Obama won...

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Deke, Nov 10, 2008.

  1. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    If anything, bitch about a democratic congress passing legislation rather than the executive branch who has nothing to do with it, except rubber stamping it when it comes across his desk.

    last I checked, the president doesn't make laws you paranoid retards. bitching months before a new administration comes into office is silly, and honestly they have much bigger shit to worry about. but if you can see the future, please tell me tomorrow's lottery numbers kthx
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  2. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    So I can't have an opinion but you can? Earlier in the thread someone posted that they needed an assault weapon to defend themselves. As you rightly pointed out, that's not a really good use for the weapon. I pointed out that shotguns, which are not usually targeted in gun control measures, are better for home defense, if that's your stated belief in owning a gun. I asked a simple question about WHY you need to OWN an AR15 or anything in its category. If you can't keep who said what, when, in the thread straight, its gonna be kind of hard to debate with you....
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  3. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    You can have whatever opinion you want.. Never said you didn't have the right to an opinion.. I guess I just took offense to your "punk ass" comment as kind of ignorant. I'll have to go back and read who talked about actually needing an AR (as I guess I have an issue memorizing who said what/when :squint:), I was answering to that issue stating that that is a small number of AR owners(end of days/apocalypse is coming retards).. not the norm. And again, who's to say what we actually NEED??? Did I need an AR? No, but it was fun as hell to shoot.. I'm sorry if thats not a good enough reason for you..
  4. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Then I said....

    I do think theres's quite a bit of difference between a 400hp car, big screen, whatever, vs. an assault rifle. Since you served, you understand what the automatic weapon was designed for. It wasn't target shooting. As for the who is to say what we need argument, thats a slippery slope. I think its pretty safe to say there are plenty of things we need, that are easily agreed upon, its only when we get a segment of the population that wants things that have an impact on others who don't want those things that we get into a debate. I am one person, I wouldn't presume to decide for you or anyone else, what is needed. We live in a democracy. But, at least in this thread, SOME of the gun owners seem to think that their view is the only view. If the popular opinion and vote is not one you share, then what?
  5. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Well put... I am aware of the diff. between an AR and a big screen tv, just threw them out as an example of the NEED discusion. Now, allthough the AR was not built for target practice, I still say its damn fun! As far as your stance saying that me having an AR has an impact on others, and how thats the diff... Agree to disagree I guess. I don't see how me having an AR, that sits in my closet unloaded for 99% of its life, has an impact on anyone. I'm still standing on my opinion that a majority of AR owners are upstanding citizens, using the AR for recreation, and again, not impacting anyone. I can't speak for the small amount of people who have bad intentions and will use the weapons for wrongdoing, only to go back to if a bad guy wants a gun, AR or not, he'll get it! As far as people being stubborn, and thinking their view is the only one, I guess thats the chance we take talking about sensitive issues like gun control, politics, religion etc... I find it humorous that some people get sand in their vagina's over someone else's "opinion".. I personally have better things to worry about than what someone else thinks. One last thing, no legally purchased AR's are "automatic" anymore, they are "semi-auto". Yes, you can rig one with aftermarket parts, but its VERY illegal and is a pretty serious felony resulting in "pound me in the ass prison". I licence can be attained if someone is that serious about it, but I would think you'd have a hard time justifying that... also, the military doesn't use full auto either, they switched to 3 round bursts a while ago..
  6. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    I don't think anyone got "sand in their vagina" on here, though the "go somewhere else" comments seem to get close. I think its stupid to argue on the internet, but having a debate/discussion is kind of what these forums are all about right? As for the guns, again, I don't know that we are even agreeing to disagree, as I don't necessarily have a hard and fast opinion one way or the other on the issue. I don't know enough about what was supposedly proposed that is making everyone freak out, to say I do or don't support it. So we might actually be in total agreement....
  7. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    I like cheese dip with my nachos.......
  8. jeb

    jeb Member

    Mike Huckabee: Barack Obama, My President

    I think Huckabee speaks best on this subject:
  9. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    The whole sand in the vajay jay comment wasn't directed towards you at all, I was speaking more in general. And I def. agree, argueing(spell?) over the internet is a waste of time, I was just commenting on the fact that most debates on sensitive subjects get nasty when theres no need. As far as what Obama is proposing(or has in the past) is A) a completed ban on all assault rifles B) taking away the right of concealed carry C) putting most gun laws at the states discretion. I'm cliff noting this, just going about what I saw on the news this am. I do have an opinion on all this, but it doesn't affect me enough to get all up in arms about it. I think most of the people that are upset are under the impression that Obama is immediately gonna somehow get rid of the 2nd ammendment. As Nicad said in his own smack you in the face way, this is not going to happen.. so this is all for not. So... I agree, you and I should get together and go bowling :)

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