Next Auto-X 10/11 @ Turner

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by 07Ltd#767, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Sign up, Ladies and Gentlemen, linkie is HERE :ddirty::ddirty:

    Even though this is only my second driving event (4th overall event), I think I'm going to bypass the Novice program and run STU.

    All you regulars better show up, and I hope we're not all in STU (b/c I want to bum some free rides from some of you :naughty:)

    w00t w00t, my day just got 100x better, even though I can't breath (damn you germinating flowers) and need to get some much needed sleep.
  2. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I signed up, and signed my Father in Law up as well. First Autocross in the new Miata!


    What's Auto-X, sounds interesting?
  4. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Haha, it's that thing I'm going to kick your butt in this weekend :sx:
  5. jeb

    jeb Member

    I'll be there, hopefully running the new car


    Haha, you did pretty well last time, my times weren't great because of emotional issues, but after a lot of self medication I am better and ready to end the season well. Maybe I will pull out the V710s for the last race of the season?
  7. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Feel free to come out to the COC on sunday as well... it's a fun end of the year event where we put everyone in two different classes (COC - Champion of Champions and BOR - Best of the Rest). We three runs on a morning course and three runs on a afternoon course.
  8. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    This is still the event schedule posted on Is check in still 7:30, only for everyone now as there is no afternoon session?

    Event Schedule

    7:30 Check in and Tech Open

    8:00 Course open for Walking

    8:30 Check in and Tech Close

    8:45 Course Closed for Walking

    9:00 First Car off

    10:30 Novice Orientation Meeting

    11:00 Afternoon Check in and Tech Open

    Approx. 12:00 Conclusion of Morning Session

    Course open for afternoon walks

    Afternoon Check In and Tech Close

    12:45 Course closed for walking

    1:00 Pro and Jr Karts 2:30

    DDP/ TnT/ TO/ Novice Session begins

    Approx- 5:30 Beer

    STI LOVER Member

    Hey is it open to the public to just come out and watch?


    For sure, you can even ride with people, come on out look for the subies, the guy in the limited is an asshole, but everyone else is cool.

    STI LOVER Member

    :rofl: that's cool. some of the DSM guys I roll with want to go as well. Any type of car goes out there?
  12. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk


    Robert, I hope you're working the course when I'm up, then cones won't be the only thing in danger :fawk:

    I can see it now, every time I hit the slalom Robert will be hiding behind the light post...thinking he's safe... :eek:hnoes::eek:hnoes:

    Yeah, man, all cars are welcome, I love the El Caminos and the always famous Dodge Intrepid that shows up :bowdown:

    Here's a good Sticky that breaks down the classes, or you can just sign up for novice and not worry about it
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  13. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Scott please use the schedule posted on DLB

    7:30 Check in and Tech Open
    8:00 Course open for Walking
    8:30 Check in and Tech Close
    8:45 Course Closed for Walking
    9:00 First Car off
    3:00 Tenative Test and Tune runs (details to follow)
    5:00 Beer
  14. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    This is going to be a fun weekend! Two days of racing at a much closer venue.
  15. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    if my wheels come in and i can get my tires mounted I'll be there! First time!
  16. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    I'd like to go this weekend but don't know what class to run in.

    My sti is completely stock -

    except for GT35R, FMIC, cobb catback, Cobb protune, AVCR.

    Wheels and suspension are stock - except 32mm FSB
  17. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    SM - Street mod.... I'd suggest running novice for your first few events. There is no need to class your car if you run novice.
  18. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    Any advantage running novice over running in a class?
    I've done enough autox and track events to know what I'm doing. I know my
    car isn't setup for autox, I just want to have some fun. :D
  19. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Are there any more this season? I'd love to get one in before it ends, but will be out of town for this one :(
  20. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Novice is just for people that are new, if you are not then feel free to run class.

