Alright lets try this again. This time we will actually sit down and have a bite to eat. I was thinking B-dubs and so is my buddy Jesse the one from the last meet with his 05 OBP LGT. I was thinking about 5pm this time since that's a normal dinner time even though no one is normal. I'm hoping we can get twice as many subies out this time around. I've been talking with some other subie owners that weren't at the last one. :sx: hope this one turns out better. (I believe College Football started so maybe buffalo wild wings maybe a little crowded for that day, if so we may want to choose another location to eat and chill)
yea thats what i was thinking but i'd have to come back for class i think but i'll look and see because it sounds fun.
We are thinking of coming up for the mountain run. At least my buddy in his 05 LGT and my 99 RS might come up. Since the 09 FXT isn't quite as nimble yet. Needs a suspension boost like lower springs thinking of SPT ones and sway bars. Then it needs more power which the AP isn't out yet, and a turbo back exhaust. I have to find out if I can make it then my buddy needs new tyres bad before he can make it. Still trying to get the Columbus people out of their hiding places though and hopefully if more people go to the mountain run we can have a small convoy out there.
Ok I have made to plans to come visit my family in C-town. I am coming in town on the 19th and staying until the 21st. I would like to meet some of the Columbus crew. Are you guys still gonna meet up Sat. or what?
yes we are meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings Saturday at 5pm. Already plan on being there my buddy in his LGT should be there and my RS and wife's 09 FXT will be there. I've been spreading the word so there may be around 10 or more people at this meet which I'm hoping for more. We had only 6 at our last meet and we should double the number from our first meet this time.
Sweet good to see you still around Tom. I hope you sell the STi man. Pot of bad luck with the insurance an RSTi would suit you perfectly though.
Rican you coming out to this meet as well? If you want to go up for the mountain run as well My buddy in his OBP LGT is going and we're going to meet up and drive up together. I believe I will make the mountain run.
im not sure yet because we might be going to the braves game and staying in atl for the weekend. my friend from ga southern is coming up too. either way i'll try and see if i can make the meet and mt run.
Well I hope this turn out is better than last meet. I think we won't be hitting that double mark of last meet though but we should have at least 8-10 subies and that's good company.
Well tomorrow is the meet I hope for a good turn out between 8-10 subies this time last time was only 6 total.
And we had a no show meet. there was only as couple people there and they aren't even on the forums. 1 guy who said he would be there from the forums showed everyone else said fuck that shit.