Soon to be a proud and happy owner here.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by §treet_§peed, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    hi guys. how ya doin? i will soon be a proud and happy owner of my first Subbie. I am getting a 05 in about 2 months or so. i have to get my license back first lol. i am trying to read up on sti info right now all i can so i can go about things the correct way when i do get my new car lol. but anyways i am on and as well same user name. hit me up!
  2. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

  3. N2BNLOW

    N2BNLOW Member

    Welcome home
  4. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Good to hear it. Welcome to the light side.
  5. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Good luck with the search. What is making you key in on the 05, if you don't mind me asking? The 06's came with a 2.5 instead of a 2.0 and some other performance "upgrades". Other who are more knowledgeable about the differences, year to year, will chime in, I am sure.
  6. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    If you are just getting your license back I can gaurantee you that the insurance on an STi for you will match if not exceed the car payments. I would try to find an 06 Wrx instead.
  7. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    ^^^What he said, lol!
  8. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    actually the insurance thing will not be that big of a deal. i am 21 about to be 22. i have no points on my license, go figure right lol. plus my mom is 51 and never had ticket...= win lol
  9. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

  10. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    welcome aboard...keep it safe
  11. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    thanks for the welcome guys!
  12. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Welcome you found the right sight. Where are you getting your Sti from?
  13. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    Welcome, good luck with the purchase.

    Just are getting your licence back with no points, what happened?

    Are you going to be covered under your mom's insurance?
  14. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Ah...I didn't catch the STi bit in my first reading, ignore the 2.0 vs. 2.5 comment....
  15. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    welcome. keep us informed of your mod decisions, we can point you in the right direction.
  16. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    thank you. well i dunno but everything dropped off because of the three years time span... what happened was last year on my way to work at about 6:30 a.m. and i went thru a yellow light, yes it was yellow i will say this til i die. anyways i went thru it not speeding as the speedlimit was 45 and i was going around 40mph, anyways i get pulled over because at the time i was driving a primered slightly modded civic, no rice ;), but anyways the cop gets all pissy because he searched my car for over an hour and didn't find sqaut cept for cd's, closthes, trash lol and some hand tools. well he asked me what i was doing in a cut off t-shirt and shorts, i told him i worked in a warehouse and my boss said we could wear what was comfortable within reason. he didn't believe me he swore i was on dope. i only drink, used to smoke pot when i was 14-15 but haven't since then. anyways he books me for running a red light and wreckless driving. i lost my job, the money i had saved up went to bail and bills since i didn't have a job. couldn't afford a lawyer so i got a court appointed lawyer and he managed to get a nolo plea, but because i was under 21 a 4 point offense automatically causes a suspension. whethere or not you get the points lol. o well i guess, but anyways other than that i haven't had any speeding tickets since i was 18.even then i only had 3 from the time i was 16 lol. but as far as my moms insurance we called and they said everything should be fine but to wait until i got my license back.

    thank you. i know this site will help because i could prolly get help form locals with tasks im not to sure of myself with lol. not sure at the moment, as i said i am going to be getting one very soon. i am looking at 4 right now 2 from private sellers and 2 from dealerships. only time will tell.

    lol not a problem man
  17. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    and you have ever been to hall county then you know what i mean. Your young, you drive an import instead of a beat-nick car, you get looked at constantly by the law lol
  18. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    sorry for the long post
  19. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    thanks will do. my first mods should be within the first week. they will be HKS Carbon-Ti 72mm pipping 120mm tip, Invidia DWG DP, HKS up pipe with EGT plug hole, and i am debating on getting a new header or not. O yeah Cobb Portacesses with custom tune settings by BG...
  20. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    o and a CAI with a possible BOV not sure if i should get Greddy Type-s or HKS SSQV.. hell not even sure if i should get one at all right now lol
  21. undrgrndrdr15

    undrgrndrdr15 Active Member

    just mod your stock recirc valve...
  22. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

  23. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    ^ no need already read about it on another forum lol
  24. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    never mind i thought it was about the BOV being bad unless you have a hi hp application lol. like i said in the beginning these are my first mods, next i will more than likely be suspension. i try to stick more to digs and rolls than the mountains right now.
  25. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    anyways i have decided to go with a HKS carbon-Ti exhaust, Invidia DP, megan header and up pipe, CAI, Cobb Acessport V2 with a custom tune from BG. this is to start with. next i believe i will lower it and throw some new wheels on it. then maybe a gt30r and other mods i dunno yet. o yeah and when i do suspension i will also be upgrading the brakes not sure yet as i am still looking into what i want but i will get there in due time. like i said the mods i chose to do first are just starting off and when i do the suspension i am going to do it right. correct coilover kit and bushings, control arms, and everything else including re-alignment to make sure i get the best out of it.
  26. cleanmachine

    cleanmachine Member

    Your right about the cop situation. I've come to the conclusion that cops don't like Hondas. I've been pulled over twice, in the past month, while cruising in the da bodied gsr for no reason or b/c my license plate light is out. I wasn't hasseled either time but they def profiled me for one reason or another.????

    Welcome to the forum and Wrx world where cops harrass you less.???
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2008
  27. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Welcome, sounds like ya on the right track.
  28. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    thanks for the welcome guys. i mean when i was younger i used to be ricerish lol but over the years i have matured. the only times which are very few that i want to goof off, i will find a empty parking lot way off the road and goof off a lil, i used to "drift" in my old civic when it was wet lols.
  29. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Sounds like a fun car! I sometimes wish I had spent the extra on a Sti. But my bugeye has been fun. The difference between stock and Stage 2 is pretty noticeable. I am pretty close to you also, so if you ever need a hand, let me know. Just 15 minutes S of gainesville.
  30. §treet_§peed

    §treet_§peed New Member

    cool man thank you i appreciate it. it should be fun when all of this comes together.. we shall see in the next couple of months. then after i do this i am gonna re-do the suspension completely the correct way and get some new wheels lol then brakes haha

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