    This is the last event of the year :(
  21. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    I only do it for fun...and to beat Jeb :fawk:

    Novice gets you two additional runs, and you get to have an instructor ride shotgun to help point some stuff out to you.
  22. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Instructors are always available our events, we just provide them for novices so they will have a more enjoyable time and not get lost on course. For people trying to get better and who are not novices anymore we have a Driver Developement Program (it's on a bit of hiatus right now) but the whole point is to get more experienced drivers riding along with people who want the next level of instruction.
  23. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Let me know if you need a co-driver
  24. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    see you guys there! i'm going to try not to get pounded by the hondas in STS so bad this time :coolugh:

    definitely looking forward to only having to drive 15 minutes to get there...
  25. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    Yeah man definitely. I was thinking about calling you, but I'm rolling on Matt's stock 2.5 wheels and the tires aren't exactly autocross friendly. My wheels won't be here til next week, so unless i can find some to borrow....don't think I'm gonna make it :unamused:
  26. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    come on bro, this the last event of the year and for several months. It's not like you were goign to get first place anyway (no offense) just come out and have some damn fun in a sick car that I poured countless hours over to make handle the cones!!!
  27. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    oh its not that i think i will win. I know that i will not. But these tires are bald, i mean the car just slides :naughty: and i dont wanna pop a tire and not have anything to ride on. Not sure they would let me ride on them at the autox. I want to go.
  28. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    are the cords showing? No? Then good, I'll see you on Saturday morning!
  29. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    dont tempt him to kill my already dead tires!!
  30. jeb

    jeb Member

    Signed up, I sold my old car last night so I have the $$$ in the bank to buy a new tranny if I blow up the stock 5mt on the new car this weekend. I think I'll be fine though
  31. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Well I'm registered for saturday. Whats the deal with this "Note that it is assumed that a NOVICE can run only ONCE per day, in the afternoon. Novices will run during the THIRD run group unless otherwise notified." I registered in novice class but I could care less about winning anything, so if I can switch to SM and get more runs in I'll gladly do that.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  32. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    No it means you can't run in novice AND SM in the same day
  33. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Can I switch on the registration site? I dont intend on running in both classes, I just want to get the most runs in that I can. If its $40 for one run then I'll cancel and spend the money elsewhere.
  34. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    no, novice gets six runs, all other classes only get four.

    So, you do get more runs w/ novice, but you have an instructor riding with you. The instructors are awesome and give you quite a few tips (I even let my instructor drive my car to show me some tricks).

    I did STU this time, tho, because I have friends coming and I'd rather have fun and have them ride with me. I did novice my first time out, so I think experience is going to be the only thing that improves me now.

    btw - prepare to be humbled...
  35. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Oh I'm sure. My only autox experience was last fall at the suby challenge and I got owned by my friend Clayton with a power-wise stock 02 wrx but with all the right suspension mods (D-spec struts, prodrive springs, camber plates, F/R sway bars).

    I'm looking forward to saturday since I'm afraid to push my tailhappy wagon on the street and am much more comfortable with the car since the last autox when I was still getting used to the new motor.
  36. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Autox is 80% driver... tires do help though :). If you are running hoosiers on your car that actually does actually cost $40 per run (or atleast it did on my s2000). If you run novice you will get 6 runs, so it's a good value. If time allows we will do TNT runs at the end of the event, most likely for $2 a run or something like that.

    Bobby if I'm not too tied up with the event I'll try to hop in as your instructor.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  37. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Any clue when the run groups are? Can you sign up for Time Only? I'm looking into registering right now, but I'd only be able to do it if I was in one of the morning groups.

    I'd actually even be interested in running novice just because I never have (only autocrossed maybe 4 times all of which very spaced out).

    Edit: Nevermind I see that novice is in the afternoon. If I'm not novice which ST class would I run (if TO isn't a morning option)? AP, 17x8 wheels with 225s. Haha I'm jonesin' for some Saturday morning parking lot romping all of a sudden. I don't really care about being competitive.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  38. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    We no longer have TO, run groups won't be done until tonight. Keep in mind if you run the morning you still have to work. Also keep in mind with our new format we start around 9am and finish anywhere between 2:30 and 4:30. If we finish early we will do an afternoon TNT.

    I believe you would be in STX, however your AP cannot alter the stock boost tables.
  39. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Oh, is the new format in such a matter that you have to stick around all day. I seem to remember that there were 4 run groups and you either drove and worked 1/2 or 3/4 so you only had to be there half of the day (it's been awhile mind you).

