the balls to confront her or me.. In actuallity, I'm not sure if he even knows about me at all.. and I think if he did and wanted some trouble that way, he would have done it by now... Like I said with the video taping, its not really feasable with my location and again he's so random, that'd be some serious luck to actually get him on tape.. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this cop takes her seriously and gets his prosecuter involved etc...
  22. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    If you know of any cheap video taping devices I would actually be very interested. Have any links? I have a situation I am dealing with too although I won't thread jack. Let's put it this way I had to swap cars with my father so my wrx won't get vandalized. It sucks!
  23. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ Don't worry about the threadjack... all interesting stuff and it keeps the thread alive.... Might be a crappy way to think, 2nd to her safety, I'm worried he's gonna start messing with my STI, making me want to park elsewhere... My only hope is that he doesn't know who I am, let alone what I drive.
  24. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    I know the Linksys camera was about $80 and was triggered by motion. It will send a pic to an email address and you can login in remotely. I think the video is stored on a local computer.
  25. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    My neighbor is a disgusting pig. Not a bad guy but he should be living in the projects. He is also a drunk and a pot head. Still no judgement from me, live your life I live mine justkeep yours away from mine,simple! He has two dogs. Apparently walking them accross the street or 100 yards away is an unmanageable task. He lets them crap everywhere, sidewalk, front yard, right by his door and mine. So after a month of this and dealing with intense stench of poop frying in 100 degree heat I ask him politely to please clean up after his dog, told him as a neighbor I wanted to come to him first instead of management because I don't like to rat people out like that. I even offerred to help him clean it up if that would motivate him. His answer was two days later letting his dog to crap on my sidewalk by my front door. I call managment over the next week they say they are going to do something yadayada they are full of crap as well (pun intended). So last Friday my B-day I take the day off getting up early to work out and find yet another pile of crap. So I call Roswell code enforcement and I'll be damned if they did not send someone right out. They slapped a big ass violation warning on his door and then warned management. Suddenly maintenance arrives armed with pooper scoopers. I was like, that's more like it. I left to go work out and when I got home my porch was vandalized. Here is the deal this fool actually got up on my proch railing to remove one of my bamboo blinds. He has no sense and basically is so pathological he cannot equate that his behavior has led up to the situation even after I tried everything and more within reason to try to work with him. Bad news is he obviously has no respect for my boundaries i.e. my property. Even worse he's a mechanic. Since that day although no more has come of it although management was going to make him comply and register his dogs, I have feared for my car. It is the logical next target for retaliation. I have swapped out my car with my fathers and no longer park by my apartment. I also have brass knuckles that I carry and am good enough with my hands, but this guy is an Afgan war vet. He didn't see combat since he was a mechanic and spent most his time smoking opium per him, but he is a young guy, pretty stout and I am sure he is also heavily armed. God knows how he got an honorable discharge. Even though the thought of attempting to beat his ass to death makes me salivate I do not want to go to jail. So that is my dilemna. To make a long story long I know how you feel about somebody fking with your car. It sucks to have to live looking over your shoulder. I did that for most of my life in Chicago and thought I could get away from it here. Luckily I can park infront of my place and a camera would be very doable. So I am going to give that a try.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  26. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    with most DVR software that comes with network cameras you can pick out "event zones" that if any motion is detected you can start recording/email photos etc. That way you can run the thing 24/7
  27. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Friggin' awesome I am all over that! I will be costing out some systems tonight.
  28. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    I glanced at the 2nd article and he looks FOOKING CRAZY!
  29. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Right? This is just really grinding my gears.. He's a frickin froot-loop.. Its been 3 years, let it go! Your allready going to jail FOREVER.. why make it worse? Probably cuz there's only a slim chance we could actually pin something on him. And if I know the justice system like I think I do, his trial wont be for a very long time.. In the meanwhile, we just get terrorized by this douchebag.

    UPDATE: My girl talked to an Alpharetta policemen that frequents her work for about 45 minutes. He suggested filing a police report with the Sandy Springs police(which she is doing now) and filing a TPO report against him. I still don't see how this helps, since he's such a sneaky bastard we'll probably never SEE him do anything. The copper told him that if we file a TPO and do see him doing anything that we could get him locked up immediately.. even in an our word vs. his situation. Which she says she would just go ahead and lie and say she saw him, just to mess him up(which is stupid and I won't let her do)... So, basically, nothing has been accomplished so far. And the last few times Sandy Springs finest came out for prior occurences for the same thing/same douchbag, they didn't even get out of there car to look at the damage.. and basically shrugged their shoulders saying there's nothing they can do... grrrr............ someone link the Family Guy grinding my gears thing for me...
  30. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    and basically shrugged their shoulders saying there's nothing they can do... grrrr............

    Ironically they would be all over you for doing five over the speed limit or not comming ot a complete stop at a stop sign :mad:.
  31. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ True story...

    JEFFSTI Member

    THAT SUCKS BIG TIME! hope everything works out
  33. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Appreciate it man... I hope so to....

    UPDATE No. 2: She just got done filing a report with the SS police... they gave there same lackluster shoulder shrug saying "Didn't see him, can't do nothin"... Oh well, didn't expect much... just gotta keep our fingers crossed nothing else happens...
  34. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    or tag light...
  35. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Oh that's lame!
  36. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^ or 2am firecrackers... guilty... but thats another story...
  37. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    Dude, to hell with this crazy guy.

    RamblinWRXs solution seems good, albeit probably a bit complicated for joe shmoes like some of us.
  38. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    That sucks man but by filing all that paperwork if something was to happen like say he got wounded or otherwise near the house or work it's already documented. also there is a video set up my brother has thats reasonably priced that only works on motion.
  39. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    UPDATE: We filed a TPO(temporary protective order) on Thursday at the courthouse in Atlanta. Which, basically is going to leed nowhere. The judge basically told us that because we have no proof, we basically have nothing. He granted the temporary one, and the Psycho will get served... but we have a court date in 2 weeks where he will have a chance to tell his side, and we will tell ours... Which I could only assume will go down like this... US: "He did this, this and this...." HIM: "No I didn't..." JUDGE: "dismissed"... I really hope this doesn't make things worse.. Now he'll see this as an attack on him, not to mention he'll get to see who I am, opening me up for attacks on my car/person... and unless we win the lotto and actually see him do something, we're gonna have to just live in fear and deal with whatever destruction he chooses to dispense.... Again, any and all ideas are greatly appreciated!
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2008
  40. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    i really don't know what to tell you except best of luck...i hope it doesn't worsen the situation. keep us updated and be safe...good luck..
  41. When you are in court right after the trial is concluded, loudly ask the judge or the court clerk "where do we apply for a concealed weapons permit? I would like to carry my .40 with me at all times."

    Hopefully he will hear this...
  42. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    ^^^ LOL... good idea... :)

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