    And oh yeah, I remember now that I flashed back to stock for the suby challenge so I'd be STX.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  40. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    We start earlier and do work change on the fly it's a shorter day that way. Running an event as two halfs of day was not easy on team solo and made the day VERY long. If there are no hold ups in the event we can realistically finish around 2ish verus 5 or 6ish for a two session format.
  41. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Completely understandable. Unfortunately this means I will definitely be unable to attend :(
  42. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    wow that was alot of fun! it was great to meet some new faces there and see some old ones again. i thought the event was run very well and the course was a challenge but very fun. now i have to wait until spring to get out there again :wtc:

    i will say that i STILL made the mistake of not getting enough sleep as well as taking enough fluid to keep me hydrated. i felt like crap after the adrenaline of my running my heat wore off. so, sorry to anyone if i seemed antisocial.

    some pictures here...Matt your wagon was a hit! seemed like a crowd favorite! pts 10/

    i'll have my own pictures up later.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  43. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    I'm glad you had a good time, there are still a few events for the year if you are willing to travel. There is the Florida Subaru Challenge in gainesville in a few weekends, it's about a four and half drive down i-75. I'd be there if I didn't have to go to my brother's wedding that weekend. Also there is a B'ham event November 5th, it's about 1.5 hours away plus the time changes so you can leave just one hour early. The first weekend of december there is Axis versus Allies event in Adel GA at the South Georgia Motorsports Park (great lot, they hold a national tour there in march usually). That is about three hours away from Atlanta.

    Hopefully Atlanta Region will be back autoxing sometime in Feb or March next year.

    Until then you can alway enjoy watching Jay drift my 328i....
  44. jeb

    jeb Member

    I had a great time getting the new car out for the first time and my tranny made it, but more importantly I beat Drew(07ltd767) :) It was pretty funny when one of the guys in the pit asked why my car sounded like it was laughing at him, I guess my wastegate is silly loud though


    I didn't see you or drew out there, did you guys go on Sunday or something?
  46. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    yeah...i got confused and I'm an idiot. We both thought the points event was Sunday, not Saturday. We ran with the 'Best of the Rest' group on Sunday. Still a great time, though, and still a ton of Subies to see.

    Saturday's are reserved for bourbon and college football, thought Auto-x is a close second.
  47. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    did a little better this time, and the course was FAST and lots of sweepers. since the corners were often steady-state and not point-n-squirt i found that my main battle is still lack of front grip.

    got a ride in a '96 Hennessey Venom 600 on r-comps, a C5 Z06 on penskes and r-comps, and a bone-stock '07 350z track. the viper was exactly like has been described in the past...huge in every way and not sophisticated at all. the guy driving was very green and drove it with his left hand holding onto the quarter window pane and his right on the top of the wheel :lol: he was cool though. sounded incredible and the acceleration was ferocious. back end was twitchy as hell.

    the Z06 was breathtaking. i've never ever felt g-forces like that before. acceleration literally gave me the sensation of going over a hill on a roller coaster where your guts move upwards in your ribcage and you get that nauseous feeling. cornering might as well have been limitless. Paul (i think that was his name) was driving a perfect line and ended up with a top 5 RAW not far off the run we went on. super nice guy as well.

    the Z was surprisingly slow (well i did just ride in a Z06, haha) but the cornering felt really tied down for a car with that power. really seemed to like being pitched in under really heavy braking. nice car, i can see why they are popular.

    pics here:

    sorry i didn't really get any subarus since i was either working or unable to take shots. i'd be happy to provide full resolution to anyone who wants them even though they aren't DSLR quality or anything.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2008
  48. penelope

    penelope Member

    You got my friend Carrie driving my car.
    I was driving the silver RX8 on Saturday, and I drove my WRX on Sunday. :)
  49. penelope

    penelope Member

    There is also a Charlotte Subaru Challenge at Carowinds in Charlotte, NC, which may be closer -- 3.5 hours? -- up I-85. That's on 11/15. The registration link is .
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2008
  50. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Wow, that was a fun weekend!

    I finally got oversteer and my first spinout, what a thrill!

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